What's on the agenda this weekend?


HR King
Gold Member
Got a buddy's birthday party tonight - we're going to get Vietnamese food and then hit a new craft beer bar in the Village of East Davenport.

Saturday is a soccer tournament around 8 a.m. then I think I'm going down to the lake house to do some kayaking and fishing.

Sunday, probably just chill with the wife and my mom and dad and grill up some food for Mom's day.

Pretty, pretty good. Pretty good.
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Take the wife to pound town tonight. Probably brew a session IPA tomorrow. Get turned down by the wife for a trip to pound town tomorrow night, drink heavily. Mow on Sunday.
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I'm gonna toke up with TB.
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Age of Ultron with the youngest. Saturday am I'll get my mom from the memory center and try to find the least busy, least anxiety producing lunch spot for her. A trip to Des Moines for an I-Cubs game and a visit to Tacopocolypse if it doesn't rain in the afternoon for the family.
Sunday Mrs. Lucas decided to make hair appointments for herself and the oldest of the daughters. It's her day, so, whatever. I'll make a fabulous dinner on Sunday.
A meeting on building my house tonight.
Taking my daughter to a tea party she is 3 no pics on Saturday
Sunday yard work all day.
Leaving shortly to golf and later clean up the house.

Tomorrow I'm heading an open house/celebration for our students graduating from the university. Shutting it down at three to head and celebrate a friend graduating. Her parents rented out our local watering hole so I'm excited for a few thousand pitchers of Michelob Golden.

Sunday probably head to the lake with my parents and siblings for Mom's Day. Hopefully get the kayak out and check out the new sill dam on the lake's north end.
Age of Ultron with the youngest. Saturday am I'll get my mom from the memory center and try to find the least busy, least anxiety producing lunch spot for her. A trip to Des Moines for an I-Cubs game and a visit to Tacopocolypse if it doesn't rain in the afternoon for the family.
Sunday Mrs. Lucas decided to make hair appointments for herself and the oldest of the daughters. It's her day, so, whatever. I'll make a fabulous dinner on Sunday.

Best of luck to you finding a spot for you and your are a terrible poster, but a good son. :)
Thanks, Legend. I've said many times your mother is a wonderful lady. How she produced you I'll never know. I hope she has a great Mother's Day. ;)
Studying for my last final ever and cleaning up the place before I move next weekend. Still can't believe I'm finally graduating from law school next week.
I'm gonna toke up with TB.

Everyone here wants me to smoke dope. They say I am behind on studies that say it is good for me instead of bad. They have made me believe that I am a dope for giving to PETA since they KILL Animals. I have been called every name in the book and my wife and I argued 3 times this week about stupid stuff. What a week!! You send me money and I will go buy dope and smoke it. It cannot get much worse for me lol!!
Meh I'm ok with it. I try to do things with my wife and kid. It's important to me and I enjoy it.
Everyone here wants me to smoke dope. They say I am behind on studies that say it is good for me instead of bad. They have made me believe that I am a dope for giving to PETA since they KILL Animals. I have been called every name in the book and my wife and I argued 3 times this week about stupid stuff. What a week!! You send me money and I will go buy dope and smoke it. It cannot get much worse for me lol!!

It would definitely chill you out.
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I cubs tonight. Taking the wife to The Lion King tomorrow, drinking beer and golf on Sunday
Taking the Mrs to our Tour of Downtown Lofts, weekend Cinco de mayo festival in the park, late afternoon flick and home in time for some adult playtime
I cubs tonight. Taking the wife to The Lion King tomorrow, drinking beer and golf on Sunday
Golf and Titans game tomorrow. Lunch w/ the MIL on Sunday.

Going to Lion King next Sunday too. We saw it a couple years ago and it is really neat how they portray the animals.
Catfish Keith is back from his tour of Mexico and is playin a show down in Kalona. Probably try to take that in. Probably the best picker west of the Mississippi.
Smoking wild Turkey tonight, going to my daughter's dance recital tomorrow, in laws staying here torture night, I mean tomorrow night
Soccer for both boys tomorrow, mow sometime, build a sandbox with the youngest boy. Church and probably visit both moms on Sunday.
Gym, stun errands. Dad is coming up so we're hitting up the Montgomery Brewey tomorrow evening and then griling out. Sunday we are taking my grandma out for brunch. My gift to my mom (no pic) is hanging out with my dad.
Easy going weekend although my mom will be in town so I'll be catering to two women on on Sunday. Happy hour/evening in the old neighborhood Sat night which should be fun.
Everyone here wants me to smoke dope. They say I am behind on studies that say it is good for me instead of bad. They have made me believe that I am a dope for giving to PETA since they KILL Animals. I have been called every name in the book and my wife and I argued 3 times this week about stupid stuff. What a week!! You send me money and I will go buy dope and smoke it. It cannot get much worse for me lol!!
It's like $5 a gram in Colorado. I think you can afford it.

I'll be deep in the red bull vodka from about noon till 3 am, then grilling for my momma tomorrow. Chicken stuffed grillers and fillets from Louie's meats in CL. Dynamite. I'll stick to Coors light and olives tomorrow.
Not a really exciting weekend here.
Friday night: Home from work around 5. Worked in the yard until 9.
Saturday: Wife is working, I'm "watching" the kids (as I read HROT and do some paper work for my job).
Sunday: Family time. Church in the a.m. Probably take the kids to a state park for a hike in the afternoon.