This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I think most of the dogfights were with A-4 skyhawks.

One of the most notable dogfights involving the Sea Harrier took place on June 8, 1982. A pair of RAF Sea Harriers, lead by RAF Flight Lt. David Morgan, engaged four A-4 Skyhawks following up on an attack that had inflicted severe damage on the landing ships HMS Sir Galahad and HMS Sir Tristan.
The exocets were fired by the Entendards since the Skyhawks couldn't carry that load. There are videos on those engagements also.

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I have the same question I asked over a year ago and several times since then: Why are there still sanction targets that haven't been sanctioned?

Were the folks we are sanctioning now all good guys until just recently? Seems unlikely. And if not, why weren't they already under sanction?
Probably costs someone besides the target money too.
It does help explain why the unwashed Russian masses haven't rebelled against this war...which has been predicted repeatedly.
Meh. Peasant revolts take awhile to build up, and, it helps that Putin is expending so many resources to keep them compliant for now.
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US-Ukraine 10 Year Mutual Aid Deal just announced. No US troops, but a 10 year commitment to provide materiel, intelligence, training....


1. Since it isn't a ratified treaty, Trump could cancel it. Will he?

2. Does this mean we think the war might still be going on in 10 years?
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US and Ukraine to sign 10-year security agreement at G7 summit

Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskiy will sign a 10-year bilateral security agreement at the G7 summit in Italy, as arguments continued on the sidelines about how the west can provide a Donald Trump-proof $50bn loan to Ukraine.

Kyiv has signed 15 bilateral security agreements with other countries since the full-scale Russian invasion began in 2022, including with the UK, France, Germany and Italy. The US-Ukraine agreement does not require the authorisation of Congress and could be undone by a future Trump administration. Biden has said previously that guarantees for Ukraine would be equivalent to those to Israel, covering financial and military assistance as well as the possibility of the joint weapons production.

The two leaders will hold a press conference later on Thursday, where differences over a timetable for Ukraine’s bid to join Nato and the introduction of foreign military trainers inside Ukraine are likely to be on view. The bilateral agreements have been seen in Ukraine as a stopgap on the road to joining Nato.

Ukraine will also sign a bilateral deal with Japan on Thursday.

US-Ukraine 10 Year Mutual Aid Deal just announced. No US troops, but a 10 year commitment to provide materiel, intelligence, training....


1. Since it isn't a ratified treaty, Trump could cancel it. Will he?

2. Does this mean we think the war might still be going on in 10 years?
I think it's more a message aimed at Vlad that military support will continue.

Makes it even more likely Putin will do EVERYTHING in his power to assist Trump.
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US-Ukraine 10 Year Mutual Aid Deal just announced. No US troops, but a 10 year commitment to provide materiel, intelligence, training....


1. Since it isn't a ratified treaty, Trump could cancel it. Will he?

2. Does this mean we think the war might still be going on in 10 years?
It sends a message to Russia: You're in Deep Doo-Doo for the next decade, Ivan.
US and Ukraine to sign 10-year security agreement at G7 summit

Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskiy will sign a 10-year bilateral security agreement at the G7 summit in Italy, as arguments continued on the sidelines about how the west can provide a Donald Trump-proof $50bn loan to Ukraine.

Kyiv has signed 15 bilateral security agreements with other countries since the full-scale Russian invasion began in 2022, including with the UK, France, Germany and Italy. The US-Ukraine agreement does not require the authorisation of Congress and could be undone by a future Trump administration. Biden has said previously that guarantees for Ukraine would be equivalent to those to Israel, covering financial and military assistance as well as the possibility of the joint weapons production.

The two leaders will hold a press conference later on Thursday, where differences over a timetable for Ukraine’s bid to join Nato and the introduction of foreign military trainers inside Ukraine are likely to be on view. The bilateral agreements have been seen in Ukraine as a stopgap on the road to joining Nato.

Ukraine will also sign a bilateral deal with Japan on Thursday.

If our security guarantees meant anything, Russia would have never invaded in the first place. In 2014 or 2022.
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Still love all the posts you guys put on here.

I was behind on them....but I started to think what would be happening right now in the United States if we lost over half a million troops for a stalemate. Shit wouldn't fly here
Are you looking at it from Russia's point of view or Ukraine's?

We haven't been in Ukraine's position for a couple of centuries, I think (War of 1812), but we have been in Russia's position a few times in my lifetime. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind.
Is it my imagination, or is hardly anyone in America or Europe worried about escalation?

I found it remarkable there was little media interest in this episode:

May 16, 2024

According to a since-removed notice filed with the Federal Aviation Administration, Russia is conducting "rocket firings" off the coast of San Diego.

Several Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) have been issued for the coast of southern California and flights between North America and Hawaii, alerting pilots of Russian Federation rocket launches beginning on Thursday, May 16 and continuing through Sunday, May 26. The impact area is set to occur less than 300 nautical miles from shore in international waters off the coast of Southern California and Northern Baja California, Mexico.

There was a thread on it here, and I even looked up the NOTAM, it was posted, but not much in the press.
If you search for: russia missile california notam
what do you get?
I see nothing from CNN, etc.
Germany's defense minister is finalizing plans to increase the size of their military and entice more young people into enlisting.
Notwithstanding the use of gentle words like "willingness" and "invite" this sounds very much like a draft. Because at the end, the government will "choose" the people they want to serve.

Boris Pistorius said the proposed bill would allow the government to send letters to all young men who turn 18 — about 400,000 every year — asking about their willingness and ability to serve in the military.​
Under the law, those who receive the letter would have to fill out the questions. The army would then invite those interested in serving for a medical checkup and choose the most qualified to serve in the military for a period of 6-23 months.​
Interesting, too that Germany only seems to be targeting men, and is starting with age 18. Meanwhile, afaik, Ukraine starts its draft at age 25.

If I were an 18-year-old German I might be a bit pissed that the Ukraine war is getting me drafted while those my age in Ukraine can party.
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Esculate smesculate. Russia can't even properly supply their own troops. Russia vs. the West???? That is like putting a gerbil in a small cage of wolves.
The Baltics aren't willing to test this. Romania won't bet Moldova on this, either.