I don't know why I am going to waste my time typing this, but I guess I feel compelled. Standing back and looking at the big picture, what I know is that the further our politics get from the center the lower our standard of living is. I don't have to tell anyone what the cost of a home, or cars, or college or a loaf of bread is in relation to the past because we all know it. What I know is that my kids are going to have a much much harder time achieving our version (I am 48) of the "American Dream" than what I did. Case in point is that when I went to college 30 years ago my tuition was $710 per semester, I had a part time job making $12 per hour, when I graduated with my engineering degree my starting salary was $51,000 per year and my first home was $134,000, of which I bought 6 months after I graduated. Now, tuition is $4,900 per semester at the very same school, their part time jobs are still $12 per hour, a new engineer salary is not much above that 51 and that very same house is $360,000. You don't have to be an engineer or rocket scientist to do that math here.
How did that happen? Because we are all baited to engage in issues that diverts our focus from the things that we should really be focused on. I feel badly for all of the people and groups who are passionate about their movements because the people pulling the strings don't really care about those things, they just pull those issues out of their back pockets when they need to. It is sad to see those people get used over and over and over again. And some of us know it, and know it so well it is now predictable. It is to keep everyone emotional and that is a good thing when you are not standing on logically sound ground.
So the point to all of this is, don't bite. Don't get sucked into these things. Remain logical. And vote accordingly.