Cpyles goes out of his way to knock this forum again by mentioning probably the dumbest take on this thread on frl today while they still have not even acknowledged the greatest wrestling forum thread ever, the 100k thread.
While it's nice FLO is getting top events streamed and boosting wrestling's visibility, it's seems pretty clear that both Willie and CP are PSU fans, and don't particularly like Iowa.
Parts of that FLR was hard to listen to.
CP mentions the Hawkeye Report by name, to claim 'they' post this nonsense about Verkleeren being "afraid to compete." As far as I can tell, this was posted by one guy (NoTapedLaces), who joined this board a week earlier and has only a handful of posts. Other HR posters countered saying Verk was not afraid to compete. Wow.
Aside from that, there was the rah-rah 'PSU is the greatest place to go if you want to be a great wrestler.'
Hall was cited as an example of a guy that wrestled in a HS post season match only months earlier, but now was an NCAA champ!!! No mention that Hall was already a World gold medal champ and considered the #1 recruit, before even setting foot in the PSU room.
There were some other quotes "they developed Hall," "PSU does the best job of developing", "if you want to reach your potential you go to PSU", "you'll be the best you can be at PSU" etc.
They did mention, there are a couple of other top programs that can develop wrestlers, mentioning tOSU and Okla St, but (surprise!) not Iowa.
All in all, it was closer to a PSU pep rally than journalism.
To quote James Comey, listening to it made me feel "mildly nauseous."