This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Russia is cutting its own petrochemical throat with the gas threats. There's no going back to normal after this. Europe will not be buying from Russia again, and Russia doesn't have the capabilities and technology to ship its resources elsewhere.
It’s gonna take a couple years….

Germany already plans on building a couple LNG facilities but that stuff doesn’t materialize overnight.
Why can't (bad attorney's) like finer things and travel?
I fancy myself a good attorney. I like travel. I also find that I like travel within our great country a little more than my healthy number of travel experiences outside it. Except western Canada, which rocks
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I live in a military town, have had family in the military (Including my Father) and I've never once heard of any of them being concerned about travelling the world because they used to be in the military. I mean sure, they probably should stay away from Afghanistan or North Korea, and lately Russia... But so should any normal American.

My memory may be faulty, but I believe I signed a 99 year travel ban when I received my security clearance. No idea of the countries involved but the then Soviet Union was One.
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Paywall. Copy and paste the good parts?
Wouldn't make much sense without the graphics, it's one of those bits of online content where different photos/graphics and captions come into focus as you scroll. might work? I had a free article for it. Paste the direct article link here:

The UN is showing us what they are really bad at right now. Maybe they can be useful in putting Ukraine back together when the war is over.
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The UN is showing us what they are really bad at right now.
What they are bad at is apparently …

This story about Russian dead literally piling up has a note about how one pro Putin Russian news outlet stated this week that 9861 Russian soldiers were KIA. Then the story was taken down. Then they said they’d been hacked, but refused any comment or proof. Even that number was probably a little low, and it’s certainly over 10,000 by now. That is stunning for a month’s worth of combat.
Lots of stuff in the article about how the Russians are just leaving there dead behind. That has to be demoralizing for troops, and it will leave a lot of families angry due to a lack of answers.
Stopping wars, yes. They can marshal humanitarian efforts pretty well. They can provide food and medical care. They are good at technical help. They are good at providing funds.
Anyone can hand out cash. Their stated mission is:
  • Maintain international peace and security;
  • Develop friendly relations among nations;
  • Achieve international cooperation in solving international problems; and
  • Be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
The UN needs a complete overhaul starting with the security council (and no I am not one of those isolationists - we need an international body, just with more spine and less bureaucracy)
The UN is showing us what they are really bad at right now. Maybe they can be useful in putting Ukraine back together when the war is over.
UN is excellent at humanitarian missions…

Pretty much useless at preventing things that create the need for war related humanitarian missions though. The makeup of the security council is a big hurdle…

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