This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Furthermore, it doesn't even apply to the Mexico situation. You are - once again - comparing apples to hammers.
“They'll only implement sanctions on a country if the Security Council imposes them...and the country they would sanction has unilateral veto power in that council.”

Seems like this guy realized it applies to the Mexico situation. Argue with him.
Very low actually. Only 16. All since the early 90s. I would assume lots of abstentions. They haven’t been the target of many UNSC resolutions.
China is terrible to its own citizens if they attempt to dissent. However when it currently comes to the rest of the world, they view power in a much different way than Russia does. Russia is still in the old mindset that power has to do with how much land you hold. China has realized that there's far more power in economic control; and so aside from some moves over sometimes fictionalized islands to expand their control of the seas around them, they don't seem to have much interest in military conquest of their neighbors. Their plans work far better when the world is stable and they're able to continue to control trade. So I think we are enemies economically, and China isn't above using cyber attacks when necessary to maintain the economic growth they've had. But I just don't see China really wanting to get involved in a war. They don't seem to have that same type of boastful, might makes right nonsense that Russia is stuck within.

In essence, they're a 21st century enemy while Russia is still stuck in the 20's/30's mindset of power via terror.
“They'll only implement sanctions on a country if the Security Council imposes them...and the country they would sanction has unilateral veto power in that council.”

Seems like this guy realized it applies to the Mexico situation. Argue with him. just have to do it, don't you? Mexico talked about imposing sanctions on a specific country knowing full well that SPECIFIC country sits on the Security Council and has veto power over any sanctions imposed on it. Mexico might as well have said, "We'll impose sanctions on Russia as long as Russia agrees to them". That you think that equates to a Security Council member vetoing sanctions on a non-member state is - as usual - laughable.

And again - I'm done discussing THIS "what aboutism" with you. Next?
Anyone more in the know than me....where does Putin bunker out at if he uses tactictal nukes? I assume under the Kremlin, but I'm sure they have other places similar to NORAD and a mountain in Colorado.