Trump's Mother died at 88. His Father died at 93. So, I then fear that if Trump is re-elected at 78...


HR King
Sep 30, 2001
...he then may well not give up the POTUS prize that he will consider his for another 10-15 years. He has already publicly stated that he thought his first term should not count against him because of all investigations of him. He will convince the cult that a 3rd, 4th or even 5th term is in the best interest of the country and his due as the best POTUS ever. The mentions of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton and Obama will not techically be forbiden, but the overuse, even in one's own home, will be noted on their Trump Bureau of Investigations permanent file...multiple violations will result in exile.

Then it well could be that he passes the POTUS title on to Trump Jr. upon his death. Then Jr. then passes it on to Barron. Before it is disolved, the SCOTUS will, of course, agree that all of this is legal.

By then all class rooms in Amerika will have both the Ten Commandments and a even larger picture of Donald John Trump hanging on the wall in the front of the students. The Pledge of Allegence to DJT will be repeated at least four times per day. The Russian language will be mandatory in the class rooms as well as the Courts, Public Buildings and Post Offices.

All states can decide on "Seperate, but Equal", and 2/3rds will say yes. I won't even speak of what will become of women, but at the very least they must remain silent, comply and submit. They are only good for one thing anyway.

And all of that is the best it will be.
Fear! Panic!

We had Trump for 4 years and frankly by the time anyone has been in office 8 years everybody including them want to be done.

He will go 1 term, that's why I think this VP is bigger than people are realizing. If he can pick ANYONE to bring even a tiny bit of the middle to him that person should have a clear shot in 28.

Who would be his best choice for VP in your mind?
Fear! Panic!

We had Trump for 4 years and frankly by the time anyone has been in office 8 years everybody including them want to be done.

He will go 1 term, that's why I think this VP is bigger than people are realizing. If he can pick ANYONE to bring even a tiny bit of the middle to him that person should have a clear shot in 28.
Boy he sure didn’t want to give it up the first time.
So a lot of people laughed (me included) when Bill Maher said months in advance of the election that Trump wasn't going to leave if he lost last time. I thought he was being hyperbolic and silly and that, although the guy considered himself above the law, he'd have no choice but to follow the rule of law and traditional transfer of power that every president before him had followed for the past 200+ years. And then January 6th occurred.

The man is as shameless as any man that has ever lived and nothing would surprise me should he see the office again including the scenario that you've laid out above.
...he then may well not give up the POTUS prize that he will consider his for another 10-15 years. He has already publicly stated that he thought his first term should not count against him because of all investigations of him. He will convince the cult that a 3rd, 4th or even 5th term is in the best interest of the country and his due as the best POTUS ever. The mentions of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton and Obama will not techically be forbiden, but the overuse, even in one's own home, will be noted on their Trump Bureau of Investigations permanent file...multiple violations will result in exile.

Then it well could be that he passes the POTUS title on to Trump Jr. upon his death. Then Jr. then passes it on to Barron. Before it is disolved, the SCOTUS will, of course, agree that all of this is legal.

By then all class rooms in Amerika will have both the Ten Commandments and a even larger picture of Donald John Trump hanging on the wall in the front of the students. The Pledge of Allegence to DJT will be repeated at least four times per day. The Russian language will be mandatory in the class rooms as well as the Courts, Public Buildings and Post Offices.

All states can decide on "Seperate, but Equal", and 2/3rds will say yes. I won't even speak of what will become of women, but at the very least they must remain silent, comply and submit. They are only good for one thing anyway.

And all of that is the best it will be.
What a fvcking stupid post. President can only serve 2 terms.
So a lot of people laughed (me included) when Bill Maher said months in advance of the election that Trump wasn't going to leave if he lost last time. I thought he was being hyperbolic and silly and that, although the guy considered himself above the law, he'd have no choice but to follow the rule of law and traditional transfer of power that every president before him had followed for the past 200+ years. And then January 6th occurred.

The man is as shameless as any man that has ever lived and nothing would surprise me should he see the office again including the scenario that you've laid out above.
Shameless as any man who has ever lived? Really?
Who would be his best choice for VP in your mind?
I don't know that I have a great answer for that. Obviously very vocal about my support of the republican party, even with its warts, and we need someone who isn't "dyed in the wool".

