Trump actively trying to sabotage peace in the Middle East to help his polling numbers…

He needs to be arrested for violation of the Logan Act. When you don't hold people accountable, this is what happens. We can't have citizens directly undermining American foreign policy.

And also, all those idiots protesting the DNC but not the RNC need to reconsider what they are trying to accomplish. Or at least admit it isn't actually about saving Palestinian lives in Gaza then.
He needs to be arrested for violation of the Logan Act. When you don't hold people accountable, this is what happens. We can't have citizens directly undermining American foreign policy.
So much this. If some ISIS member did as much damage as Trump has to our border and the Middle East, he’d be taken to a CIA black site and never heard from again. The guy’s as anti-American as it gets.
And also, all those idiots protesting the DNC but not the RNC need to reconsider what they are trying to accomplish. Or at least admit it isn't actually about saving Palestinian lives in Gaza then.
They’re protesting at the DNC because they see that party as the one more likely to adopt their view.
Shoot the f*cker. Again.
The anonymous reporting gives you reason to shoot a guy.

The media has ****ed your brain.

trump stopped the bipartisan immigration bill, now calls the PM of Israel, called the Georgia official to find more votes, withheld money for Ukraine military funds, and tried to overthrow our democracy, so boy howdy, he does love our country. However, he would have served if not for the bone spurs, so cut him a break on that. Right?
The anonymous reporting gives you reason to shoot a guy.

The media has ****ed your brain.


There is no chance that this anonymous reporting could be wrong. They’re batting 1.000, man.
You realize the level of verifying that it would take Judy Woodruff and PBS Newshour to be comfortable reporting this? But whatever it takes to protect the cult leader, I guess. Take a look at their reliability . Right there at the peak with the AP…

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It's sad that the report about a former POTUS is actually believable though, isn't it?
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t put it past Trump.

It’s possible that it’s true, which, as you pointed out, is the fundamental problem with giving Trump another term. He would bring the whole country down if it suited his personal interests. I still cannot believe enough otherwise intelligent people don’t understand that.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t put it past Trump.

It’s possible that it’s true, which, as you pointed out, is the fundamental problem with giving Trump another term. He would bring the whole country down if it suited his personal interests. I still cannot believe enough otherwise intelligent people don’t understand that.
Exactly. People shouldn't go around saying this happened as fact. But ol Trump also doesn't exactly deserve the benefit of the doubt about anything in regards to what he'd do or say in order to win another election. The man is a known bullshitter, cheater, and liar. There's zero reason to think he wouldn't attempt something like this.

But as mentioned, the "anonymous source" thing always makes it tough.
The anonymous reporting gives you reason to shoot a guy.

The media has ****ed your brain.

Aren't you frequently seen posting "hang him" on posts about criminals?

Therefore, wouldn't you be in favor of "hanging" a rapist with 34 felony convictions?

Do you "need help?"
Aren't you frequently seen posting "hang him" on posts about criminals?

Therefore, wouldn't you be in favor of "hanging" a rapist with 34 felony convictions?

Do you "need help?"
I do thinknwe need to hang people more.

His felonies are tax crimes, we have alot of hanging to do before we get there.

But, always in an effort to find middle ground, if we hang everyone found guilty of more violent felonies, sure, you can take him with you.

He supposedly grabbed a chick's crotch 30+ years ago Torbs. A lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in a dress that wasnt even created, you really have gotten the milage out if "rapist".
Yeah, shitting all over the group you are asking for help from isn't an effective way to get what you want. They want to protest? Go protest Mar-a-lago. Right now he is the primary obstacle to a cease fire.

I think the calculation goes something like this:

Maybe 5% of GOP voters are antiwar enough to oppose even Israel. So you need to convince another 46% to shift them. I mean, the evangelicals have an irrational attachment that ain’t going away.

