This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I’m down with that. I thought you were advocating for us to get directly involved.
Not necessary. I’d start with providing UKR forces with MiGs, tanks and anti-ship missiles.

Once that begins turning the tide, I’d favor an Eastern-European only “peacekeeping force” to go in to help rebuild Ukraine and provide support to finish clearing the country of Russians. Likely a force of Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians and the Baltic countries - armed to the teeth with the best NATO equipment.

Enough to rid Ukraine of Russians but not give Russia any conceivable claim of “existential threat.”
People in Russia think they’re liberating Ukraine from Nazis right now.

You think it might be possible they might be getting additional shit info, like, “St Petersburg just got blown to hell, fire comrade!”???

Whoever said we would first strike St Petersburg was trolling you. We aren't going to do that.
Tens of millions should be slaughtered in a gradual genocide and imprisonment of Eastern Europe just so you can feel safe in Iowa. If you are so worried, go to Ace Hardware, buy a shovel and dig a bunker in your backyard.
Good lord…exaggerate much?

So now taking the Nuclear threat seriously is interpreted as being cool with “10’s of millions of people being slaughtered”?

Why don’t we stick with the reality of the current situation.
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Whoever said we would first strike St Petersburg was trolling you. We aren't going to do that.
No shit? That’s what you got from that?

More like, evil dictator and evil dictator henchmen decide to launch and get the lower ranking guys who are currently fed so much bullshit in isolated launch facilities or subs that they’re under attack and to launch.

No idea how you got the idea that I was discussing an actual first strike. Weird.
Not necessary. I’d start with providing UKR forces with MiGs, tanks and anti-ship missiles.

Once that begins turning the tide, I’d favor an Eastern-European only “peacekeeping force” to go in to help rebuild Ukraine and provide support to finish clearing the country of Russians. Likely a force of Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians and the Baltic countries - armed to the teeth with the best NATO equipment.

Enough to rid Ukraine of Russians but not give Russia any conceivable claim of “existential threat.”
I’d be down with most of that…

Maybe form a new “Warsaw pact” but aimed this time at reigning in the Russians. Now THAT would piss Putin off.
Trad is working on a Sunday

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No shit? That’s what you got from that?

More like, evil dictator and evil dictator henchmen decide to launch and get the lower ranking guys who are currently fed so much bullshit in isolated launch facilities or subs that they’re under attack and to launch.

No idea how you got the idea that I was discussing an actual first strike. Weird.

I try not to pay too much attention to your fear porn/fantasies. A quick skim of your posts is about all you get.
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I think your hypothetical for #2 is questionable.

Nobody answered me last time, how many people are involved in the launch protocol and who selects them?

Also, who in Russia decides what an existential threat is?

I don’t think we’re “letting him do it” he’s obviously paying a price.

I’m in favor of giving Ukraine pretty much everything they want weapons wise. Just not in favor of NATO/US getting into a shooting war with the Russians.

In case you haven't read through all 450 pages these 3 know everything and nobody else should dare have an opinion. Just want everyone to know these guys cannot be challenged.
I try not to pay too much attention to your fear porn/fantasies. A quick skim of your posts is about all you get.
Good, do me a favor and stop responding to them. Better yet, show how big and tough you are and get over to Ukraine to fight the evil instead of being a pussy like me.

Have to get your passport in order, that seems to be a huge hiccup for the guys on HROT. Shit, we’d have close to a full Company by now if that wasn’t so difficult.
Good, do me a favor and stop responding to them. Better yet, show how big and tough you are and get over to Ukraine to fight the evil instead of being a pussy like me.

Have to get your passport in order, that seems to be a huge hiccup for the guys on HROT. Shit, we’d have close to a full Company by now if that wasn’t so difficult.

Very original. You should move to Hollywood and write movie scripts. With your imagination, you would make millions. It would be HUGE. Believe me!
Very original. You should move to Hollywood and write movie scripts. With your imagination, you would make millions. It would be HUGE. Believe me!
More of a documentary.

“They Day They Put the Keyboards Down - How a group of HROT posters changed the course of the War in Ukraine because their pussy government didn’t want to”

Big hit with Keyboard Special Ops everywhere.
We hit 10 times the number of targets that Russia hit (which happens to be their known nuclear launch sites).
I know your favorite president didn’t know what the nuclear triad is, but do you?

It’s nukes launched from the land - either from stationary positions or mobile launching platforms, the sea from nuclear subs, or from the air (like we did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki). You’re saying we’ll know where those nuclear subs, airplanes carrying nukes, and mobile launch platforms are? Our intelligence has proven to not be that up to snuff on Russia of late, considering we were shocked that its army didn’t take Ukraine in a few days. It stands to reason that Russia’s got nukes we don’t know about.
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I know your favorite president didn’t know what the nuclear triad is, but do you?

It’s nukes launched from the land - either from stationary positions or mobile launching platforms, the sea from nuclear subs, or from the air (like we did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki). You’re saying we’ll know where those nuclear subs, airplanes carrying nukes, and mobile launch platforms are? Our intelligence has proven to not be that up to snuff on Russia of late, considering we were shocked that it’s army didn’t take Ukraine in a few days. It stands to reason that Russia’s got nukes we don’t know about.

We have all that stuff, too.

Again, IF Putin should use tactical nukes, what should be our response?

That was the question.
We have all that stuff, too.

Again, IF Putin should use tactical nukes, what should be our response?

That was the question.
I don’t know. That’s a little above all our pay grades.

I was addressing your contention that we’d be able to hit their “known” nuke sites without your admitting that there are probably some number (big? Small? How many nuke launch sites is a big number?) of nuke sites we don’t know about.
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So your alternative is to just throw up your hands and let little girls be raped?

Putin doesn’t want to end the world, he wants to quash freedom and democracy and he’s counting on people like you cowering in fear and allowing him to do what he wants to achieve it.
We called their bluff over nukes in 1962 and they backed down. It was not a fun time. Then, we were dealing with a Russian Premier who answered to the politburo. Now, I’m not sure the current dickhead answers to anyone. I’m just glad that the US doesn’t have an infantile narcissist making the decisions right now.
People in Russia think they’re liberating Ukraine from Nazis right now.

You think it might be possible they might be getting additional shit info, like, “St Petersburg just got blown to hell, fire comrade!”???
Russia doesn't need the US to actually go through with the test to say that to their people. They can show them some past video bullshit.
We called their bluff over nukes in 1962 and they backed down. It was not a fun time. Then, we were dealing with a Russian Premier who answered to the politburo. Now, I’m not sure the current dickhead answers to anyone. I’m just glad that the US doesn’t have an infantile narcissist making the decisions right now.
Dude - watch these two videos. It’s a time commitment of ten minutes, but you’ll thank me. Unfortunately, I think Putin is more like Castro than Khrushchev, which is scary.