U of M wrestling under investigation


Team MVP
Jan 27, 2010
for selling and using prescription drugs. Caught the tail end of a report on fox 9 out of Minnesota tonight. Saw a few tweets but nothing else. Anyone else have any info?
Unfortunately, prescription drugs are the new "party drug". Hearing about it at many levels, including high school. If Coach Robinson knew about it and didn't do anything, that might not bode well for him.
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I hope they weren't drugged up while flipping JRobs homes so as not to void any warranties. I also praise these kids for being able to train and compete while running a business.
Maybe this is why the Dardanes brothers bailed?

Edit; not meaning that in a bad way, either-but if I knew something like that was going on and I was clean I would want to get away from it.
OMG - this is bad. J is done.
Certainly looks like the beginning of the end for him. But to his credit, Jrob seems to be more of a father figure than a coach to these kids. From the article, he seems to be looking out for them.
Minny didn't need this, but if people are thinking this is an isolated incident, they are kidding themselves. Prescription drug abuse is everywhere, on all campuses across the country.
Just curious what the proper protocol for J should have been in this situation? When he administered the drug tests should the results have been given to the AD or someone at the NCAA?
I would actually be surprised if this takes any legs. It seems he took steps to eliminate the problem. If you were supplying the drugs or n someway condoning it that would be one thing. My read on this is that an educator tried to stop a problem and is protecting his kids. I could be wrong in there could be more details but at first glance that's my take.
I would actually be surprised if this takes any legs. It seems he took steps to eliminate the problem. If you were supplying the drugs or n someway condoning it that would be one thing. My read on this is that an educator tried to stop a problem and is protecting his kids. I could be wrong in there could be more details but at first glance that's my take.
New AD coming in to a situation like this in my mind will not be good for J.
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It seems at minimum, J had to kick these kids off the team or suspend them. Instead he has them write "I'm a bad boy" on the blackboard thirty times. It's not the fifties anymore; J's in trouble.
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This same crap is happening all over the country in both high school and college. It annoyed the hell out of me when I was in college, and it annoys the hell out of me now. People need to face real consequences for their actions, which these morons clearly didn't. J is not providing names unless they are granted immunity? What a freaking clown
This same crap is happening all over the country in both high school and college. It annoyed the hell out of me when I was in college, and it annoys the hell out of me now. People need to face real consequences for their actions, which these morons clearly didn't. J is not providing names unless they are granted immunity? What a freaking clown
That's the part that smells really bad. J withholding the essays and names from the police is obstructing a serious investigation, and makes the university look like they are trying to sweep it under the rug and protecting their athletes. Whether you believe the infraction is minor or not, as head coach of the wrestling team, you can't do that. Forget about the ten guys taking the drug to get high, there were four wrestlers allegedly distributing Xanax, a controlled substance. That's a crime in 50 states.
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Oh shit.

Edit: Let me expand. Prescription drugs are a huge issue now. As always, society and the media are catching up with what kids are doing. Congress just had a big powwow on narcotic drugs and regulations have now forced prescribing medical personnel to sign away their left nut before prescribing opioids or Benzos. Selling them is a big deal.

Schools are rampant with it and the admin will likely cut a deal with LE if just for damage control's sake. Expect JRob will have to resign along with any coach that knew about it. If the sellers were wrestlers, they are gone too. Sucks for the sport and the Gophers.
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I think we need a lot more information.

Did J know that they were sellers? Sounds like he suspected some drug use and drug tested for it. Nothing indicates he knew they were distributing.

He probably should have suspended the kids and follow whatever University policy is in place for failing drug tests among student athletes. Not sure what his other requirements are.
I would actually be surprised if this takes any legs. It seems he took steps to eliminate the problem. If you were supplying the drugs or n someway condoning it that would be one thing. My read on this is that an educator tried to stop a problem and is protecting his kids. I could be wrong in there could be more details but at first glance that's my take.
Disagree, my first glance says he was running a coverup. Was he running the tests? Made them write an essay? Oh my, what a disciplinarian. Who in the university knew, seems like no one?
Police believe Robinson allegedly told some of his players they were being investigated by police and needed to lawyer up.

Beyond that statement by police being completely damning to JRob if true, you don't tell your wrestlers to 'lawyer up' if they were simply users of Xanax. Doesn't make it 100% certain, but it is highly likely that JRob knew a few guys were dealing drugs either before, during, or after his series of meetings/essays. Coverup indeed.

