What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

Correct.....I did say I believe it to be true. But, you and I both know things come out after a President is dead and gone that we NEVER would have believed at the time. Now again, I see no evidence that Jimmy was anything other than a good man who was a terrible President.
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Carter gets a bum rap. He inherited the post Vietnam economy. In reality, the grain embargo though hell on Iowa was the turning point of unrest in the USSR ..a very meat centric culture. It was Carter than started the rapid response military when he had only bad options with Iran hostage situation.
I was VERY young at the time of his term, and you may be right about what you are saying, but Presidents will be remembered mostly for their success or failures in guiding their country through the worst of times while they are in office.
If there is enough to charge Trump, I'm fine with it. I assume the documents would have been reviewed by law enforcement already, but I don't know how the chain of custody works.
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I was VERY young at the time of his term, and you may be right about what you are saying, but Presidents will be remembered mostly for their success or failures in guiding their country through the worst of times while they are in office.
Kind of in the same boat. I wasn't pretty negative on Carter until I dug into it more. Especially talking to people in Ukraine about what took place in their history.

I did not know this but Brezhnev had several mental decline late in his leadership.
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You’re lying.
Your man will be on ABC tonite with his bootlicker media man. Biden and his team, the Democratic Party, and the Democrat controlled media put our country at risk for 4 years with a demented, cognitive mess that they were aware of. Who exactly is running our country? Not Biden. And you’re going to vote for him again. Dems care about power, not our country.
If there is enough to charge Trump, I'm fine with it. I assume the documents would have been reviewed by law enforcement already, but I don't know how the chain of custody works.
Chain of custody likely doesn't matter much since none of the documents explicitly say for child sex work. But in reality we all know what getting a "massage" would mean when you're going to Epstein island.
This is hands down the dumbest stat that Dems continue to throw out there. You’re essentially saying “Throat cancer is less likely to kill you than pancreatic cancer. Therefore, there’s no reason to avoid getting throat cancer.”

Who gives a shit if they’re less likely to commit crime. Every crime committed by someone who came into this country illegally is a crime that shouldn’t have happened. Those crimes exist in a vacuum.

It’s not about sending them home once they’re here. It’s about preventing them from sneaking in here in the first place.

Why don’t you find a stat comparing the likelihood of crime being committed by immigrants who went through the process and “gotaways” who evaded border patrol and snuck in and are living here. That’s the stat you should be worried about. But you won’t do that because you know it craps all over your pro-illegal immigration argument.
So, it's not the crime that bothers you, it's the crime from immigrants that bothers you. Sounds pretty racist.
Chain of custody likely doesn't matter much since none of the documents explicitly say for child sex work. But in reality we all know what getting a "massage" would mean when you're going to Epstein island.
I don’t follow the tabloid journalism like you apparently do, but when legitimate evidence is presented, I’ll buy in. Clinton was on two dozen flight manifests on the Lolita express. Care to comment? Trump apparently banned Epstein from Mara-La-Go. Who knows? Scum bag journalism.

Jimmy Carter - Seems to be a good man

Ronald Reagan (Although I wasn't a fan) I was pretty young during his run, but looking back I loved most of his policies, but ignored the AID's crisis (talk to anyone affected at that time ask them if he was deplorable) and of course....Iran contra
  • His AID's response was really bad, but you have to consider the times. Gay people were considered pretty out there back then. Many in the public blamed the crisis on homosexual behavior. Yes, it's an awful stance to have, however a large segment of the American people agreed with celebrities like Anita Bryant. Hindsight is 20/20, but if you hold everyone to your standard a large segment of US citizens alive at that time are despicable.

H.W. Bush was an honorable man - As much as you and others have put stock in womens claims against Trump, surly you know many multiple women have said things about HW.
  • I am not aware of the sexual assault claims against I'll have look into it further.

Clinton was a despicable husband, but a good President. Liked his policies...terrible human being
  • Examples of his being a terrible human outside of being a womanizer, please.

