Verdict is in***************

Probably not. But I admired her temporary courage in calling out Trump. Now she is just another MAGA. Short sighted IMHO.
Fair enough, but I wonder if she is playing both sides just in case Trump can’t run. That way she hasn’t alienated his supporters?
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A perfect time for a scoreboard update:

$454 million + ongoing interest, cost for civil fraud verdict against Trump for lying about his wealth
~1000 arrested and ~500 sentenced in federal court stemming from their actions supporting Trump on 1/6
$399 - cost for Trump branded gold colored shoes
62+ court cases finding no election interference/fraud in 2020 election
$59.99 - cost for Trump-endorsed bible, with a FREE handwritten chorus to God Bless the USA!
57 pending felonies related to mishandling of classified documents; election interference
34-time felon for falsifying records related to hush money to a porn star while married
15+ Trump high level associates found guilty of felonies and/or serving jail time
6 bankrupt companies affiliated with Trump
3 wives
2 Presidential impeachments
1 sexual assault verdict against Trump, followed up by an $83 million defamation verdict
1 charity foundation required to be dissolved and ordered to pay $2million for improperly using charitable assets
1 uninformed comment regarding a Dairy Queen Blizzard ( )
0 Trump wins in court regarding voter fraud

As always, feel free to correct any inaccuracies.
not a correction but an observation: about that 83 mil. it take a business genius to turn a 5 mil. settlement into 83 mil. pure genius i tells ya. LOL
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Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing a rose to milkweed. You know it. I know it. So if you are sad, that is fine. It is sad DJT ever sat his fatass down on POTUS chair.
Well you can Thank Obama for Trumps win in 2016. And a lousy candidate that commited many crimes.
  • Haha
Reactions: McLovin32
A perfect time for a scoreboard update:

$454 million + ongoing interest, cost for civil fraud verdict against Trump for lying about his wealth
~1000 arrested and ~500 sentenced in federal court stemming from their actions supporting Trump on 1/6
$399 - cost for Trump branded gold colored shoes
62+ court cases finding no election interference/fraud in 2020 election
$59.99 - cost for Trump-endorsed bible, with a FREE handwritten chorus to God Bless the USA!
57 pending felonies related to mishandling of classified documents; election interference
34-time felon for falsifying records related to hush money to a porn star while married
15+ Trump high level associates found guilty of felonies and/or serving jail time
6 bankrupt companies affiliated with Trump
3 wives
2 Presidential impeachments
1 sexual assault verdict against Trump, followed up by an $83 million defamation verdict
1 charity foundation required to be dissolved and ordered to pay $2million for improperly using charitable assets
1 uninformed comment regarding a Dairy Queen Blizzard ( )
0 Trump wins in court regarding voter fraud

As always, feel free to correct any inaccuracies.
He may be an anus, but he’s my anus.
A live look inside the Kremlin, or whatever hole he's hiding in, when the verdicts became public ....

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Bottom line. Strip away the circus of politics. And the Ringmaster that is Trump. It’s a straight forward case. Did Cohen pay Daniels to keep quiet about affair. Did Trump reimburse Cohen. How was it accounted for? Did Trump and Cohen have a back channel understanding of what he does for Trump. Worked for him for over a decade. Did the witnesses called back up the arrangement and how the transactions were accounted for.
Now is all of that a crime according to what the charges were.
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"The Democrats have done this before. They jailed presidential opponent Eugene V Debs for exercising his free speech rights."

So, you are standing up for true socialism? I don't care what your opinion is. He stood for unions and progressive issues. He was essentially called out by the left.

The MAGAs now call out Republicans for not towing the extreme right wing poliical agenda.

It is a cluster fuk
Fair enough, but I wonder if she is playing both sides just in case Trump can’t run. That way she hasn’t alienated his supporters?
I haven't followed this entire thread but if you're talking about Haley, my guess is she's been offered VP candidacy.

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