Verdict is in***************

Sweet now let’s get him off the ballot and have someone worthwhile to vote for.

This! Would love to post this gif this summer, if Trump can be removed from the damn ballot. Not holding my breath tho.

Richard Nixon GIF by GIPHY News
If we're being honest, all these felonies are Obama's fault. If Obama hadn't been prez, then Trump wouldn't be prez, and Trump wouldn't now be a convicted felon.

Let's be honest.. It's trump's fault.

Had he brought Cohen to WH or pardoned him he would not have even been in court for this one. The genius shows how smart he is yet again.
The people who shouted "lock her up", who obsess about the Hunter laptop, who rant on and on about the Clinton and Biden "Crime Families", of course they're the people outraged that Donald J Trump has actually been convicted by a real jury of real crimes. No Fairs !$!!

Felonies MAGA, Felonies.
The Republican nominee for President is a convicted felon. Hell of a talking point for Biden in the June debate.
They'll hold back. Already on MSNBC Jen Psaki's talking about not overdoing it. Freaking loser establishment Democrats.

The Republican nominee for President is a freaking convicted felon, with more trials to come. Trump's unfitness for office is the main issue of the campaign. Every low information voter in America needs this fact pounded into their heads.
He cannot pardon himself from state charges.
He will anyway.

And then that will take a long time to wend through the courts.

Winding up in the Red Supreme Court where who knows what happens?

Convicted felon Trump may not live through his 2nd term, and may not be competent to stand trial or serve time if he does.
They'll hold back. Already on MSNBC Jen Psaki's talking about not overdoing it. Freaking loser establishment Democrats.

The Republican nominee for President is a freaking convicted felon, with more trials to come. Trump's unfitness for office is the main issue of the campaign. Every low information voter in America needs this fact pounded into their heads.
Just do a commercial showing 34-0 for 30 seconds.
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I don't see how he can win now. But, my predictions about him are always wrong.
We aren't talking about "chances of winning". When he is no longer the nominee, when he is in jail, when he has officially lost the election, then we can move past him. But the movement that allows him to exist is still there so that needs to be dealt with as well.
The people who shouted "lock her up", who obsess about the Hunter laptop, who rant on and on about the Clinton and Biden "Crime Families", of course they're the people outraged that Donald J Trump has actually been convicted by a real jury of real crimes. No Fairs !$!!

Felonies MAGA, Felonies.
Real life vs. Fox News alt reality at its finest
Here’s the deal: I don’t care what you think.
And I don’t care if you’re convinced or not.
It’s not “both sides” either…it’s that neither one is what OUR country should have to choose as our CIC.
You don't have to vote for Biden I just want to hear you admit he's better than Trump... that's all I ask... is Biden a better choice than the convicted felon? (It will be interesting to see her dance around this one boys)
Two posts right in a row at I mean, these people are beyond shameless. Hunter's laptop and then it's the most dangerous day in the history of our country that a criminal got convicted for criming.

JOHN LUCAS ON THE TRUMP CONVICTION: The Most Dangerous Day in the History of Our Country in Our Lifetimes.
The Roman Republic ended in no small part because of legal shenanigans like this, where no one could afford to surrender power for fear of political prosecutions.
Posted at 7:57 pm by Glenn Reynolds 0

MY NEW YORK POST COLUMN: Hunter’s laptop, Wuhan and more: ‘Disinformation’ and ‘conspiracies’ turn out to be true — again and again. And yet no one has been prosecuted for this document fraud.
Posted at 7:56 pm by Glenn Reynolds 0
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Yep, served the country and care about it always.
Same. I just touch grass a little more often is all. :cool:

Caring vs. Obsessing: Understanding the Difference​


  1. Healthy Concern: Caring involves a healthy level of concern for someone or something. It is balanced and appropriate to the situation.
  2. Empathy: Caring is rooted in empathy and genuine interest in the well-being of others or the success of a project.
  3. Flexibility: People who care can adapt and adjust their behavior based on new information or changes in circumstances.
  4. Positive Impact: Caring often leads to positive actions that benefit others or improve situations.
  5. Boundaries: Caring individuals respect boundaries, both their own and others', and understand the importance of self-care.

  1. Unhealthy Preoccupation: Obsessing involves an unhealthy preoccupation with someone or something, often leading to excessive worry or actions.
  2. Anxiety: Obsession is frequently driven by anxiety and fear, leading to repetitive and intrusive thoughts.
  3. Rigidity: People who obsess tend to be rigid in their thinking and behavior, struggling to cope with change or uncertainty.
  4. Negative Impact: Obsessing can lead to negative outcomes, such as stress, burnout, or strained relationships.
  5. Lack of Boundaries: Obsessing often disregards boundaries, leading to invasive behavior and neglect of self-care.
In summary, while caring is characterized by empathy, flexibility, and a positive impact on well-being, obsessing is marked by anxiety, rigidity, and a negative impact on mental health and relationships.
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I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?
So what are you going to charge Biden with in your hand picked jurisdiction with your hand picked judge?

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