True life adventures (I'm at the ER)

I'm here for...I dunno yet.

100 degree fever, at times horrible lower abdominal pain, absolutely zero energy, the joys of non normal bowel movements.

Oh yeah... I've lost 10 pounds in 4 days.

4 days now. My doc saw me this morning and said in no uncertain terms, get to the ER.

Soooooo, here I am.
What number Covid vax are you on?
Emergency rooms (ERs) are often the frontline for some of the most unusual and unexpected medical cases. Here are a few strange examples:

Foreign Objects in Orifices: This is more common than you might think. People end up in the ER with objects stuck in places they shouldn't be, like a variety of household items inserted into rectums or other body openings.

Unusual Injuries: Sometimes, the stories behind injuries are bizarre. People have come in with injuries from attempting strange stunts, bizarre accidents, or even animal attacks.

“I Fell on It" Stories: ER doctors often hear the "I fell on it" excuse for objects being lodged in places they shouldn't be. This might include a wide range of objects, from vegetables to toys.

Rare Medical Conditions: ERs also see cases of rare medical conditions that can be quite baffling. These might include genetic disorders, rare infections, or unusual reactions to medications.

Unexplained Symptoms: Some patients present with symptoms that are hard to explain or diagnose. This could range from sudden paralysis to mysterious rashes or unexplained pain.

Insect-related Incidents: Sometimes patients come in with strange insect-related issues, like bug bites in peculiar places or even insects lodged in ears or noses.

DIY Mishaps: People attempting home surgeries or remedies often end up in the ER with complications. This includes cases of people trying to extract their own teeth or perform surgery on themselves.

Strange Allergies: ER doctors occasionally see patients with allergies to unusual things, like water, sunlight, or exercise.Remember, these cases are unusual precisely because they don't happen every day. Most trips to the ER are for more common issues like broken bones, infections, or chest pain.
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Just got out from the scan.

1st attempt at injecting the contrast forearm looks like Popeye's.

2nd attempt successful. Home stretch hopefully.

I know some of you may think I'm crazy, but I turned down morphine for the pain.
So, I've been here almost 5 hours. Within the first hour, blood was drawn. The blood vampire lady told me...nope, no urine listed here for testing.

Just now, they wanted a urine sample.

This kinda seems... disconcerting.
So, I've been here almost 5 hours. Within the first hour, blood was drawn. The blood vampire lady told me...nope, no urine listed here for testing.

Just now, they wanted a urine sample.

This kinda seems... disconcerting.

What's your health insurance deductible?
So, I've been here almost 5 hours. Within the first hour, blood was drawn. The blood vampire lady told me...nope, no urine listed here for testing.

Just now, they wanted a urine sample.

This kinda seems... disconcerting.
If a rough hewn gentleman comes up and says they need semen, check for a valid ID.
I feel the OP's pain. I spent 11.5 hours in the ER at UIHC a few weeks ago, and it wasn't much more than an average Tuesday night. 4+ hours to get a triage bed while druggies looking to score came in and left within 2 hours. Staff is probably tired of dealing with them, and I am sure they know precisely what to say. The security guard was glued to his iPhone, or didn't care to notice they were doing drugs in the waiting room. Gary the homeless guy with mental health issues took over part of the waiting area because staff is probably tired of dealing with him, and just cede control to him. 6+ hours to get to a triage bed and be seen by a doctor. Probably 2 hours after that to have my large intestine shoved back inside of my abdominal cavity. Then more waiting for a CT scan, and to have the surgeon shuffle in so he could prod me a little, then the resident surgeon prodded me so he could bill for his time, too.
I suppose if I'd been having a grabber or bleeding I'd have been prioritized, but our ER system is broken. At least adding the Mercy beds and the new hospital in NL might ease the burden a little, but we don't do medicine right in this country.
I feel the OP's pain. I spent 11.5 hours in the ER at UIHC a few weeks ago, and it wasn't much more than an average Tuesday night. 4+ hours to get a triage bed while druggies looking to score came in and left within 2 hours. Staff is probably tired of dealing with them, and I am sure they know precisely what to say. The security guard was glued to his iPhone, or didn't care to notice they were doing drugs in the waiting room. Gary the homeless guy with mental health issues took over part of the waiting area because staff is probably tired of dealing with him, and just cede control to him. 6+ hours to get to a triage bed and be seen by a doctor. Probably 2 hours after that to have my large intestine shoved back inside of my abdominal cavity. Then more waiting for a CT scan, and to have the surgeon shuffle in so he could prod me a little, then the resident surgeon prodded me so he could bill for his time, too.
I suppose if I'd been having a grabber or bleeding I'd have been prioritized, but our ER system is broken. At least adding the Mercy beds and the new hospital in NL might ease the burden a little, but we don't do medicine right in this country.
There is also an acute shortage of doctors. The ui er however is broken.
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I'm here for...I dunno yet.

100 degree fever, at times horrible lower abdominal pain, absolutely zero energy, the joys of non normal bowel movements.

Oh yeah... I've lost 10 pounds in 4 days.

4 days now. My doc saw me this morning and said in no uncertain terms, get to the ER.

Soooooo, here I am.
I hope it’s not what I think it is.
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I'm here for...I dunno yet.

100 degree fever, at times horrible lower abdominal pain, absolutely zero energy, the joys of non normal bowel movements.

Oh yeah... I've lost 10 pounds in 4 days.

4 days now. My doc saw me this morning and said in no uncertain terms, get to the ER.

Soooooo, here I am.

Suddenly this being the cause for your abdominal pain might have been a better option! Good luck with the surgery!
