Thoughts and prayers. Another School Shooting

I nailed your mom too.
I can’t believe you came out of her. You must get the yard from your dad.

Yeah, and the Tennessee shooting happened at a Christian school. We know about that shooter now don't we.
More bullying, hatred, and condemnation from the notoriously Christlike “Christian school” students? I guess the lesson is get your daughters out of Christian schools immediately.
From your view what does my fantasy life entail?
hole blow GIF
How's the NRA gonna spin this one????

Trump coming for your guns or pretend it didn't happen?
Man you are a retard

Didn’t want to discriminate against the male population and use sir.

I nailed your mom too.
I can’t believe you came out of her. You must get the yard from your dad.
Thank you for your lack of thoughtfulness in this post that allowed me to call you the tard that you are. It makes me smile knowing your kind still exists.
Yes, I am the one that lacks thoughtfulness.
I heard I can go to any ER and tell them you are suffering from wrong gender and they will transition you. The guy that refelted my pool table told me.
I heard from my pinball technician you can go to the gun shop and tell them you are MAGA and they ask you how many guns you want.
How do you not realize by now that the ills aren’t caused by transgenders but by mental illness that transgenders suffer from.
So you are claiming all the ills of the world are caused by gender dysphoria? Please link gender dysphoria qualifying as a mental illness and data supporting your claim of it being linked to a majority of crimes.