Well, hell. Now what? (Dog bit me) - 2nd Update: #353

**** the guy that came up with mixing any breed with a poodle. The only thing worse than a #poodle is a pit bull, and they aren't that much different. You have a dog that is unpredictable, that's on you. Personally, I'd put that piece of shit down. Nasty POS's.

I wish it was that easy. The other 99% of the time:




I’ve got scars up and down my hands / arms from our family’s cocker spaniel growing up - the doodle of the 80’s - pay $5k more in behavioral modification, learn the triggers, teach the kid, keep him away from kid’s friends when they come over and go for it. It’s a doodle, it’s not going to kill you in your sleep.

However, if you don’t want to deal with all that - rehome to quiet house with no kids, dog, etc. and let them know the history.

IMHO dog is totally salvageable. But I’m the guy with more scars from a family dog than anything else so I probably have more of a threshold for it than others.
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**** the guy that came up with mixing any breed with a poodle. The only thing worse than a #poodle is a pit bull, and they aren't that much different. You have a dog that is unpredictable, that's on you. Personally, I'd put that piece of shit down. Nasty POS's.

There are actually a lot of dogs worse than a poodle. Poodles are good with family, good with kids, and really smart. However, they're not great with other dogs and they need a lot of mental stimulation.

A poorly bred poodle on the other hand is anyone's guess. Any dog can be shitty when they're only bred for looks and not temperament. People forget that temperament is half the breed standard.
I see that sleeping picture an envision a dog bite. If your son moves wrong or hurts the dog while sleeping watch out. He won't even know what hit him.

Looking at that bite, that wasn't a warning. It was a full frontal attack. Maybe hes's good 99.9 % of the time but the 0.1% seems to have ended kinda bad from my eyes.
Tough situation. A good friend of mine lost her 1 1/2 year old daughter from an attack by the family pet. I don't know the breed, but it was laying down and the toddler tripped and fell on it. The dog got her around the throat and she died shortly after getting to the hospital. Never had a problem before.
I'm assuming most of you have more experience with dogs than me. But if you give up on a dog that quickly, I'm not sure you should own pets.

It's an insane liability right now.

What if it happens again and the dog takes out a kids eye?

Always a risk with owning pets, but now OP knows what this dog is capable of, and it's just absolutely irresponsible to keep the dog around his kid.

I love my dog more than most things in my life, but if it did something like this, I would make the tough decision necessary.
**** the guy that came up with mixing any breed with a poodle. The only thing worse than a #poodle is a pit bull, and they aren't that much different. You have a dog that is unpredictable, that's on you. Personally, I'd put that piece of shit down. Nasty POS's.

Ok that's a bit dramatic.
I'm assuming most of you have more experience with dogs than me. But if you give up on a dog that quickly, I'm not sure you should own pets.

If someone came to you and said my little 8 yo was visiting a friend's house and they have a large dog that bit my child on the arm and then on the face causing permanent disfigurement requiring surgery (obviously hypothetical at this point). AND, the mom says, it turns out that same dog has a history of biting people, it even mauled the owner back in April 2024 sending the owner to the hospital. (not hypothetical)

Im assuming you have more legal experience than most of us, but if you as an attorney don't see the liability issue..........
A poorly bred poodle on the other hand is anyone's guess. Any dog can be shitty when they're only bred for looks and not temperament. People forget that temperament is half the breed standard.
Lots of folks don’t even recognize temperament is a genetic trait.
I’d get rid of the dog. If they ever bit anyone ever again- you’d hate yourself.

It’s an awful position to be in.
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My BIL and his wife watched their old black lab get more aggressive with their two small kids as he aged. Too sentimental/dumb to do anything about it. Niece is now walking around with permanent, visible scars on her face.

