Verdict is in***************

You “both sides” your response in every Trump thread.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Here’s the deal: I don’t care what you think.
And I don’t care if you’re convinced or not.
It’s not “both sides” either…it’s that neither one is what OUR country should have to choose as our CIC.

Trump is not a good man and is likely guilty of some of the counts, but with the testimony of those in the trial and and in an area that is heavily Democratic, it is hard to a think an individual would be given a fair trial.

Yes, I wish the DA would go after violent criminals and repeat offenders in the same manner he went after Trump.
1. It’s the jurisdiction where he commited the crimes and lives.

2. He is a repeat offender. Has already been dinged for fraud and sexual assault.
Trump is not a good man and is likely guilty of some of the counts, but with the testimony of those in the trial and and in an area that is heavily Democratic, it is hard to a think an individual would be given a fair trial.

Yes, I wish the DA would go after violent criminals and repeat offenders in the same manner he went after Trump.
Good news is you can still waste your vote and cast it for a convicted felon.
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Trump is not a good man and is likely guilty of some of the counts, but with the testimony of those in the trial and and in an area that is heavily Democratic, it is hard to a think an individual would be given a fair trial.

Yes, I wish the DA would go after violent criminals and repeat offenders in the same manner he went after Trump.

Trump is a repeat offender. 34 times in fact 😛
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Sentencing on July 11.
Opinions on what happens between now and then?
The jury will be outed. Suspicious white powder arriving at the offices of Bragg and Merchan. Some demented Trump supporter taking shots at a NY state official. Pipe bombs.
I expect Trump to throw his legal team under the bus, and that Trump will rage, and rage, and rage on Twitter Lite instead of campaigning and telling us how he'd make America better.
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.

Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing a rose to milkweed. You know it. I know it. So if you are sad, that is fine. It is sad DJT ever sat his fatass down on POTUS chair.
C’mon people. If you can’t see there is a political witch hunt here, I can’t help you. To find him guilty on all 34 charges? Even the worst of criminals rarely get charged on all counts.

You have a trial in a heavy Democratic city that hates him and is based on a promise by the DA while he was running for office that he would convict Trump.

Way too shady. It looks really bad for our country.
theres a reason NYC hated trump even when he was a democrat. they know he's a clown and a sleasebag.
So I'm sure that his fanboys in FL are busy modifying the law creating a loophole for "former Republican Presidents". I'd give it til end of day tomorrow.

CNN reports that eligibility to vote in Florida is based upon how the state in which the convictions occurred treats felons. NY allows felons who are not in jail to vote. Thus, he's almost certainly going to be eligible to vote in November.
I’ve never been impressed with the New York case. Still, I don’t think there’s any doubt he’s guilty of what he’s accused of.

I always assumed every trial involving Trump would result in a hung jury, though. Wowzer if this is a guilty verdict.

No one should feel sorry for the son of a bitch. He’s lied, cheated, stolen, and grifted his whole life. Trump deserves everything coming his way if he is indeed going to face a little bit of justice.
This, it’s an absolute joke. The classified documents case isn’t going to trial.
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Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing a rose to milkweed. You know it. I know it. So if you are sad, that is fine. It is sad DJT ever sat his fatass down on POTUS chair.
Well, to be fair…they are both sleaze bags.
Biden shouldn’t debate Trump. Release a statement saying it’s beneath the office to debate a convicted felon.
Oh....debate him, but keep tossing in words like "felon", "prison", "convicted", etc etc etc all thru the debate.

Switch those words everywhere..

E.g.: "In Trump's previous term in"
"During Donald Trump's term in the Big House........."
"Don't felon for Trump's for it....."
Personally I think it's sad. I'm watching Fox now and they are whipping up anger and lying to their viewers. Pirro seemingly called for violence over this. As he railed against the politicization of the courts, she mentioned Hunter Biden's trial starting next week. So, the corrupt, weaponized DoJ just convicted Donald Trump and is also trying the son of the current president?
It's sad that the leader of a political party is such a POS, and 46 percent of the country is jizzing over the chance to vote for this disaster again.

Only, the DOJ did not try, nor convict, Donald Trump.
NY did.
i could’ve sworn that i only turned away for a second and this 6-7 page (could be 10 by the time i finish) thread appeared just like magic. so either a new war broke out somewhere or trump got toasted.

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