Being pro-nuclear is being pro-environmentalist, imo. It is the only large scale alternative to generating electricity that doesn't add to carbon emissions and is available almost anywhere. The waste is an issue, but if it is properly handled, the threat is very minimal. We had a long term solution for waste too, but the NYMBY's killed it. The thing is, if we buried the waste 10,000 feet underground even if every container failed and all the waste was released it is so far underground that none of the radiation would even come close to the surface. So, I guess it might be a problem if 50,000 years from now some enterprising future human subvariant starts mining that area, but compared to the immediate danger this is one case where I don't feel bad about saying, "not our problem".
This is an area where the far left is very wrong and they need to change their views on it. Solar and wind certainly can help and are useful, but they are not a viable solution to an entire country that will be increasing its power needs by orders of magnitude over the next 30 years. People can be convinced to drive electric cars, but you aren't going to convince people to give up driving altogether. Particularly since the US has spent the last 70 years pretty much making it impossible to exist in most places without a car to drive around in.