This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Last I heard none of the Russian Generals were taking calls from the US. Apparently in the past they have communicated back and forth on anything that could be misconstrued as a threat. With that communication not happening I think the US erred on the side of caution.
I don’t think it has anything to do with a potential threat of nuclear war.
Seems Orban's party won 53% of the vote, but 65% - a supermajority - of the seats in parliament due to him having gerrymandered their voting maps. So yeah, a Wisconsin-style dictatorship.
So not a Putin style dictatorship😎.
Link that he cheated please. Of course you have no link or proof. I see you decided not to get involved with why trump threatened a lawsuit to those who might reveal his grades. You are a hypocrite emeritus.
Dude - watch these two videos. It’s a time commitment of ten minutes, but you’ll thank me. Unfortunately, I think Putin is more like Castro than Khrushchev, which is scary.

I watched both, found them interesting. I may have misunderstood the role he said Khrushchev played in WW2, but I think he was down playing it. NK was in charge of carrying out Stalin’s orders in Stalingrad. Seems like he could be very cold and ruthless if he needed to.

I’m not sure Putin is more like either one of them. It seems to me that Castro and NK were motivated by communism and having power. Putin is a power person, but he is also motivated by money. I guess I really don’t know how to read the guy.
Not necessary. I’d start with providing UKR forces with MiGs, tanks and anti-ship missiles.

Once that begins turning the tide, I’d favor an Eastern-European only “peacekeeping force” to go in to help rebuild Ukraine and provide support to finish clearing the country of Russians. Likely a force of Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians and the Baltic countries - armed to the teeth with the best NATO equipment.

Enough to rid Ukraine of Russians but not give Russia any conceivable claim of “existential threat.”
Really like the idea of anti ship missiles.
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Look, nobody is saying we go balls deep and invade Russia. But, we have truly reached a point where we can’t let this mad man commit heinous acts and destabilize the world without at least stepping up and making it now impossible for him to take the 80 percent of Ukraine. **** that. And **** him. Time to fill with tanks and no fly zone over west Ukraine. The mother ****er has 10 percent of the 1600 active nukes he thinks he has actually working, further reduced by missile defense and misfires. If he uses them, he always was going to use them. The entire world can’t watch monster commit war crimes under stupid threats.
A former prisoner who was at one time the richest man in Russia explains that Putin only respects force. Weakness that typifies the usual western responses to his acts of aggression and war only enable him.

And it’s time to stop cowering. Again, if Putin is going to escalate to nukes, he’s going to do it regardless. But he’s not. Time to shore west Ukraine and resupply and they will not be able to get his victory by May. The war crimes have change things
Because the future corporate lawyers in the State Dept and other US agencies are as petrified as some on here.
When the US backed the coup in Ukraine in 2014, do you think those same US agencies and the State Dept behind it foresaw that Putin would react by escalating and seizing Crimea and moving his military into Ukraine to counterattack the Ukrainian military and throw an umbrella over his proxy separatists?
Because I think they miscalculated. I don’t think they’re so clever they goaded Putin into actively moving against Ukraine.
I think he miscalculated his own power and the response to it in this new phase of the war in Ukraine.
I don’t get how some people are so indifferent to the potential (and promised) costs associated with escalating this war.
When the US backed the coup in Ukraine in 2014, do you think those same US agencies and the State Dept behind it foresaw that Putin would react by escalating and seizing Crimea and moving his military into Ukraine to counterattack the Ukrainian military and throw an umbrella over his proxy separatists?
Because I think they miscalculated. I don’t think they’re so clever they goaded Putin into actively moving against Ukraine.
I think he miscalculated his own power and the response to it in this new phase of the war in Ukraine.
I don’t get how some people are so indifferent to the potential (and promised) costs associated with escalating this war.

I get it; we are to blame. We didn't start this war but it is our fault. How dare we even consider standing up to this mass murderer. History has clearly shown us that appeasement is the best course when dealing with Russia and madmen like Putin.
When the US backed the coup in Ukraine in 2014, do you think those same US agencies and the State Dept behind it foresaw that Putin would react by escalating and seizing Crimea and moving his military into Ukraine to counterattack the Ukrainian military and throw an umbrella over his proxy separatists?
Because I think they miscalculated. I don’t think they’re so clever they goaded Putin into actively moving against Ukraine.
I think he miscalculated his own power and the response to it in this new phase of the war in Ukraine.
I don’t get how some people are so indifferent to the potential (and promised) costs associated with escalating this war.
Natty light! We were getting worried about you.
He wasn’t asked about the 300 bodies in that clip

How could he have been? He cut off any discussion about the most important issue currently facing us so by bringing up a manufactured right wing grievance. I bet he watches the polling every day for the green light to openly support Putin. Him and likely every other elected republican.
A former prisoner who was at one time the richest man in Russia explains that Putin only respects force. Weakness that typifies the usual western responses to his acts of aggression and war only enable him.

At the end of this video, he makes clear that if Putin achieves some level of victory in Ukraine, that attacks on the Baltic NATO states would be next. Putin isn't going to be stopped until we stop him. He also said that Putin, in his mind, is already at war with the US and NATO and has been for several years. We aren't going to be able to appease our way out of this or otherwise wish this problem away.
They clearly took the time to investigate the claims.
“Antonov claims that Ukrainian forces launched artillery fire on Bucha following the withdrawal of Russian forces”

Those must be some truly smart bombs … considering the people died handcuffed with bullets to the head.