Absolutely. I was in the restaurant business for 15 years when I was younger. Its astounding the dumb asses that don't understand that paying Jimmy $15 an hour to make your happy meal can only result in two things, (both bad for the consumer). 1) Jack the prices way up and 2) Operate with way less staff. You see it when you go into most restaurants but especially fast food. Your meal that used to be $7 to $8 is now $11.50 to $12, AND it takes 10 to 15 minutes at the "FAST" food place because their running on a skeleton crew to save labor cost. Labor is your second highest controlable cost, and if its out of wack, (which it is now) the store will not make a profit. Most of these places hope to make a 10% profit monthly, and thats almost impossible now. Which leads us to the third thing that these wages cause, a bunch of theses places are closing because they can't make a profit. So just HOW is that helping the folks who you think your helping by forcing his employer to pay a living wage for a job that was NEVER supposed to be held by breadwinners?I’ll add, at the risk of upsetting some longtime associates in here. If you are a hard core republican or a hard core democrat, you’ve got it all wrong…
Socially, I’m all for people doing what they want, literally, and I mean that. Now as a man of Faith I’m not always jump up and down excited about it, but I understand you cannot legislate morality, and putting more parameters on society is never a good thing…
With that said I will never ever vote for someone who continually preaches taxes and more taxes to lift the people. It is stupid, it is actually a lie, and it has never, ever worked the way they suggested it would…..
More taxes, even on the rich is bad for everybody and you don’t have to be an economist or CPA to figure that out.
Similar to the minimum wage thing… Yeah, let’s raise everybody’s minimum wage. Sure, that won’t have a negative affect anywhere else… lol some people are just too stupid to breathe!!