Verdict is in***************

I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
If Biden were to commit 34 felonies, I would hope that he would be prosecuted and convicted.

It's sad that you don't feel the same about a guy just because he's on "your team," but don't feel like the Lone Ranger - the GOP is chock-full of schleps like you.
Yup, prosecute every goddamn politician that's done something illegal. Doesn't matter what party they are.

It's weird that everyone agrees w/ that except for Trumpers.
in b4 no jail time.
Please send Trump to prison.
The ironic thing is.....if Trump didn't violate the Gag Order so many times, jail would likely not be considered. And he keeps talking for the next month.

He literally is an an idiot. I guarantee his counsel feel the same way.

Trump will be on probation for sure, but I'm not doubting jail time. given his disrespect for the Court
I hope he spends the rest of the few short years in prison.
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Trump in the clink circa 2029:

"I'm the most prolific felon there is, you know. Everybody talks about it. My first day in prison, I had big guys coming up to me with tears in their eyes - and these are big, burly, tough, murderers and gangbangers who've never cried in their life - and they come up to me with tears streaming down their face and they say, sir, sir, 34 felonies? That is so beautiful, sir. Most of us only got caught after 1 felony!"
Here’s the deal: I don’t care what you think.
And I don’t care if you’re convinced or not.
It’s not “both sides” either…it’s that neither one is what OUR country should have to choose as our CIC.
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
Maybe if Trump didn’t break the law it wouldn’t be a sad day.
Well you can Thank Obama for Trumps win in 2016. And a lousy candidate that commited many crimes.
Its Obama’s fault you voted for him?
I'm not quite sure the judge can not send him to jail. I mean, if I was a public defender or contract attorney out there for my indigent client.....I'd point out Trump all the time at sentencing on every case. An easy win on appeal.
Does anyone think this is just going to make Trump more popular and help him win the election? I fear it.

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