What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

How did your family do better under Trump? If you are talking about inflation that was coming after Covid regardless of which party led the country. Every country in the world is experiencing inflation right now with the US making the best recovery.

Are you in favor of abortion and IVF bans?
Here you go:
Trump tax cuts were GREAT for my family. The ones that Biden has said he will not renew. I own a small business that Biden's administration has almost killed. Thankfully we have survived....but it has been the scariest times we have ever seen. Now, we thrived under Trump, Clinton, Obama and Bush. My investments have done GREAT under that is a complete wash. I HATED the school shutdown mandates that were forced on this country. And, it is clear now that we were lied to by this administration with some of the info on the pandemic. And, I and my family have gladly taken all of the boosters. This administration (and the media) have gaslit us horribly on Biden health...for apparently the last 2 years. Although we had "heard" things about Biden......the media and this administration said otherwise. The debate and subsequent info has showed us the truth and I am pissed.

Inflation happened EVERYWHERE.....but this administration printed around 2 FREAKING trillion dollars out of thin air. You want hyper inflation? That is how you do it. They did caused THAT by doing that stupid move...that is Econ 101. There is NO DEBATE on that. My company works in conjunction with the housing/lending industry and they have all but destroyed it.

The border is an utter disaster and someone needs to be held accountable in this Administration. For years, Biden has said he could NOTHING about it, then poof...all the sudden, the election starts coming up and he then pivots to using an executive order which he ALWAYS said he could not do. WTH???

Abortion - Abortion is going no where. Please tell me one state where it is not allowed. I am FULLY behind IVF. Here is my issue with abortion. We have ways to prevent it, but no one is talking and really pushing for that on either side. And, I TOTALLY get the Rape and Incest cases. Also, we need laws to hold the fathers accountable and no one is talking about that.

I CANNOT STAND Trump the person. He is a terrible human being. But, as I have said before....we have alwways had times where we have elected TERRIBLE people. So, with all things being equal....what do you do? I have heard how Trump is going to be a dictator and put his enemies in jail. This is more gaslighting. He could have CRUSHED Hilary for what she did to him after his first election and came out and said "that would be bad for our country." I simply don't buy it.

I LOVED the CHIP act that Biden got through. Best legislation he has passed!!!!

Now, even TOP Dems are bailing on him and you still want me to vote for him? Come on people.

Now, tell me what policies you hated about Trump and what policies have helped YOU under Biden???
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Here you go:
Trump tax cuts were GREAT for my family. The ones that Biden has said he will not renew. I own a small business that Biden's administration has almost killed. Thankfully we have survived....but it has been the scariest times we have ever seen. Now, we thrived under Trump, Clinton, Obama and Bush. My investments have done GREAT under that is a complete wash. I HATED the school shutdown mandates that were forced on this country. And, it is clear now that we were lied to by this administration with some of the info on the pandemic. And, I and my family have gladly taken all of the boosters. This administration (and the media) have gaslit us horribly on Biden health...for apparently the last 2 years. Although we had "heard" things about Biden......the media and this administration said otherwise. The debate and subsequent info has showed us the truth and I am pissed.

Inflation happened EVERYWHERE.....but this administration printed around 2 FREAKING trillion dollars out of thin air. You want hyper inflation? That is how you do it. They did caused THAT by doing that stupid move...that is Econ 101. There is NO DEBATE on that. My company works in conjunction with the housing/lending industry and they have all but destroyed it.

The border is an utter disaster and someone needs to be held accountable in this Administration. For years, Biden has said he could NOTHING about it, then poof...all the sudden, the election starts coming up and he then pivots to using an executive order which he ALWAYS said he could not do. WTH???

Abortion - Abortion is going no where. Please tell me one state where it is not allowed. I am FULLY behind IVF. Here is my issue with abortion. We have ways to prevent it, but no one is talking and really pushing for that on either side. And, I TOTALLY get the Rape and Incest cases. Also, we need laws to hold the fathers accountable and no one is talking about that.

I CANNOT STAND Trump the person. He is a terrible human being. But, as I have said before....we have alwways had times where we have elected TERRIBLE people. So, with all things being equal....what do you do? I have heard how Trump is going to be a dictator and put his enemies in jail. This is more gaslighting. He could have CRUSHED Hilary for what she did to him after his first election and came out and said "that would be bad for our country." I simply don't buy it.

I LOVED the CHIP act that Biden got through. Best legislation he has passed!!!!

Now, even TOP Dems are bailing on him and you still want me to vote for him? Come on people.

