Trump out of business in New York

The judge didnā€™t value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. He valued Trumpā€™s interest in it at $18 million.

Itā€™s not like he can sell it without reimbursing all of the members. Itā€™s also landmarked, so you canā€™t subdivide or build a new house there. Claiming it could be worth $1.8 billion is just stupid.
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He'll appeal of course. Lots of evidence to overcome so it seems he a dead Orange Turd.

His attorneys received the Mickey Mouse smack-down, so the whole Orange Turd "empire" is dropped down the outhouse hole. So much for the Orange Turd genius business acumen. He went thru the 465 mil his daddy left him and we have to wait and see how many tens or hundreds of millions he's going to shell out before they dissect his assets. Orange Turd buildings and gold escalators go bye-bye.

Then the criminal gears kick in
Or maybe an honest, impartial Supreme Court will come to his rescue?

This low llfe piece of shit has made fools of an entire Republican party and the moronic sycophants stupid enough to plant his signs and fly flags in their yards.
I was merely commenting on your need to bring up drag out of nowhere (almost like it was a lazy attempt to signal your "virtue" to the other lefties on here). Your typical whataboutism is noted.

I've stated I don't think trump should even be allowed to run at least 200x on this forum now. Your reading comprehension is apparently awful.. I assume you weren't actually qualified to graduate from SLU tbh.
More backtracking. Good lord you are so transparent.
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The judge didnā€™t value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. He valued Trumpā€™s interest in it at $18 million.

Itā€™s not like he can sell it without reimbursing all of the members. Itā€™s also landmarked, so you canā€™t subdivide or build a new house there. Claiming it could be worth $1.8 billion is just stupid.
Golly.mister how did he arrive st that number
The judge didnā€™t value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. He valued Trumpā€™s interest in it at $18 million.

Itā€™s not like he can sell it without reimbursing all of the members. Itā€™s also landmarked, so you canā€™t subdivide or build a new house there. Claiming it could be worth $1.8 billion is just stupid.
Heā€™s probably estimating what the Russians or Saudis would pay if he were selling it while he was in the White House.
If this were any president previous to Trump, this would be running 24x7...
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Would be epic for Florida to sue new york over this. A judge in New York determining property valuation in Florida....and getting it spectacularly wrong.
Please post about it here when Florida sues NY. For those of us who aren't up on the law like you, what mechanisms do you think Florida will use in their valuation, or, you know, legal type reasons they'd sue NY?
Where's Melanie? She's got an anchor baby and a lifestyle to support. What's she going to do when the money dries up? She'd better pull the ripcord now and get out while there's a little money to preserve.

Judge in NY didn't "determine" any property values in FL.
He quoted FL officials, Cletus.

But itā€™s also encumbered. Itā€™s not like he can just sell it or mortgage it in the traditional sense.

Iā€™d normally agree that it was unfair to use the tax appraisal, but that seems generous given the membership interests and the fact that the property canā€™t be subdivided.
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LOL...that's totally irrelevant. You can't buy it and tear it down. It's a registered National Historic Landmark. You can't even substantially alter it. It's protected. If you buy it, it has to be because you like it as it is.
The reason it became a club in the first place is because the town wouldnā€™t let him subdivide the property.

Judge in NY didn't "determine" any property values in FL.
He quoted FL officials, Cletus.

Good God, did he seriously just say a billion dollars? Methinks someone doesn't know the difference between millions and billions. Truth be told, it is probably worth closer to eleventy billion now that I think about it.
Would be epic for Florida to sue new york over this. A judge in New York determining property valuation in Florida....and getting it spectacularly wrong.

Everyone 'member that time this idiot claimed all the J6 miscreants were going to be "exonerated" by Tucker Carlson videos?

This is about on that same level of "stupid"....

But he'll keep on going back to the trough of disinformation that fed him this nugget, because he's completely down that Rabbit Hole, and is completely under the power of those grifting him.
Your obsession with drag queens makes one wonder. BTW, drag queens are great people.
I'm not the one who randomly brought them up but nice try. Also I'm not surprised that you're familiar with so many drag queens. You lefties are obsessed with them for some reason probably on account of being porn addicted degenerates. (you do you, but keep kids away from your sexual behaviors please).
So where do the giant gaudy gold letters go? When you see a trump branded building you can feel the slime and lack of class coming off of the brand. The hotel in DC is cheapened by the out of place branding. The man has no taste, just an idea of what people thought wealth was in the 80ā€™s. These are otherwise beautiful buildings and if it just said trump it would be no big deal, itā€™s just the show of it all that is ugly.

It remains breathtaking to me that anyone could have ever taken him seriously.