This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I question anyone who volunteers to fight in a war for another country. I'd guess that he misses the adrenalin boost he gets in these environments. That kind enhanced state is addictive and makes one feel alive. especially in comparison to the mundane everyday lives so many of us have.
22 years ago my buddies and I were walking into a house party in Lincoln, each of us carrying a case of beer (I used to be cool), despite the fact that we were all 18. We were totally oblivious to the cop car parked down the street with its lights off, until it hit its lights.

I asked the officer who was writing me my ticket why he was a cop. He said he missed the rush he got as a marine serving in the first Gulf War, that being a cop was the only thing that came close to it. I don’t think this is rare.
UKR forces continuing the fighting around occupied Trostianets in Sumy oblast.

They destroyed two 2S19 and captured one, also one BMP-2 and two trucks destroyed





Scrap metal business in Ukraine is gonna be a bonanza in another 6-12 months...
Why do you make such silly statements?

Nothing I said in that post is disputable. Both Boris and Cheeto and the orbit around them are flush with Russian cash. KGB defectors note that Orange has been a Soviet/Russian asset since 1987. He has laundered Russian money for over a decade since banks refused to lend him money. Trump Tower in NYC is packed with Russians. There are three separate Trump condos in Sunny Isles, FL aka Little Russia USA. Like the second greatest stock trader of all time, Nancy Pelosi, said to Cheeto "with you all roads lead to Putin." If you have an open mind, look it up.

I'll let Jonathan Pie explain Boris Johnson and Londongrad

Nothing I said in that post is disputable. Both Boris and Cheeto and the orbit around them are flush with Russian cash. KGB defectors note that Orange has been a Soviet/Russian asset since 1987. He has laundered Russian money for over a decade since banks refused to lend him money. Trump Tower in NYC is packed with Russians. There are three separate Trump condos in Sunny Isles, FL aka Little Russia USA. Like the second greatest stock trader of all time, Nancy Pelosi, said to Cheeto "with you all roads lead to Putin." If you have an open mind, look it up.

I'll let Jonathan Pie explain Boris Johnson and Londongrad

Okay, but besides all of THAT, why are you being silly? 😉
I think Biden has done a great job to date, but he really screwed up here. Macron is right. Judging by the scrambling and backtracking everyone in his administration knows it too.

These guys make the point I was making in the other thread, much better than I did:

However, some foreign policy experts say Biden's comments could escalate tensions and make a diplomatic end to Russia's invasion of Ukraine even more complicated to reach.

Richard Haass, a veteran diplomat and president of the Council on Foreign Relations, told the Post that Biden's remarks don't achieve the priorities of "ending the war on terms Ukraine can accept, and discouraging any escalation by Putin."

"It discourages Putin from any compromise essentially — if you've got everything to lose, it frees him up. Why should he show any restraint?" Haass added. "And it confirms his worst fears, which is that this is what the United States seeks his ouster and systemic change."

Haass told Politico that while the White House immediately walked back those comments, the fact that Biden's comments were off the cuff "could be read as Biden's genuine belief as opposed to his scripted words."

Michael O'Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told the Post the remarks make him concerned that top officials in Biden's administration may not be thinking about ways to end the war.

"If they were, Biden's head wouldn't be in a place where he's saying, 'Putin must go.' The only way to get to war termination is to negotiate with this guy," O'Hanlon said.
Looks more directed than artillery doesn't it.
UKR has laser guided 152mm, but I have to think clipping the turret with that would destroy the tank with size round.
US has laser guided mortars. Maybe we’re providing those too and it just hasn’t been mentioned?
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The vast majority of wars end without the complete defeat of one side. Settlements tend to be worked out between existing parties.

Macron is being realistic.

Some people seem hellbent on seeing this get worse.

Once again: You cannot negotiate with someone who says "what's mine is mine and what is yours is negotiable".

That's exactly where we are right now.
The vast majority of wars end without the complete defeat of one side. Settlements tend to be worked out between existing parties.

Macron is being realistic.

Some people seem hellbent on seeing this get worse.
Not really, I consider it as more people being hellbent on exploiting Putin’s colossal **** up and resulting exposure of how weak Russia is both militarily and economically and have him removed from power, especially since he has threatened the entire world with the possibility of a nuclear holocaust. Can the world afford to have Russia continue down this path and remain this unhinged forever? If the consequence is merely going home and licking wounds and rebuilding their pathetic army over next 10 years, we have ****ed up badly.
Not really, I consider it as more people being hellbent on exploiting Putin’s colossal **** up and resulting exposure of how weak Russia is both militarily and economically and have him removed from power, especially since he has threatened the entire world with the possibility of a nuclear holocaust. Can the world afford to have Russia continue down this path and remain this unhinged forever? If the consequence is merely going home and licking wounds and rebuilding their pathetic army over next 10 years, we have ****ed up badly.
It's been stated above in a tweet: the world needs to de-Putinize

As well as every other autocracy bribing Western politicians needs to be openly disclosed.
If Congress had more rigid financial disclosure laws, this would not be a problem. Citizens United only exacerbated it.
Jeffrey Edmonds, former director for Russia on the National Security Council and now a senior analyst at the CNA think tank in Washington, said Ukrainian forces appear to be targeting “anyone with gray hair standing near a bunch of antennas,” a signal they may be senior officers.

The vast majority of wars end without the complete defeat of one side. Settlements tend to be worked out between existing parties.

Macron is being realistic.

Some people seem hellbent on seeing this get worse.
If the back channels are saying “just let Russia keep what territory they’re controlling now and they’ll leave” I’m with that American General in the Battle of the Bulge who was asked to surrender - his reply was “nuts”.
Pooty will be delighted with such incrementalism. 💩🖕
Nothing I said in that post is disputable. Both Boris and Cheeto and the orbit around them are flush with Russian cash. KGB defectors note that Orange has been a Soviet/Russian asset since 1987. He has laundered Russian money for over a decade since banks refused to lend him money. Trump Tower in NYC is packed with Russians. There are three separate Trump condos in Sunny Isles, FL aka Little Russia USA. Like the second greatest stock trader of all time, Nancy Pelosi, said to Cheeto "with you all roads lead to Putin." If you have an open mind, look it up.

I'll let Jonathan Pie explain Boris Johnson and Londongrad

Newsflash...if you’re accused strongly of doing something by radical actors on one side it’s often to deflect the spotlight on the fact they themselves are doing the same or worse.
Stop being naive.

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