Turns out, marriage makes you happier . . . like, a LOT happier!

Hard to ignore the significant drop off in happiness right as the internet and social media became prevalent
I suppose we found out we didn't know there were things that should make us unhappy... That, and seeing (almost) everyone post only the good (sometimes fake) stuff in their lives and comparing our real selves to the social media selves of everyone else.
I suppose we found out we didn't know there were things that should make us unhappy... That, and seeing (almost) everyone post only the good (sometimes fake) stuff in their lives and comparing our real selves to the social media selves of everyone else.

This is a big thing. We know a lot of people but we don't really fully know them, their struggles and difficulties. We just know a filtered version of themselves that they present to the public.

And it's not necessarily on people to share all their struggles in a public forum, but it is on us to know and realize that what we see is filtered.

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