Trump actively trying to sabotage peace in the Middle East to help his polling numbers…

There is no chance that this anonymous reporting could be wrong. They’re batting 1.000, man.
It is literally Trump's pattern, and Trump and Netanyahu are both facing prison time. They have a certain alignment of goals to tank any ceasefire deal no matter the best interests of their respective countries, or other political actors.
Can someone explain how Trump convinced the WH to go along with Bibi's demands?

Aug 18, 2024 -World

Hamas rejects new U.S. proposal for Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal​

Hamas on Sunday rejected an updated U.S. proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza, blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for moving the goalposts and the U.S. for indulging him.
Why it matters: The White House had claimed significant progress had been made during talks in Doha over the last several days. The rejection of the new proposal, which was presented to the parties on Friday, makes President Biden's goal of getting a deal this week almost impossible.

  • A stalemate in the negotiations would also make an attack by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel much more likely.
  • Both Tehran and Hezbollah have vowed revenge for Israeli assassinations in Beirut and Tehran, but have held their fire so far.
What they're saying: "After being briefed by the mediators about what happened in the last round of talks in Doha, we once again came to the conclusion that Netanyahu is still putting obstacles in the way of reaching an agreement, and is setting new conditions and demands with the aim of undermining the mediators' efforts and prolonging the war," Hamas said.

  • Hamas said the new U.S. proposal "aligns with" Netanyahu's demands.
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It is literally Trump's pattern, and Trump and Netanyahu are both facing prison time. They have a certain alignment of goals to tank any ceasefire deal no matter the best interests of their respective countries, or other political actors.
I do end up admitting that Judy deserves more respect than what my first post in this thread showed.

Go Hawks!
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Actually, he jammed his fingers up her cootch without permission and the judge clarified it indeed is "rape"

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll​

by Aaron Blake
July 19, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. EDT

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

The filing from Judge Lewis A. Kaplan came as Trump’s attorneys have sought a new trial and have argued that the jury’s $5 million verdict against Trump in the civil suit was excessive. The reason, they argue, is that sexual abuse could be as limited as the “groping” of a victim’s brKaplan roundly [COLOR=var(--wpds-colors-onBackground)]rejected Trump’s motion[/COLOR] Tuesday, calling that argument “entirely unpersuasive.”

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for —
forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”

Kaplan also flatly rejected the Trump team’s suggestion that the conduct Trump was found liable for might have been as limited as groping of the breasts.

The reason? Trump was not accused of that, so the only alleged offense that would have qualified as “sexual abuse” was forced digital penetration. Beyond that, Trump was accused of putting his mouth on Carroll’s mouth and pulling down her tights, which Kaplan noted were not treated as alleged sexual abuse at trial.

“The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina,” Kaplan wrote, calling it the “only remaining conclusion.”

Kaplan also noted that the verdict form did not ask the jury to decide exactly what conduct Trump had committed, and that neither prosecutors nor Trump’s lawyers had requested it to do so.[/COLOR]
"It was basically rape", from a lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in an event that happened over 30 years ago, in a dress that didn't exist.

What he did is disgusting, he grabbed a chick's crotch.

Like I said, you guys have really gotten the milage out of "rapist."
"It was basically rape", from a lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in an event that happened over 30 years ago, in a dress that didn't exist.

What he did is disgusting, he grabbed a chick's crotch.

Like I said, you guys have really gotten the milage out of "rapist."
You are calling a judge and jury liars because of your feelings.

Bitch. Baby.
You are calling a judge and jury liars because of your feelings.

Bitch. Baby.
I'm telling you that you are over implying a word that anyone with a brain associates with ****ing someone against their will, not an over the cloth grab.

It's gross, 100% will not deny that. You have gotten a shit ton of milage out of "rapist".

Lulz at you calling anyone a bitch. You're not that guy bud.
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You are calling a judge and jury liars because of your feelings.

Bitch. Baby.
Why didn't she report it when it allegedly took place 30 years ago? No DNA just some chicks story 30 years later told before a Judge and jury who clearly didn't like President Trump prior to being assigned to the case. Trump was convicted on his comments and not convicted on some evidence.

The libs tried this crap with Cavanaugh, and it was found to be a lie.

I'll always say this alleged touching never took place.
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I'm telling you that you are over implying a word that anyone with a brain associates with ****ing someone against their will, not an over the cloth grab.

It's gross, 100% will not deny that. You have gotten a shit ton of milage out of "rapist".

Lulz at you calling anyone a bitch. You're not that guy bud.
You actually think you are smarter about the law than the judge?

That’s pretty amusing.

And you’ve been mewling like a bitch on this forum incessantly for about two weeks now - to such an extent several posters have legitimately questioned if you are ok mentally.
You actually think you are smarter about the law than the judge?

That’s pretty amusing.

And you’ve been mewling like a bitch on this forum incessantly for about two weeks now - to such an extent several posters have legitimately questioned if you are ok mentally.

I think continuing to use the word "rapist" to describe someone who grabbed someone's privates, above clothing, in the way you guys do really stretches the common definition of what people think of with rape.

If I said, hey torbs that guy raped a chick, that would mean something to you, and I'm willing to bet your first mental image wasn't "grabbed crotch still covered in clothes".

Yet you guys defend everything with "he's a rapist, he's a rapist" because of a crotch grab 30 years ago.

Thus, you have gotten alot of milage out of the word "rapist".