Maybe 30% (the specific number isn’t as important as the fact it’s higher than in the other camp) of Democrats are opposed to Israel’s war and colonization, etc. so they’re trying to flip 21% of that group, to see real policy changes offered from one of the parties.
I do thinknwe need to hang people more.

His felonies are tax crimes, we have alot of hanging to do before we get there.

But, always in an effort to find middle ground, if we hang everyone found guilty of more violent felonies, sure, you can take him with you.

He supposedly grabbed a chick's crotch 30+ years ago Torbs. A lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in a dress that wasnt even created, you really have gotten the milage out if "rapist".
Yet there is audio of him saying he has done it. Do you believe the guy? Also, you like to downplay this as no big deal. As long as it isn’t Mrs Tango’s crotch, eh bro?
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I think the calculation goes something like this:

Maybe 5% of GOP voters are antiwar enough to oppose even Israel. So you need to convince another 46% to shift them. I mean, the evangelicals have an irrational attachment that ain’t going away.

Maybe 30% (the specific number isn’t as important as the fact it’s higher than in the other camp) of Democrats are opposed to Israel’s war and colonization, etc. so they’re trying to flip 21% of that group, to see real policy changes offered from one of the parties.
Ok. Pissing those 21% off isn't going to help their cause.
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He supposedly grabbed a chick's crotch 30+ years ago Torbs. A lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in a dress that wasnt even created, you really have gotten the milage out if "rapist".
Actually, he jammed his fingers up her cootch without permission and the judge clarified it indeed is "rape"

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll​

by Aaron Blake
July 19, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. EDT

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

The filing from Judge Lewis A. Kaplan came as Trump’s attorneys have sought a new trial and have argued that the jury’s $5 million verdict against Trump in the civil suit was excessive. The reason, they argue, is that sexual abuse could be as limited as the “groping” of a victim’s brKaplan roundly [COLOR=var(--wpds-colors-onBackground)]rejected Trump’s motion[/COLOR] Tuesday, calling that argument “entirely unpersuasive.”

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for —
forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”

Kaplan also flatly rejected the Trump team’s suggestion that the conduct Trump was found liable for might have been as limited as groping of the breasts.

The reason? Trump was not accused of that, so the only alleged offense that would have qualified as “sexual abuse” was forced digital penetration. Beyond that, Trump was accused of putting his mouth on Carroll’s mouth and pulling down her tights, which Kaplan noted were not treated as alleged sexual abuse at trial.

“The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina,” Kaplan wrote, calling it the “only remaining conclusion.”

Kaplan also noted that the verdict form did not ask the jury to decide exactly what conduct Trump had committed, and that neither prosecutors nor Trump’s lawyers had requested it to do so.[/COLOR]
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Yet there is audio of him saying he has done it. Do you believe the guy? Also, you like to downplay this as no big deal. As long as it isn’t Mrs Tango’s crotch, eh bro?
Notice how ol "RELEASE THE EPSTEIN DOCS" WDT doesn't mention a word about Trump being in the Epstein logs. He went completely silent on that topic once it became known that Trump was in those....a lot.
Ok. Pissing those 21% off isn't going to help their cause.
If they prove themselves valuable, for example in Michigan, their political calculus is that the Democrats are more likely to adopt their cause.

Which do you consider more fertile ground for increasing Palestinian support, in the GOP, or among the Democrats?
He needs to be arrested for violation of the Logan Act. When you don't hold people accountable, this is what happens. We can't have citizens directly undermining American foreign policy.

And also, all those idiots protesting the DNC but not the RNC need to reconsider what they are trying to accomplish. Or at least admit it isn't actually about saving Palestinian lives in Gaza then.
I'm for it if they have good evidence
If they prove themselves valuable, for example in Michigan, their political calculus is that the Democrats are more likely to adopt their cause.

Which do you consider more fertile ground for increasing Palestinian support, in the GOP, or among the Democrats?
That will never happen though. They will never be as valuable as Israeli focused groups are for votes or money.