If this did happen and had not been exposed now, and if one of the wrestlers decided to allegedly continue dealing, the risk to MN was great. If one of those pills kills some girl trying to get high, the university is dead because JRob tried to hand out his version of justice rather than use protocol. That's why you have procedures, and why university lawyers don't sleep at night.
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I disagree Penn State. I would advise anyone close to me to get a lawyer the second I found out that they were under investigation by law enforcement for anything. That is only smart.

Point is that him advising to get lawyers in no way indicates he was aware of drug dealing.
I suppose you're right on that point. My eyes went to the "some" wrestlers rather than all the wrestlers, but then again it is an article, and we all know how credible reporting can be.
I disagree Penn State. I would advise anyone close to me to get a lawyer the second I found out that they were under investigation by law enforcement for anything. That is only smart.

Point is that him advising to get lawyers in no way indicates he was aware of drug dealing.
The key here is if he said that before or after he told the university. If before it's bye bye JRob.

Edit: Thinking a little more, even if it was after it might be Bye Bye anyway. JRob is a University administrator. He shouldn't be seen as part of a coverup.
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UofM in hypersensitive behavior mode right now with past AD and BB players. This will not fair well.
I disagree Penn State. I would advise anyone close to me to get a lawyer the second I found out that they were under investigation by law enforcement for anything. That is only smart.

Point is that him advising to get lawyers in no way indicates he was aware of drug dealing.
Oh, but it does. Why tell them to lawyer up unless you know they're guilty. If they haven't been charged and he was unaware of it why do they need a lawyer.
Oh, but it does. Why tell them to lawyer up unless you know they're guilty. If they haven't been charged and he was unaware of it why do they need a lawyer.

Ever hear that old saying about poker..."If you can't spot the sucker in the first few minutes at the table, then you're it." Or something like that.
I'm likely to be in the minority here, but I like J better after this.
There are two JRobs here. The man and the university employee. What the man did was commendable in an honorable, old fashioned sort of way. What the university employee did was reckless because he likely did not follow protocol and exposed the university to financial harm, as well as potentially impacting the health and well being of the student population.

JROB will have to answer for what JRob the employee did.
There are two JRobs here. The man and the university employee. What the man did was commendable in an honorable, old fashioned sort of way. What the university employee did was reckless because he likely did not follow protocol and exposed the university to financial harm, as well as potentially impacting the health and well being of the student population.

JROB will have to answer for what JRob the employee did.

I.E. Didn't play the necessary ass covering, political game.
J's pretty much out of there anyway, as in retiring of his own volition very soon, so unless he were to face some kind of legal consequences for this, I don't see it as much of an issue where he's concerned.
So like 2006-2009 NCAA spent several millions working on inner city kids. Our profile to be aired was with Joe PA. NCAA killed the campaign when allogetions came out. 7+ million down the drain. What hurts most is the impact we made and left. 1000 kids whom are now collegians we left behind.
Not that the kids should have been selling Xanax or any other prescription drugs, but I find it pretty hypocritical that doctors/pharmacists are able to prescribe that shit like candy. Pain killers/anti-anxiety is so much ****ing money for big pharma.

At the end of the day, like any drug, it's an adult making a decision about what they put into their body. If they were mislead (about what they're consuming) that's straight up criminal, but the drug war in this country and in many countries throughout the world is a ridiculous waste of resources and an infringement on individual liberty.
Unfortunately, prescription drugs are the new "party drug". Hearing about it at many levels, including high school. If Coach Robinson knew about it and didn't do anything, that might not bode well for him.

New? Where have you been. Should I run through the list of dead celebrities? There's been 170,000 deaths since 1999. It's not new, it's way past that. High school kids have been popping opioids and Xanax for twenty years.
Not that the kids should have been selling Xanax or any other prescription drugs, but I find it pretty hypocritical that doctors/pharmacists are able to prescribe that shit like candy. Pain killers/anti-anxiety is so much ****ing money for big pharma.

At the end of the day, like any drug, it's an adult making a decision about what they put into their body. If they were mislead (about what they're consuming) that's straight up criminal, but the drug war in this country and in many countries throughout the world is a ridiculous waste of resources and an infringement on individual liberty.
If anyone likes watching the documentaries on Netflix, watch Prescription Thugs. It is all about Big Pharma. It's really well done. I found it amazing that some of these drugs being prescribed have some of the same chemical compounds as hard street drugs.
Sucks for JRob and MN. Interested to see which wrestlers might have been involved? Probably not the most important question but they had a very talented recruiting class last year. Does this behavior force/affect transfers over the summer? Also this can't help future recruiting.

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