Now, tell me what policies you hated about Trump and what policies have helped YOU under Biden???
In keeping with Biden’s long-standing policy promises, the president has said that he would allow the income tax cuts for the rich to expire while protecting those who earn less than $400,000 annually from any tax hikes.

So I assume you are making more that 400,000 annually.

School shutdowns were not federally mandated.

In 27 states, access to abortion is currently limited depending on gestational age, with bans ranging from six weeks to more than 24 weeks. Abortion is almost completely banned with limited exceptions in another 14 states.

Alabama declared frozen embryos used in IVF are babies and can not be disposed of which effectively ends IVF in the state.

I don't want to be represented by a man like Trump that has no real values or morals just whatever will make him the most money or get the most cheers from a crowd. I don't like the idea of pulling out of NATO or his admiration of Putin and Kim Jong Un.
What policies/agenda of Harris makes you say that?
You cannot be serious. She is THE WORST VP in my lifetime....and we all remember Dan Quayle. I cannot think on one thing about her that is postive. I still cannot believe Joe picked her. For pete sake, she only earn 1% of the votes when she ran....that is how bad she is.

Please tell me what makes you feel good about her possibly leading the most powerfull country in the world.
We have lawsuits going forward in court that were pulled allegedly because of threats to the person pursuing the lawsuit. We have new document drops of Epstein tapes that suggest Trump was involved was involved with forced sex acts of children. And we have interviews where Trump is asked about Epstein and his demeanor suddenly changes to defensiveness and the great desire to change the subject.

Legally we all know Trump is protected. But what are the actual odds that he was involved in child rape?
What are the odds you are a real person? I believe you are nothing more than a Soros bot because no actual person could possibly be as simple as your posts would suggest.
In keeping with Biden’s long-standing policy promises, the president has said that he would allow the income tax cuts for the rich to expire while protecting those who earn less than $400,000 annually from any tax hikes.

So I assume you are making more that 400,000 annually.

School shutdowns were not federally mandated.

In 27 states, access to abortion is currently limited depending on gestational age, with bans ranging from six weeks to more than 24 weeks. Abortion is almost completely banned with limited exceptions in another 14 states.

Alabama declared frozen embryos used in IVF are babies and can not be disposed of which effectively ends IVF in the state.

I don't want to be represented by a man like Trump that has no real values or morals just whatever will make him the most money or get the most cheers from a crowd. I don't like the idea of pulling out of NATO or his admiration of Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Nope, CNN was covering for Biden on the what the TRUE effects of letting the tax cuts sunset would be, and it has been debinked

"Congress has less than two years to prevent tax hikes on the vast majority of Americans from taking place. That’s because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, a tax reform law that simplified individual income taxes and reduced tax rates across the income spectrum, is set to expire. If Congress does nothing, most Americans will face higher taxes, worse incentives for work and investment, and a more complicated tax system starting in 2026."

So no, my family and I are middle class earners.

School Shutdowns - It was this administration who pushed for them, and the Dems in each state that had them, pushed for them. States who did not comply were vilified by this administration and you know it.

Abortion. I had NO IDEA there were states that had total bans. That is surprising to me. Again, my biggest issues is that 99% of all abortions are preventable and no one talks about that at all. Alabama is ass backwards with IVF. Just utter insanity.

And, as far as NATO and the war. I had ZERO poblem with Trump telling the rest of NATO to pony up on their money. The war should have NEVER happened. I am so upset at how that was handled and the sad (make me want to throw up) fact is that if Trump had been President...there is no way that Putin would have moved. All that need to happen was for Biden to tell Ukraine that they would NOT be in NATO, but rather they should have come out as a nutral nation. this all could have been avoided. Of course Putin did not want more NATO rockets on his border. UGH!!

Honestly, I now see Biden as morally corrupt as well. And, the way we have all been gaslit buy him, his family, the Dem party and Media is criminal. It is clear that he, Jill and Hunter and his backers are just power hungry. The debate and the aftermath have shown it to be true. Remember, when he first said he was running in 2020, he said he would be a one term president. I thought that was very cool of him. And I was behind him. Now, it has all changed. Do you really think there are not better candidates then him or Harris? Most of the high ranking Dems now want him out......look at the polling...most Dems agree with me on this.
You cannot be serious. She is THE WORST VP in my lifetime....and we all remember Dan Quayle. I cannot think on one thing about her that is postive. I still cannot believe Joe picked her. For pete sake, she only earn 1% of the votes when she ran....that is how bad she is.