W wasn't a despicable person, but not my favorite President - Liked his domestic policies, but he LIED US INTO WAR that cost thousands of lives. I am STILL pissed about this.
  • I agree the decision to go to war against Iraq was wrong. I also hated his childish behavior like calling out France for not supporting the US decision to go to war and insisting FF be called Freedom Fries. If he truly knew the intelligence about Iraq was fictional then he is despicable. I respect his behavior since he left office even though I disagreed with almost everything he did during his term.
Obama - I actually liked some of his policies. Still to be determined if he is a bad dude.
  • So then not despicable!
Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years - Books will be written about just how bad a man he is, but to start with the man is and always has been a freaking racist and anyone that cannot clearly see this is blind. Not to mention the other illegal things that will come out about him. LOL!
  • You're being blinded by partisanship.
So, it's not the crime that bothers you, it's the crime from immigrants that bothers you. Sounds pretty racist.
That’s what you got out of me calling a stupid stat stupid? I guess that makes you perfectly fine with illegal immigrant rape and murder then eh? Sounds worse than racist.
  • Haha
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Your man will be on ABC tonite with his bootlicker media man. Biden and his team, the Democratic Party, and the Democrat controlled media put our country at risk for 4 years with a demented, cognitive mess that they were aware of. Who exactly is running our country? Not Biden. And you’re going to vote for him again. Dems care about power, not our country.
You support a rapist felon. Eat shit.
Kind of in the same boat. I wasn't pretty negative on Carter until I dug into it more. Especially talking to people in Ukraine about what took place in their history.

I did not know this but Brezhnev had several mental decline late in his leadership.
I didn't know that either about Brezhnev......
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Jimmy Carter - Seems to be a good man

Ronald Reagan (Although I wasn't a fan) I was pretty young during his run, but looking back I loved most of his policies, but ignored the AID's crisis (talk to anyone affected at that time ask them if he was deplorable) and of course....Iran contra
  • His AID's response was really bad, but you have to consider the times. Gay people were considered pretty out there back then. Many in the public blamed the crisis on homosexual behavior. Yes, it's an awful stance to have, however a large segment of the American people agreed with celebrities like Anita Bryant. Hindsight is 20/20, but if you hold everyone to your standard a large segment of US citizens alive at that time are despicable. Great points.

H.W. Bush was an honorable man - As much as you and others have put stock in womens claims against Trump, surly you know many multiple women have said things about HW.
  • I am not aware of the sexual assault claims against I'll have look into it further.

Clinton was a despicable husband, but a good President. Liked his policies...terrible human being
  • Examples of his being a terrible human outside of being a womanizer, please. Look into his dealings back in Arkansas.

W wasn't a despicable person, but not my favorite President - Liked his domestic policies, but he LIED US INTO WAR that cost thousands of lives. I am STILL pissed about this.
  • I agree the decision to go to war against Iraq was wrong. I also hated his childish behavior like calling out France for not supporting the US decision to go to war and insisting FF be called Freedom Fries. If he truly knew the intelligence about Iraq was fictional then he is despicable. I respect his behavior since he left office even though I disagreed with almost everything he did during his term. Agreed
Obama - I actually liked some of his policies. Still to be determined if he is a bad dude.
  • So then not despicable! I cannot say that as of are correct.
Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years - Books will be written about just how bad a man he is, but to start with the man is and always has been a freaking racist and anyone that cannot clearly see this is blind. Not to mention the other illegal things that will come out about him. LOL!
  • You're being blinded by partisanship. Really? Do you want explain how his current VP even knew of his racist ways AND called him out on being a racist? Look, if you fail to acknowlege his past and some of his more recent remarks, then it is you who is blinded by partisanship. I dislike BOTH our candidtates, but at this point I am choosing policy over demetia.
  • Haha
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That’s what you got out of me calling a stupid stat stupid? I guess that makes you perfectly fine with illegal immigrant rape and murder then eh? Sounds worse than racist.
You're the one trying to say the crime doesn't matter, just who is committing it that matters. Don't try to push your dumbass comment on me.

Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years - Books will be written about just how bad a man he is, but to start with the man is and always has been a freaking racist and anyone that cannot clearly see this is blind. Not to mention the other illegal things that will come out about him. LOL!
  • You're being blinded by partisanship. Really? Do you want explain how his current VP even knew of his racist ways AND called him out on being a racist? Look, if you fail to acknowlege his past and some of his more recent remarks, then it is you who is blinded by partisanship. I dislike BOTH our candidtates, but at this point I am choosing policy over demetia.
First of all, Harris specifically said, "I do not believe you are a racist." So you're wrong about that. The exchange was about busing which you are too young to even remember being an issue. There were many people against busing for integration. Some were opposed for racist reasons and some were opposed just because they wanted their children to go to school in their neighborhoods. It's another one of those issues that are related to public feelings at the time. Given the benefit of hindsight most of us could look back to a time when we behaved in away that would be considered despicable now. I think Joe should probably step down from the Democratic ticket because his age is obviously impacting his thinking process. However, I will still vote for him if he doesn't simply because he has surrounded himself with competent people not yes men or women.

CLAIM: California Sen. Kamala Harris called former Vice President Joe Biden a racist when they were facing off as potential Democratic candidates for president in 2019.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Harris criticized Biden on certain topics related to race during a debate in June 2019, but she prefaced those remarks with “I do not believe you are a racist.”

Jesus you guys are some fear mongering idiots. Better go hide in your basement. Sheesh.
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You're the one trying to say the crime doesn't matter, just who is committing it that matters. Don't try to push your dumbass comment on me.
Dumbass? You’re the one who can’t read or understand simple logic. Then the final touch of calling me a racist. You loons just can’t help yourselves can you?

Maybe you should explain to me why it matters that people who shouldn’t be here in the first place commit less violent crime than citizens. As if it’s ok that we are adding 50,000 violent criminals a year because it’s technically less than percentage wise than the people already here. Dumbass indeed.
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We all should have seen this coming in 2015-16. All the stuff that should have been disqualifying was normalized, explained away, or ignored into acceptance. We all should have known back then that there never, ever was going to be a bottom.
I still can’t believe this is possible but Trump told his base how dumb they were with the shoot someone on 5th Ave. comment.

Then 2 weeks ago he told them to their faces he didn’t care about them. That was the most honest he has been with them ever.
😆Marx envisioned worldwide economic class warfare between the working class (proletariat) and the wealthy (bourgeoisie) which ended in utopia. It failed because capitalism worked for the middle class and people finally realized that Marxism simply substituted a new oppressor class. 110 million souls sacrificed for a failed ideology and now the current crop of Marxists is trying to substitute race for economic class and try it again. Whites and more recently Jews are now the oppressors. Any failures of the oppressed class can now be blamed on the oppressors. Revolution is the goal and the George Floyd incident was capitalized on and CRT and DEI became mainstream as your party capitulated to the far left fringe.
Lenin once said, “Every revolution needs useful idiots.” Welcome to the club. I could go on. Hopefully you get my point. Marxism, socialism, and progressivism are all authoritarian ideologies and they’ve grabbed hold of your party.
How would prefer to get me the million?
Let me guess you think the Nazis were left wing don't you?
Roe was around for 50 years. Obergefell hasn't even been around 10. If 50 years of precedence can't survive what chance does a fraction of that time have? I anticipate gay marriage is gone under Trump. Hell, Rs will take it even under Biden. They'll strip everybody of their rights. Trump is insane and so is his court.
Slavery was legal for 246 years, that's 5 times the precident of Roe, but we finally figured out wrong is wrong
  • Wow
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Kinnick, what if I told you your life, even if Biden gets re-elected, will be essentially the same four years from now? Would I be crazy?
FYP. In that case why would you choose a multiple felon, rapist, narcissistic, etc, etc, etc. It's the craziest f'ing social experiment ever witnessed.
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FYP. In that case why would you choose a multiple felon, rapist, narcissistic, etc, etc, etc. It's the craziest f'ing social experiment ever witnessed.
I agree about bamkrupt. But how many dead Ukrainians are needed to push NATO forward? Is a million like a million dead Iraqi s morally bankrupt?
Oh shut the **** up, goober. The majority of the country disagrees with overturning it. Sickening comparison between slavery and abortion.
Most people have never read it. Ask the country if it is OK to kill the not yet born 8nstead of the womans right to coose, see what the results are. You are being a biased dolt.
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I still can’t believe this is possible but Trump told his base how dumb they were with the shoot someone on 5th Ave. comment.

