What do you eat for breakfast? I need some ideas

That is breakfast!
White Goodman Reaction GIF
I eat whatever the wife makes, it's always fresh fruits and 2 different fruit juices, and milk. Then something like salmon quiche, eggs, beef bacon, waffles, yogurt, hash browns, pancakes, sticky rice. Never anything bought premade or with preservatives.
Those flavored tuna packets, while a bit nasty smelling, would be a good snack

Beef jerky
Egg whites
Kirkland brand Canned chicken breast from Costco is shockingly delicious, and I think the whole can is only 200 calories or so. It really doesn’t need anything, although of course it makes for a great chicken salad or dip.
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Monday thru Saturday breakfast is almost always a smoothie made with milk, peanut butter, chocolate protein powder, and a banana.

On Sunday I usually make biscuits with country ham and redeye gravy.
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Coffee with a side of cream.

If I happen to be hungry I will grab a precooked and peeled hard boiled egg. One 90 calorie egg will definitely satiate your appetite until lunch.
Come on. You guys are off your game.

The only answer is OP's mom.

I was gonna say.....really surprised the first answer wasn't: P*SSY

***but my answer is just Coffee....unless its the weekend, then some actual breakfast food may be had.
Coffee with a side of cream.

If I happen to be hungry I will grab a precooked and peeled hard boiled egg. One 90 calorie egg will definitely satiate your appetite until lunch.

So how's the side of cream work? Do you take a squig of coffee, then a sip of the cream, and swish them around together like people do with mouthwash?
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My wife makes me breakfast burritos that I have almost every morning.

She makes a bunch and then puts them in the freezer.

Tortilla shell, eggs, sausage, cheese, sometimes tater tots. I think that's everything.

Damn tasty.
If I eat anything it's leftovers from the previous night's dinner. Yesterday morning it was a couple pieces of fried chicken. Just a couple cups of coffee this morning.
My wife makes me breakfast burritos that I have almost every morning.

She makes a bunch and then puts them in the freezer.

Tortilla shell, eggs, sausage, cheese, sometimes tater tots. I think that's everything.

Damn tasty.
Never heard of a crunchy burrito before.
My go to is 6 ounces of vanilla flavored Wallaby Aussie Greek yogurt with 2 ounces of granola, 2 ounces of strawberries, and 2 ounces of blueberries. 500 calories and 30 grams of protein to start the day.
Holy shit that is exactly mine minus the granola. Some times I'll add a couple shots of orange juice to it. That's funny.
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On a side note I love eggs but as I get older my body doesn't digest them very well and it causes some serious stomach issues. Anyone else have that reaction as you get older?
On a side note I love eggs but as I get older my body doesn't digest them very well and it causes some serious stomach issues. Anyone else have that reaction as you get older?

I've actually gotten a bit better with the digestion of eggs,,other items not as much.

@Formerly Rockymtnole what is your ultimate goal here? Muscle gain? Weight loss? Other?
During the week when I basically have to eat while I drive, a blueberry bagel with butter and Cinnadust.

On the weekend, maybe some scrambled eggs with cheese and a bowl of cereal.