Washed Up Walkons Host Rankings

Can we please stop with the childish attacks and name calling on here? There is a better forum for this called OT and there is always Facebook and Twitter for those who need multiple outlets for their antics. I thought Karnack's removal was a good first step but too many here have the same "I have to get the last word in" disease. I wish the mods would automatically ban every ID that uses the terms Woke or MAGA on any board outside of OT. Throw in the attack dogs who can't handle any opinion that they don't agree with and there might be a couple dozen people left who act like adults that want to talk about Iowa sports.
Did you miss when Kulick deleted a bunch of tweets and then protected his account after making a bunch of racist tweets awhile back? He’s a dipshit and had a Trump bumper sticker on his truck. His parents are MAGA and flew a Trump flag in front of their house.

So **** off with your take. You don’t know what you are talking about.
How and why do know so much about former players and their parents political affiliations?
You have small balls bro. The joke went over your head. Sad. (Lol nah, what was said, was said. No going back on it now just because of the unintended consequences.......... :cool:)
Also, assuming you had your daughter when you were, at the very least, 18 years old, nobody the age of 52 or older should be using the word bro in a sentence unsarcastically. Life lesson learned, even though I can guarantee from our encounters that you use this term in your daily life outside of this escapist theater that has given you the platform to be the prick you want to be, as you alluded to earlier. ;)

P.S. nobody under the age of 52 should be using bro in such a manner either, but that's a different discussion for another day....................
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Ahhh, I see.........this is personal for you.
Well I lived in Davenport which isn’t far from Bettendorf and I know plenty of people there….. game day Ron is a ……

Seems like a solid approach to determining an opinion…. Who knows the people you know in Muscatime may be jackwagons with poor judgment on people, they are known by you which says something