Verdict is in***************

We should've felt this jubilation when Kirk should've fired Brian after 2022 but I'll take it.

I'm still not sure on jail time but if Trump would've kept his mouth shut during the trial and pressing his luck on gag orders, I don't believe he would've gotten any. Now, I have to think the judge will really consider it.
He will appeal it until the end of time.

Biden offer a pardon? In return Trump removes himself from election?
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Just Keep Swimming Sex Ed GIF by HannahWitton
C’mon people. If you can’t see there is a political witch hunt here, I can’t help you. To find him guilty on all 34 charges? Even the worst of criminals rarely get charged on all counts.

You have a trial in a heavy Democratic city that hates him and is based on a promise by the DA while he was running for office that he would convict Trump.

Way too shady. It looks really bad for our country.
Oh, STFU. If Trump was held accountable for every felony he has ever committed, he’d be in prison for a hundred lifetimes.

Turn on Fox and cry about it.
We should've felt this jubilation when Kirk should've fired Brian after 2022 but I'll take it.

I'm still not sure on jail time but if Trump would've kept his mouth shut during the trial and pressing his luck on gag orders, I don't believe he would've gotten any. Now, I have to think the judge will really consider it.
Still doubt he gets any actual prison time. If he does, Melania won’t put anything into his commissary account.
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I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
GOP better seriously consider having a movement at convention. This was the hardest case to prove and he is guilty of all counts. He is a felon now. He is likely going to be a felon many more times. Why would you not change your nominee? Cut your nose to spite your face?
You seen Twitter? They’re all bending over and spreading even more eagerly now.
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
Hand-picked? It’s literally where Trump lived his whole life and registered his business.
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
Billy Crystal Crying GIF by MOODMAN
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
Given the choice, I wish we didn’t have a presidential nominee and former president be a complete POS. But that says more about the nominating party than anything.
C’mon people. If you can’t see there is a political witch hunt here, I can’t help you. To find him guilty on all 34 charges? Even the worst of criminals rarely get charged on all counts.

You have a trial in a heavy Democratic city that hates him and is based on a promise by the DA while he was running for office that he would convict Trump.

Way too shady. It looks really bad for our country.
Aren’t you among the cohort whining a few months ago that New York is too lenient t on criminals?

You should be celebrating today my man!

Your wish has been granted. Lock ‘em up!
Trump is a convicted felon -- that will remain for all of U.S. history.

No doubt that if Trump wins in November (he is favored), that he will push the U.S. towards an autocracy. Sad that so many Americans don't know that (or don't care).
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.
It could absolutely happen to Biden, or you, or me....if we did the same things that Trump was found guilty of doing.
Trump is a convicted felon -- that will remain for all of U.S. history.

No doubt that if Trump wins in November (he is favored), that he will push the U.S. towards an autocracy. Sad that so many Americans don't know that (or don't care).
He is not favored he is going to get DESTROYED
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A perfect time for a scoreboard update:

$454 million + ongoing interest, cost for civil fraud verdict against Trump for lying about his wealth
~1000 arrested and ~500 sentenced in federal court stemming from their actions supporting Trump on 1/6
$399 - cost for Trump branded gold colored shoes
62+ court cases finding no election interference/fraud in 2020 election
$59.99 - cost for Trump-endorsed bible, with a FREE handwritten chorus to God Bless the USA!
57 pending felonies related to mishandling of classified documents; election interference
34-time felon for falsifying records related to hush money to a porn star while married
15+ Trump high level associates found guilty of felonies and/or serving jail time
6 bankrupt companies affiliated with Trump
3 wives
2 Presidential impeachments
1 sexual assault verdict against Trump, followed up by an $83 million defamation verdict
1 charity foundation required to be dissolved and ordered to pay $2million for improperly using charitable assets
1 uninformed comment regarding a Dairy Queen Blizzard ( )
0 Trump wins in court regarding voter fraud

As always, feel free to correct any inaccuracies.
You forgot the DoJ action decades ago when Donald had to be forced to let the blacks into his buildings.
His sacrifice for all of us is stunning. He's been targeted so much for us. He's fighting for AMERICA!!
Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

To your question, my answer is "yes." Not going to happen.

To your other points, (a) "hand picked jurisdiction" is ill-informed; the activity at issue occurred in that jurisdiction; (b) "hand picked judge" is similarly ill-informed; cases are assigned to judges on a random basis.

You're eating too much of the misinformation which is being fed to you by certain media outlets.

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