Please tell me what makes you feel good about her possibly leading the most powerfull country in the world.
She isn’t either of the two currently in the running?
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You cannot be serious. She is THE WORST VP in my lifetime....and we all remember Dan Quayle. I cannot think on one thing about her that is postive. I still cannot believe Joe picked her. For pete sake, she only earn 1% of the votes when she ran....that is how bad she is.

Please tell me what makes you feel good about her possibly leading the most powerfull country in the world.
He asked for policies or agendas not Fox talking points and opinions. Try again.
Nice try....I did. She has ZERO policies she has laid out. LOL! And yet, most Dems in leadership want her to replace Biden. That is a joke. I will give you one thing as VP that she sucked at. Border Csar. What a crock that has been. Now can you or he answer MY question?
She ran for president so I know she has policies. Put some effort into this.
Ummm....she polled at 1%. Clearly no one liked whatever polocies she might have put forth. LOL!
Or she simply didn’t run a good campaign back then.

If she chooses to run for POTUS again, whether this year or in ‘28; she’ll need to show she learned something.
You cannot be serious. She is THE WORST VP in my lifetime....and we all remember Dan Quayle. I cannot think on one thing about her that is postive. I still cannot believe Joe picked her. For pete sake, she only earn 1% of the votes when she ran....that is how bad she is.

Please tell me what makes you feel good about her possibly leading the most powerfull country in the world.
Pence did nothing. Quayle did nothing. Only VP I can ever remember doing anything beyond breaking ties was Cheney. Clearly you don't know your history.
Here you go:
Trump tax cuts were GREAT for my family. The ones that Biden has said he will not renew. I own a small business that Biden's administration has almost killed. Thankfully we have survived....but it has been the scariest times we have ever seen. Now, we thrived under Trump, Clinton, Obama and Bush. My investments have done GREAT under that is a complete wash. I HATED the school shutdown mandates that were forced on this country. And, it is clear now that we were lied to by this administration with some of the info on the pandemic. And, I and my family have gladly taken all of the boosters. This administration (and the media) have gaslit us horribly on Biden health...for apparently the last 2 years. Although we had "heard" things about Biden......the media and this administration said otherwise. The debate and subsequent info has showed us the truth and I am pissed.

Inflation happened EVERYWHERE.....but this administration printed around 2 FREAKING trillion dollars out of thin air. You want hyper inflation? That is how you do it. They did caused THAT by doing that stupid move...that is Econ 101. There is NO DEBATE on that. My company works in conjunction with the housing/lending industry and they have all but destroyed it.

The border is an utter disaster and someone needs to be held accountable in this Administration. For years, Biden has said he could NOTHING about it, then poof...all the sudden, the election starts coming up and he then pivots to using an executive order which he ALWAYS said he could not do. WTH???

Abortion - Abortion is going no where. Please tell me one state where it is not allowed. I am FULLY behind IVF. Here is my issue with abortion. We have ways to prevent it, but no one is talking and really pushing for that on either side. And, I TOTALLY get the Rape and Incest cases. Also, we need laws to hold the fathers accountable and no one is talking about that.

I CANNOT STAND Trump the person. He is a terrible human being. But, as I have said before....we have alwways had times where we have elected TERRIBLE people. So, with all things being equal....what do you do? I have heard how Trump is going to be a dictator and put his enemies in jail. This is more gaslighting. He could have CRUSHED Hilary for what she did to him after his first election and came out and said "that would be bad for our country." I simply don't buy it.

I LOVED the CHIP act that Biden got through. Best legislation he has passed!!!!

Now, even TOP Dems are bailing on him and you still want me to vote for him? Come on people.

Now, tell me what policies you hated about Trump and what policies have helped YOU under Biden???
You should be blaming Trump for your business' failure, not Biden. Biden has done an amazing job with the economy. Compared to most of the world, the US is envied with how the inflation has been controlled. Of course that comes with a little pain, my small family business as well, but I'm guessing you are now starting to see the benefits of Biden's moves and your business is starting to get going again.
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Who did Biden rape? It sucks we have to share this country with you. I would trade every single one of you MAGAs for an immigrant. You threaten my way of life far more than they do.
Tara Reade accused him of rape. The media attacked her. Me too? Who did Trump rape?
It’s interesting. The utter corruption of the media is now readily apparent for everyone to see as they covered for Biden for almost 4 years and now are caught with their pants down. The media is trash. No interest in the truth. An unbiased media holding each side accountable is critical for democracy to flourish. Don’t you agree or are you just another useful idiot?
Are you pulling for Joe or Kamala? At least Joe has an excuse for his vacuous skull.
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Tara Reade accused him of rape. The media attacked her. Me too? Who did Trump rape?
It’s interesting. The utter corruption of the media is now readily apparent for everyone to see as they covered for Biden for almost 4 years and now are caught with their pants down. The media is trash. No interest in the truth. An unbiased media holding each side accountable is critical for democracy to flourish. Don’t you agree or are you another of Lenin’s useful idiots.

