This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I think he has more time than Zelensky.
We’ll see.
Those dying are coming from the same class that supports Putin the most. Poor and rural is his base. When those kids are dying in bunches, or coming back all burned up and missing a leg, and they can’t find decent food to eat, it gets harder to keep them compliant.
Interesting comments on Lib TV earlier today about this supposed wave of up to 40,000 mercenaries and foreign fighters coming in.
1. Seems to be PR, and the actual number is much lower.
2. These guys are not likely to take rubles. Russia’s cash reserves are suspect.
3. This isn’t a religious war, so most of these guys are ex soldiers who want to live, not go meet Allah. These guys don’t really want to fight a hardened, well equipped, motivated opponent. They prefer roughing up civilians.
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F off. You know why I don't travel overseas? BC I'm former military, and I know that I could be held as a spy "hostage". Sometime in the next few years, I plan on going to Norway,
I wouldn’t worry too much about it as long as you travel to friendly nations. I went to Korea with someone who was a covert intelligence officer and they didn’t care. He actually moved to Korea after law school.

I wouldn’t visit any countries you spied on. For him it was China.
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Interesting comments on Lib TV earlier today about this supposed wave of up to 40,000 mercenaries and foreign fighters coming in.
1. Seems to be PR, and the actual number is much lower.
2. These guys are not likely to take rubles. Russia’s cash reserves are suspect.
3. This isn’t a religious war, so most of these guys are ex soldiers who want to live, not go meet Allah. These guys don’t really want to fight a hardened, well equipped, motivated opponent. They prefer roughing up civilians.
The mercenary thing is dumb because clearing and shelling large areas without logistics or air support isn’t a magic talent of mercenaries. This is a failed design.
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I wouldn’t worry too much about it as long as you travel to friendly nations. I went to Korea with someone who was a covert intelligence officer and they didn’t care. He actually moved to Korea after law school.

I wouldn’t visit any countries you spied on. For him it was China.

I literally have multiple hacking from Russia since my stance on going to Ukraine on here. That is why I double down online security.
I literally have multiple hacking from Russia since my stance on going to Ukraine on here. That is why I double down online security.
I live in a military town, have had family in the military (Including my Father) and I've never once heard of any of them being concerned about travelling the world because they used to be in the military. I mean sure, they probably should stay away from Afghanistan or North Korea, and lately Russia... But so should any normal American.
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This is in Virginia, but coincidentally on the way home today I saw an AH-1Z Viper, with weapon pods, flying south as I was driving north on capital circle. He was under 1000’. But I’m not sure where he would have been coming from around here.
Testing from Eglin is first guess, but I don’t know if any are based in Jax.
TLH isn’t busy, so it’ll get used for touch and go practice, but I really have no idea what he was doing around here.
Jax NAS has been busy with the 757 heavies flying in and out on a stepped up basis since the invasion. Also stepped up the P3’s. Last weekend we had our Navy jet jockeys zipping around.
Eglin is our USAF guys.
Florida is one giant military base.
Jax NAS has been busy with the 757 heavies flying in and out on a stepped up basis since the invasion. Also stepped up the P3’s. Last weekend we had our Navy jet jockeys zipping around.
Eglin is our USAF guys.
Florida is one giant military base.

I was driving home from NC the week of the invasion and saw many military planes headed south along I-95.
I saw this and wanted to kind of compare, so read through this thread, then come back.

Ok, so, when dealing with KIA/WIA. I mentioned before I was an FCS 1SG (Forward Support Company First Sergeant) and a GSB SPONCO (Support Ops NCO, E8 working for the SPO, a Major).

So how we would do this. First with wounded. A combat unit, Armor, Infantry, Cav, doesn't have organic medical other than medics and Combat Lifesavers. The medics can perform basic treatment, the CLS can perform lifesaving emergency stuff (life apply a tourniquet or dressing, stop the bleeding). We have a few levels above that.

First, depending on the structure, an FSC with have a small med section. Then we have Charlie Med (C Company in a BSB is always Med Company, B is always Field Maintenance), which is an organic medical company (think Battalion Aid in MASH).

Part of my job as SPO was to plan for medical contingencies. Basically, if you have an Infantry BN in reserve, they won't need the same level/amount of treatment as one that will see heavy combat, so you plan for that. Between allotting the number of 68W (the medics) to positioning of C Med on the battlefield, it all needs planned, checked, verifies and rehearsed. If it's not, people die needlessly.

So, when people die (apply this to equipment that is damaged/destroyed, same principles), you have to recover the bodies. A BSB will have a Mortuary Affairs section that's in charge of recovery teams. Those are the dude that recover the remains on the battlefield. And yes, we recover everyone if at all possible, or as much of them as possible (bombs, IEDs, mortars, arty, tanks, etc can do a number on a human body, imagine a raccoon 3 days after being hit by a car).

Again, the capabilities for MA MUST be planned for. Estimates of casualties, how much ice is needed (for the bodies, good reason for this) the trans needed, body bags, how many on the recovery teams, etc, location of the recovery teams and the collection point (where the remains are brought to) are all planned, checked, Yada Yada.

So,, the Russians did none of that, at all. No med support, no plans for it, no MA, no collection points, nothing. Why? Because the Russian military and national leadership doesn't care. The troops are Cannon fodder.

<When I was in 2/11 CAV in Bad Kissingen, we would joke about being Cannon fodder and a speed bump for the Soviets. But we knew, our support wouldn't just leave us if they could get us, it was just the black humor of knowing what we would face if they came across the border> <looking back, maybe we overestimated...>

<Oh, and everything above, other than the 2/11 stuff, was the abbreviated version of the short story. The short story is about 4 more paragraphs>

Holy acronyms. I generally agree with your posts but can you assume I and others don’t know your obscure acronyms. Many of us weren’t in the military. It makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to communicate.
Holy acronyms. I generally agree with your posts but can you assume I and others don’t know your obscure acronyms. Many of us weren’t in the military. It makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to communicate.

Sorry, most of these I had mentioned in an earlier post, so I was just trying to shorten as much as possible. Will try to include explanations, since yeah, the acronyms are hard.
Sorry, most of these I had mentioned in an earlier post, so I was just trying to shorten as much as possible. Will try to include explanations, since yeah, the acronyms are hard.
I get it. It your field. I see it with a lot of military or ex military tweets. I just don’t understand it but I’m also acronym adverse.
I wonder about those attacks. Has Ukraine claimed responsibility? Azov gone wild? Or could it be a false flag?

I don’t think it is in Ukraine’s strategic interest to bring the fight into Russian territory. At some point they could lose moral authority on the world stage (say for instance a civilian gets killed) and that may complicate a path to peace and the unified outrage the world has at Russia.

It IS in Russia’s interest to give China and India a plausible reason to provide economic and military support. Showing this as a war on both territories could do just that.
Nah. Russia attacked Ukraine. That gives Ukraine a lot of leeway in regard to the PR of the war internationally.
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Did Putin really ever intend to take Kyiv or was it to show force and occupy another part of the country while the primary targets of eastern Ukraine were taken?

It seems like that is going to be the real battle and as much as I want Ukraine to win I’m just not sure

He sent riot police with parade uniforms for their swift victory celebration in downtown Kiev. He expected no resistance. He was wrong.
When I served the Military ID was our passport so when shipped outside the US we did not need a passport, but you better have your ID on you.
Same…depends if the country has a SOFA I believe….didn’t need one for Korea or Germany. Only needed one once for a deployment or TDY.