This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

This is not apocalyptic movie, this is Rubizhne city

Any treaty with Putin would be foolish.

While I don't disagree, no one will win here. Doesn't Ukraine have to decide how much is enough, which may mean a treaty?

I can't see Russia ever being held to "make it right" for Ukraine. No matter how this ends, Ukraine will lose more than they already have. I guess the question is, how much more can Russia be forced to lose?

Which goes back to Putin, how does the rest of the world lean in behind the scenes support Ukraine enough to have Putin removed through some means. And at what cost to Ukraine? Has that really become the goal for some or all, use Ukraine as the tool to oust Putin?
Sort of OT, but here's a fairly recent look at the United States' protocol to engage in a nuclear war. I think the fear of Putin being able to use nuclear weapons might be a bit overblown. Even Russians have procedures.

Putin and Cheeto pal, the Prime Minister of Hungary. This is a NATO & EU country

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