We need someone who the middle feels is strong enough to pull him back if he starts to butt heads with another world leader and not turn everything into a dick measure. Someone who the middle feels is strong enough to stop what the OP discusses. ( Frankly for those 2 I hope its not Vivek) We need someone who people other than white males feel represents them. We as the republican party HAVE to get off antiweed and gay sex as some bedrock platform. Someone that could bring a more moderate stance there might bring in voters. They need to bring confidence we wont kill abortion. Trump doesnt want an abortion ban, no matter how many times you all say it, and I thought Trump did well with his medical emergency, rape, health of the mother response during the debate.
I had the opportunity to attend the Dallas county republican meeting Tulsi attended. I thought she was very well spoken and checked some of these boxes if you will. I think a female would be a huge plus especially a strong one. That being said, she has baggage just like they all do.
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Shameless as any man who has ever lived? Really?
Possibly. How about any man I or most people have ever witnessed? He will literally say anything without any idea or even interest as to it's veracity without so much as a blink. His lack of shame is exceeded only by his degree of braggadocio which comes to the forefront at every occasion. He is a nearly perfect case study for an individual that suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Trump is all about Trump, and he rarely hides that fact.
So a lot of people laughed (me included) when Bill Maher said months in advance of the election that Trump wasn't going to leave if he lost last time. I thought he was being hyperbolic and silly and that, although the guy considered himself above the law, he'd have no choice but to follow the rule of law and traditional transfer of power that every president before him had followed for the past 200+ years. And then January 6th occurred.

The man is as shameless as any man that has ever lived and nothing would surprise me should he see the office again including the scenario that you've laid out above.
Yet on
So a lot of people laughed (me included) when Bill Maher said months in advance of the election that Trump wasn't going to leave if he lost last time. I thought he was being hyperbolic and silly and that, although the guy considered himself above the law, he'd have no choice but to follow the rule of law and traditional transfer of power that every president before him had followed for the past 200+ years. And then January 6th occurred.

The man is as shameless as any man that has ever lived and nothing would surprise me should he see the office again including the scenario that you've laid out above.
Yet on 1/20/21 Biden was sworn in. Quit being so dramatic. You guys sound unhinged.
Possibly. How about any man I or most people have ever witnessed? He will literally say anything without any idea or even interest as to it's veracity without so much as a blink. His lack of shame is exceeded only by his degree of braggadocio which comes to the forefront at every occasion. He is a nearly perfect case study for an individual that suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Trump is all about Trump, and he rarely hides that fact.
Not for nothing but the gold standard for Narcissist when I was in school was Michael Jordan. Extremely high achieving people tend to have Narcissist traits. You dint get to the pinnacle of humanity unless you are willing to bet on yourself everytime and truly believe you have the ability to accomplish anything.

I would agree with you that he demonstrates many traits.
Possibly. How about any man I or most people have ever witnessed? He will literally say anything without any idea or even interest as to it's veracity without so much as a blink. His lack of shame is exceeded only by his degree of braggadocio which comes to the forefront at every occasion. He is a nearly perfect case study for an individual that suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Trump is all about Trump, and he rarely hides that fact.

Possibly? still no. How about any man I or most people have witnessed, still a big no.

I think some of stuff he does makes him a pathological liar. Definitely narcissistic tendencies.

But in my opinion you are way off on the degree compared to others who I have seen in my lifetime. Of course I could be way older than you.
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Yet on
Yet on 1/20/21 Biden was sworn in. Quit being so dramatic. You guys sound unhinged.
I thought Bill Maher sounded unhinged 4 years ago. Anyone who saw January 6th and heard the behind the scenes accounts of what occurred knows that this man will do literally anything to remain in power, including sacrificing his Vice President.
Trump wins Iowa going away.
I guess a lot of Iowa people want a secure border and deportations of illegals.
While he’s at it’s my guess bio males won’t be taking roster spots and winners podiums away from hard working real women.
May as well get rid of all those Soros bought DA’s who refuse to prosecute criminals
Fear! Panic!

We had Trump for 4 years and frankly by the time anyone has been in office 8 years everybody including them want to be done.

He will go 1 term, that's why I think this VP is bigger than people are realizing. If he can pick ANYONE to bring even a tiny bit of the middle to him that person should have a clear shot in 28.

Do you have amnesia?
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