Do what you know needs to be done. Else everything from here forward is squarely on you.
Couldn't agree more with this. I have children in my home and that dog would already be gone. Few things in this world frustrate me more than people elevating pets over humans and dog owners being naive.
If the dog is out of the house, you might want to consider a female golden doodle from an established breeder. They form crazy bonds with owners, especially with the male in the house who they perceive to be heading things up. In my anecdotal experience, the females tend to be gentler, especially if they are spade at the earliest appropriate time.
If the dog is out of the house, you might want to consider a female golden doodle from an established breeder. They form crazy bonds with owners, especially with the male in the house who they perceive to be heading things up. In my anecdotal experience, the females tend to be gentler, especially if they are spade at the earliest appropriate time.
We went through an amazing breeder. My wife is reaching out to her today to see about rehoming him on her ranch or if we want to put some $$ into behavioral training. I'm also still torn on how much of this is on me for not reading him. He's been extra affectionate since I got home from the ER (which isn't helping matters).
We went through an amazing breeder. My wife is reaching out to her today to see about rehoming him on her ranch or if we want to put some $$ into a behavioral training. I'm also still torn on how much of this is on me for not reading him. He's been extra affectionate since I got home from the ER (which isn't helping matters).
Maybe ARL would take him on after full disclosure to get him in a home with the right environmental factors?
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We went through an amazing breeder. My wife is reaching out to her today to see about rehoming him on her ranch or if we want to put some $$ into behavioral training. I'm also still torn on how much of this is on me for not reading him. He's been extra affectionate since I got home from the ER (which isn't helping matters).
Oh this is on You OP. Sorry to tell you. You had seen the other dog eating his food and did nothing. I would bite you too.
We went through an amazing breeder. My wife is reaching out to her today to see about rehoming him on her ranch or if we want to put some $$ into a behavioral training. I'm also still torn on how much of this is on me for not reading him. He's been extra affectionate since I got home from the ER (which isn't helping matters).
There is no need to put the dog down at this point. A good breeder will know a good pet behaviorist who can turn triggers from negative to neutral or positive. Get a quote before you decide what to do next.
Spend a bunch more money on a dog that you can't trust? I guess, but sure seems like a mistake.
Oh this is on You OP. Sorry to tell you. You had seen the other dog eating his food and did nothing. I would bite you too.
Weird thing is, they eat each other's food all the darn time. Mosley stays with us a few times each month (and vice versa). They are quite literally the best of friends. I'm still trying to figure out what on earth had his anxiety peeked to the point of that much stress. Why would he be pissed just this once about the food.

This is just the damndest thing.


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Weird thing is, they eat each other's food all the darn time. Mosley stays with us a few times each month (and vice versa). They are quite literally the best of friends. I'm still trying to figure out what on earth had his anxiety peeked to the point of that much stress. Why would he be pissed just this once about the food.

This is just the damndest thing.


Get the dog and owner some behavior training. Watch closely. I would have a hard time putting a dog down without even trying to figure out is they could be trained.
Rehome a dog that bites? That usually isn't the way that works.
Aren't "bites" and "bit" different? I've never owned a dog that has bitten or that bites. This isn't a case of, "This is the last straw. I'm tired of being bitten." This is a "Holy crap! Why did my dog bite me!?"

He resource guards when he has a bully stick and we just leave him alone. He doesn't resource guard when he's eating his food, has a chew toy or anything else. Just those darn bully sticks (which weren't in the picture during this incident).
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I have a 5 year old bird dog/hound that can fill the void this dog's leaving. It's too stupid to bite; in fact, it's too stupid to know its own name
Get the dog and owner some behavior training. Watch closely. I would have a hard time putting a dog down without even trying to figure out is they could be trained.
To this point we've spent over $2k on training...just "normal" training, not behavioral. He does everything on command, "Go to your place", "wait", "touch", "push" (for shut the door), etc. I can put peanut butter in a Kong and place it in front of him and say wait. He'll sit there for 15 min watching it until I say, "Yes".

Here's his coming inside routine:

"Joey Push" = he shuts the door with his paws
"Joey Sit" = he sits
"Joey Touch" = he puts his nose to my toe fingers
"Yes " = he gets a treat

I guess I need to learn, "Joey, stop attacking me!"
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Sucks but you have to put him down. You now have a giant known risk exposure god forbid he ever bite anyone.

"Joey" is getting a pass because he is cute and you love him. If "joey" were a pit and bites someone next you would officially enter 2nd shittiest category of human on the planet category.

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