The problem with the Iowa mentality ,imho as a hawk eye fan, (I don't know any players or coaches) is it is exhausting for kids to walk around angry all the time. There exists only four true emotions. Joy, grief,fear,and relief. I have a video below where I discuss sports psychology. Anger is just a reaction/response to grief. It's not a true emotion, so guys are needlessly projecting a facade that is too burdensome to carry around all the time. Heck,Gable had close to 20 surgeries,what parent wants their modern day kid to emulate that? On the other hand, Cael preaches the authentic emotion of joy as a goal for his wrestlers. You guys are bright, you can figure this out by reading my golf psychology/sports psychology book below and watching my video. Think of how ineffective a golfer would be walking around angry all the time. His central nervous system is aroused,but not in a good way. His altered CNS will affect all future shots. The golfer is not being true and learning from each shot. I have developed the most effective, scientifically proven sports psychology approach available worldwide. Anyone can test the model below. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions.
Here are several journals that have published Emotional Core Therapy ijmsci.pdf
Here is an interview I did on the Dr. Foojan Zeine Show explaining Emotional Core Therapy (ECT). ECT is scientifically proven to be the simplest,most effective, and most inclusive psychology approach available worldwide to treat relationship stress ( addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety,etc) and gain inner peace and happiness. Scientific proof can only be done with the naked eye. Anyone can test my model for proof which is available in my book below. My training video on my blog also outlines ECT but is not as detailed as the downloadable book below.
My blog below has an article on Emotional Core Therapy and Scientific Evidence. This blog also has my free one hour training video, free download of my spiritual and golf and media links.
Press release
Here is free download of spiritual and golf book.
Only ECT effectively treats the root cause of stress of the Holmes and Rahe Scale (top stresses in one's life)! No other psychology approach treats the root cause of any stress one faces on a day to day basis. See below.
Lastly, this email complies with the mission statement of ABCT. We have an ethical duty as mental health professionals to bring the most effective psychology techniques and treatment models to our clients. We need to improve ECT and make it more user friendly. Please review the rules of scientific evidence and ECT in my book and on my blog. My spiritual book is for religious and secular/agnostic people alike. All one has to do is substitute mindfulness for prayer as the eighth step and disregard the religious references to have a completely secular approach. Over 50% of the American population prayers in some fashion and research demonstrates that prayer, mindfulness,and yoga, all work to calm down and quiet the central nervous system. I have three books available on Amazon without religious references. One for adults, one for teens,and one for golfers.