Whatever happened to that Tara Reade?
Which "polocies" do you have the biggest problem with?
She could have the same policies as Obama and still be a TERRIBLE choice for President. She could not even handle the border correctly and cannot put two sentances together. If you cannot admit that, like myself and the other 99% of the Dems that laughed at her in 2020,.....that is on you. Now, what do YOU like about her? and PLEASE don't say she is not Trump.
You should be blaming Trump for your business' failure, not Biden. Biden has done an amazing job with the economy. Compared to the most of the world, the US is the envy with how the inflation has been controlled. Of course that comes with a little pain, my small family business as well, but I'm guessing you are now starting to see the benefits of Biden's moves and your business is starting to get going again.
Sorry, but I know EXACTLY what cause my businesses ill's. Again, you are simply touting the party line. If you don't understand simple economics then you won't get "it". You CANNOT print 2+ trillion dollars out of thin air and not end up with hyperinflation. In march 2020 a full 15 months AFTER Biden took office inflation was at 2.6. Then his policies started to kick and all hell broke lose. This is not hard to understand....and it was not Trumps fault. My buisness has remained viable because of the steps we have had to take...and sadly, that included layoffs. The most painful thing we have ever had to do.
Sorry, but I know EXACTLY what cause my businesses ill's. Again, you are simply touting the party line. If you don't understand simple economics then you won't get "it". You CANNOT print 2+ trillion dollars out of thin air and not end up with hyperinflation. In march 2020 a full 15 months AFTER Biden took office inflation was at 2.6. Then his policies started to kick and all hell broke lose. This is not hard to understand....and it was not Trumps fault. My buisness has remained viable because of the steps we have had to take...and sadly, that included layoffs. The most painful thing we have ever had to do.
Just saying, Trump pushed thru two major spending bills related to the pandemic in addition to the one passed by Biden. All 3 likely had a cumulative effect on inflation. Not to mention the impact caused by pandemic on supply chains, spending patterns, etc.
Just saying, Trump pushed thru two major spending bills related to the pandemic in addition to the one passed by Biden. All 3 likely had a cumulative effect on inflation. Not to mention the impact caused by pandemic on supply chains, spending patterns, etc.
I agree that Trump is not TOTALLY without some blame. But, he absolutly did not print 2+trillion out of thin air and pump it into the economy. Lets just hope that things keep getting better.
Just saying, Trump pushed thru two major spending bills related to the pandemic in addition to the one passed by Biden. All 3 likely had a cumulative effect on inflation. Not to mention the impact caused by pandemic on supply chains, spending patterns, etc.
Let’s also not let the corporations raising prices, trying to hide them inside of inflation, off the hook. Record profits. Those assholes are doing phenomenal.
Sorry, but I know EXACTLY what cause my businesses ill's. Again, you are simply touting the party line. If you don't understand simple economics then you won't get "it". You CANNOT print 2+ trillion dollars out of thin air and not end up with hyperinflation. In march 2020 a full 15 months AFTER Biden took office inflation was at 2.6. Then his policies started to kick and all hell broke lose. This is not hard to understand....and it was not Trumps fault. My buisness has remained viable because of the steps we have had to take...and sadly, that included layoffs. The most painful thing we have ever had to do.

Hey moron, Biden didn't take office till 2021
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Sorry, but I know EXACTLY what cause my businesses ill's. Again, you are simply touting the party line. If you don't understand simple economics then you won't get "it". You CANNOT print 2+ trillion dollars out of thin air and not end up with hyperinflation. In march 2020 a full 15 months AFTER Biden took office inflation was at 2.6. Then his policies started to kick and all hell broke lose. This is not hard to understand....and it was not Trumps fault. My buisness has remained viable because of the steps we have had to take...and sadly, that included layoffs. The most painful thing we have ever had to do.
You just don't seem to be smart enough to run a business.
Pence did nothing. Quayle did nothing. Only VP I can ever remember doing anything beyond breaking ties was Cheney. Clearly you don't know your history.
LOL!!! I remember them being able to put coherent sentences together. I know my history just fine and I NOW know (like everyone else) that Biden will not make it another 4 years and she cannot be put in as President.
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