Trump press conference

Lol.... cognitively they're even, but only one has tried to overthrow the government
If you’re worried, I never have and never will vote for trump. I voted Biden in 2020. But I’m tired of choosing between shit and shittier. I’ll either vote for a sane 3rd party candidate, or just focus on down ballot. Come at me bro.
The Don doen't even know what he is talking about without prompters. You know it. I know it.
OMG. You think Biden doesn’t fall flat on his face with or without a prompter?

These circular arguments are getting old and tiresome.
If you’re worried, I never have and never will vote for trump. I voted Biden in 2020. But I’m tired of choosing between shit and shittier. I’ll either vote for a sane 3rd party candidate, or just focus on down ballot. Come at me bro.

I'm not worried, I don't see Trump winning, but will still play my part...and hopefully MAGA dies and I don't have to vote again
No, but I have relatives that went through it, and my mom is now. I see several signs. Keep denying it, but it’s true. The stage is unknown as we don’t see him as much as we would someone close to us.
1. Sorry, I assumed Jan Itor was a nod to the janitor pretending to be a doctor on Scrubs. Which, would make you a doctor.
2. I’ve posted many times about my mother’s slide into dementia. That doesn’t mean I can diagnose someone from TV clips. Joe is 80 with arthritis and has battled stuttering his entire life. That explains a lot, plus he’s been a competent president. If he had dementia DC leaks like a sieve.
1. Sorry, I assumed Jan Itor was a nod to the janitor pretending to be a doctor on Scrubs. Which, would make you a doctor.
2. I’ve posted many times about my mother’s slide into dementia. That doesn’t mean I can diagnose someone from TV clips. Joe is 80 with arthritis and has battled stuttering his entire life. That explains a lot, plus he’s been a competent president. If he had dementia DC leaks like a sieve.
Here’s another complete sentence.

He’s very tall… Everything with him has to be embellishing his brand. He’s so tall and handsome… LOL that kid gets into a decent school. He’s laying the groundwork for buying acceptance for Barron just like Fred did for Donald, and Donald did for Eric and Little Don.
Terrible that it’s been so hard on Melanie. Maybe if you hadn’t screwed other women she wouldn’t be going through this?
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This is the long rambling answer a narcissist gives about a kid he doesn't know, and doesn't spend any time with.
It's like what someone would write on the back of someone's senior photo if they didn't know the senior at all.

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