Then 2 weeks ago he told them to their faces he didn’t care about them. That was the most honest he has been with them ever.
Yep, and Biden tolds Blacks that if they didn't vote for him they wern't Black. You can't make this crap up. :rolleyes:

Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years - Books will be written about just how bad a man he is, but to start with the man is and always has been a freaking racist and anyone that cannot clearly see this is blind. Not to mention the other illegal things that will come out about him. LOL!
  • You're being blinded by partisanship. Really? Do you want explain how his current VP even knew of his racist ways AND called him out on being a racist? Look, if you fail to acknowlege his past and some of his more recent remarks, then it is you who is blinded by partisanship. I dislike BOTH our candidtates, but at this point I am choosing policy over demetia.
First of all, Harris specifically said, "I do not believe you are a racist." So you're wrong about that. The exchange was about busing which you are too young to even remember being an issue. There were many people against busing for integration. Some were opposed for racist reasons and some were opposed just because they wanted their children to go to school in their neighborhoods. It's another one of those issues that are related to public feelings at the time. Given the benefit of hindsight most of us could look back to a time when we behaved in away that would be considered despicable now. I think Joe should probably step down from the Democratic ticket because his age is obviously impacting his thinking process. However, I will still vote for him if he doesn't simply because he has surrounded himself with competent people not yes men or women.

CLAIM: California Sen. Kamala Harris called former Vice President Joe Biden a racist when they were facing off as potential Democratic candidates for president in 2019.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Harris criticized Biden on certain topics related to race during a debate in June 2019, but she prefaced those remarks with “I do not believe you are a racist.”

@ Hawkman34

I actually agree with you that Biden is a racist at his core. But, as was pointed out, Harris did say that she did NOT believe he was a racist. Now, I would attribute this to her not going over the party line...that would be going to far. But, that man has stood for and said too many things that say otherwise.

  • "Poor Kids are just as smart as white kids."
  • "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
  • "It's not that black parents can't raise kids, it's that they don't know how."
  • The crime bill he backed that hurt the black community horribly.
  • His stance and comments on busing were as racist as they come. Now, some people will say that you "have to remember the times". That is lunacy. Either you felt that segregating those kids was wrong or you didn't. He didn't and tried to frame it as the government should have NO PLACE in mandating if black children should be put on buses with white kids, leave it to the states. Really? So, the states can't make decisions on abortion, but they CAN handle segragated busing. LOL!!
Look, I have said it too many times to count.......we are screwed as a country with our two choices for POTUS. UGH!!
Hard to say. If the girls were 16-17, I’d say 99%.

12 year olds? That seems like that would require a sexual attraction to young girls and just not sure if that’s Trump.

Who the hell knows, though? I just wish he hadn’t unfortunately “killed himself” before we had ALL the facts about the entire situation.

Melania probably had him offed to protect Don.
@ Hawkman34

I actually agree with you that Biden is a racist at his core. But, as was pointed out, Harris did say that she did NOT believe he was a racist. Now, I would attribute this to her not going over the party line...that would be going to far. But, that man has stood for and said too many things that say otherwise.

  • "Poor Kids are just as smart as white kids."
  • "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
  • "It's not that black parents can't raise kids, it's that they don't know how."
  • The crime bill he backed that hurt the black community horribly.
  • His stance and comments on busing were as racist as they come. Now, some people will say that you "have to remember the times". That is lunacy. Either you felt that segregating those kids was wrong or you didn't. He didn't and tried to frame it as the government should have NO PLACE in mandating if black children should be put on buses with white kids, leave it to the states. Really? So, the states can't make decisions on abortion, but they CAN handle segragated busing. LOL!!
Look, I have said it too many times to count.......we are screwed as a country with our two choices for POTUS. UGH!!
Busing wasn't about putting black kids and white kids on the same bus. That had been happening for years. It was about integrating schools by busing kids to schools away from their neighborhoods. There was racism involved with some of the opposition, but others were just opposed to their young children being shipped across town to attend school when in the past their school was within walking distance.

Joe has made some racist sounding statements like the ones you mentioned above, I chalk it up to his age which doesn't make it right. I think the fact that most of the black members of congress support him says they trust him to enact policies that are not racist.

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