I am not excusing his actions. Grabbing a female who doesn't want to be touched is ****ing gross.
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I am not excusing his actions. Grabbing a female who doesn't want to be touched is ****ing gross.
Not so gross that you’ll take a small break from jumping to his defense at every turn, though. Not so gross as to give you a moment’s hesitation before giving the guy the position of most powerful man in the world.

I think continuing to use the word "rapist" to describe someone who grabbed someone's privates, above clothing, in the way you guys do really stretches the common definition of what people think of with rape.

If I said, hey torbs that guy raped a chick, that would mean something to you, and I'm willing to bet your first mental image wasn't "grabbed crotch still covered in clothes".

Yet you guys defend everything with "he's a rapist, he's a rapist" because of a crotch grab 30 years ago.

Thus, you have gotten alot of milage out of the word "rapist".

I am not excusing his actions. Grabbing a female who doesn't want to be touched is ****ing gross.
“digital penetration” is not “above the clothes”

You continue to make pathetic and gross excuses for a giant raping piece of shit and it’s a terrible look. Particularly for a dad.
Nowadays, Trump can sabotage a bipartisan agreement in Congress to help secure the boarder and sabotage an American-negotiated cease-fire in the Middle East, and everyone knows about it right away, and he won't lose a single supporter. MAGAs are far and away the most brainless mammals on earth.
I do thinknwe need to hang people more.

His felonies are tax crimes, we have alot of hanging to do before we get there.

But, always in an effort to find middle ground, if we hang everyone found guilty of more violent felonies, sure, you can take him with you.

He supposedly grabbed a chick's crotch 30+ years ago Torbs. A lady that cannot tell the same story twice, in a dress that wasnt even created, you really have gotten the milage out if "rapist".
He was found guilty
I have to disagree here. Nixon, for all his mistakes, was a serious, intelligent, and gifted politician who I am positive loved his country and wanted the best for it. I can’t think of anything he has in common with Trump, and he is certainly 10x the man Trump is.
If only Trump would have the love for America and the Constitution to sit by himself at Mets games and leave the world alone.

I think continuing to use the word "rapist" to describe someone who grabbed someone's privates, above clothing, in the way you guys do really stretches the common definition of what people think of with rape.

If I said, hey torbs that guy raped a chick, that would mean something to you, and I'm willing to bet your first mental image wasn't "grabbed crotch still covered in clothes".

Yet you guys defend everything with "he's a rapist, he's a rapist" because of a crotch grab 30 years ago.

Thus, you have gotten alot of milage out of the word "rapist".

I am not excusing his actions. Grabbing a female who doesn't want to be touched is ****ing gross.
He penetrated her with his fingers. Not over the clothing.

He is accused of doing the same type of thing by other women. For the life of me I can’t figure out why that is so hard for some to believe since he also bragged about it to a major television host on tape!

I think continuing to use the word "rapist" to describe someone who grabbed someone's privates, above clothing, in the way you guys do really stretches the common definition of what people think of with rape.

If I said, hey torbs that guy raped a chick, that would mean something to you, and I'm willing to bet your first mental image wasn't "grabbed crotch still covered in clothes".

Yet you guys defend everything with "he's a rapist, he's a rapist" because of a crotch grab 30 years ago.

Thus, you have gotten alot of milage out of the word "rapist".

I am not excusing his actions. Grabbing a female who doesn't want to be touched is ****ing gross.

Rape - : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will
FBI's definition - The revised UCR definition of rape is: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
NY legal new law broadens the definition to include nonconsensual anal, oral, and vaginal sexual contact.

You many not like it. But, the legal definition in NY, the dictionary definition by MW as well as the FBI all define what he did as rape. You don't even seem to debate he actually did it to this specific woman, and as mentioned above, it is reported to have happen to other victims.

Ergo, it is fair and reasonable to refer to him as a rapist. Especially since he is obligated to literally pay for it.
Weird considering the middle east was mostly at peace during the trump administration. In a sane world he'd have a Nobel peace prize, not that it means what it once did.
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I'm telling you that you are over implying a word that anyone with a brain associates with ****ing someone against their will, not an over the cloth grab.

It's gross, 100% will not deny that. You have gotten a shit ton of milage out of "rapist".

Lulz at you calling anyone a bitch. You're not that guy bud.
He was probably referring to you talking tough about fighting only to puss out when it got real. Total bitch baby move.
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I think the calculation goes something like this:

Maybe 5% of GOP voters are antiwar enough to oppose even Israel. So you need to convince another 46% to shift them. I mean, the evangelicals have an irrational attachment that ain’t going away.

Maybe 30% (the specific number isn’t as important as the fact it’s higher than in the other camp) of Democrats are opposed to Israel’s war and colonization, etc. so they’re trying to flip 21% of that group, to see real policy changes offered from one of the parties.
“…the evangelicals have an irrational attachment that ain’t going away.”

You got that sh!t right.

Time to share one of my favorite George Carlin lines.

Think of how dumb the average person is. Now realize half the world is dumber than that.

My favorite George Carlin line is:

“Here’s something you never hear someone say - ‘stop sucking my d*ck or I’ll call the police!’”
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Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t put it past Trump.

It’s possible that it’s true, which, as you pointed out, is the fundamental problem with giving Trump another term. He would bring the whole country down if it suited his personal interests. I still cannot believe enough otherwise intelligent people don’t understand that.
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.

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What are thousands more dead women, children, fathers, etc. if it means he has a better chance of repairing his narcissistic ego by winning the election..

As per usual, you're spreading the filthy lies of your fellow marxists! Do you people even know what the truth is? >