Obviously a ways off and a lot can change between now and then, but the New Hawk Order (Hawkeye World Order?) lineup could be pretty f*ing salty
125- Keyan Hernandez/ Joey Cruz
133- Drake Ayala
141- Ryder Block/ Kale Peterson
149- Miguel Estrada/ Victor Voinovich
157-Anthony Ferrari
165- Patrick Kennedy
174-Gabe Arnold
184-Angelo Ferrari
197- AJ Ferrari
Hwt- Ben Keuter
Others could certainly be in the mix. Isaiah Fenton and guys could bump up/ drop weight etc
125- Keyan Hernandez/ Joey Cruz
133- Drake Ayala
141- Ryder Block/ Kale Peterson
149- Miguel Estrada/ Victor Voinovich
157-Anthony Ferrari
165- Patrick Kennedy
174-Gabe Arnold
184-Angelo Ferrari
197- AJ Ferrari
Hwt- Ben Keuter
Others could certainly be in the mix. Isaiah Fenton and guys could bump up/ drop weight etc
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