When Will Other DEMS Jump In? Who Do You Want?

Nov 28, 2010
The only people making any noises about it are Bernie Sanders - who isn't even a Democrat - and Martin O'Malley.

I still expect Cuomo to enter the race. But he's been totally out of sight for a while, so maybe not.

Elizabeth Warren says she won't, and I believe her. Which doesn't rule out her being VP.

Who's on your list of candidates you might like, or fear, or whatever. Who do you expect to make a bid?

Perhaps more to the point, will anyone really challenge Hillary - as opposed to just run for VP? Sanders would. Warren could but won't. Cuomo will if he enters (he's already made statements that attack Hillary - which is probably not a great strategy for becoming VP).
I think the Democratic Party desperately wants a woman to be the next POTUS. Aside from Hillary, the two most viable candidates would seem to be Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I think the Democratic Party desperately wants a woman to be the next POTUS. Aside from Hillary, the two most viable candidates would seem to be Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand.
I like Gillibrand, too. She wouldn't scare people the way Warren does. And she won't rub people the wrong way like Hillary does. But she'll have a tough time convincing people she has sufficient gravitas. Getting in this race could earn her some political coin for later.

I could see Hillary picking Warren as her running mate. As I suggested 6 months or so ago, the knee-jerk reaction that 2 women on the ticked would doom it is almost certainly wrong. The misogynists can't vote even less for Hillary than they already will but people who are pro-women but not necessarily pro-Hillary, will be energized. And that includes a lot of men and young voters. Plus Warren will bring along lefties like me who would otherwise vote Green or stay home. Assuming, that is, that Hillary doesn't put the kibosh on her anti-bankster message. I don't think Gillibrand could add that much to Hillary's ticket.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I think the Democratic Party desperately wants a woman to be the next POTUS. Aside from Hillary, the two most viable candidates would seem to be Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand.
Both of which would be a helluva lot better than Hillary.
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
I'm not sure the Manchin or Warner brings much to the electoral map that Hillary doesn't already bring. She will crush whatever sock puppet the Republicans choose to run in Virginia, and the Democrats aren't winning West Virginia in the race for the presidency.

I wouldn't mind seeing another run from Tom Vilsack, he won't, but I would like to see him run. I suppose he could be a VP nominee for Hillary. He supported her very early in 2008.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
I'd be open to voting for Manchin, depending on the Republican candidate. However, given how the far left controls much of the Democratic Party, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Hillary is the candidate - I don't think you'll see any serious contenders throw their hat in the ring.

She's also going to win in 2016, IMO, unless the economy goes well into the dumps between now and then. The only real question is whether she can ge re-elected in 2020.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
The only people making any noises about it are Bernie Sanders - who isn't even a Democrat - and Martin O'Malley.

I still expect Cuomo to enter the race. But he's been totally out of sight for a while, so maybe not.

Elizabeth Warren says she won't, and I believe her. Which doesn't rule out her being VP.

Who's on your list of candidates you might like, or fear, or whatever. Who do you expect to make a bid?

Perhaps more to the point, will anyone really challenge Hillary - as opposed to just run for VP? Sanders would. Warren could but won't. Cuomo will if he enters (he's already made statements that attack Hillary - which is probably not a great strategy for becoming VP).
Warren's the mystery to me. She has a huge following on the left, she has a ready made organization and her views are 180% different than Hillary on so many issues. At yet. she seems to be not running. It says to me either she is putting her party above those things she says are important or Hillary has some dirt on her
Originally posted by dandh:

I'd be open to voting for Manchin, depending on the Republican candidate. However, given how the far left controls much of the Democratic Party, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Hillary is the candidate - I don't think you'll see any serious contenders throw their hat in the ring.

She's also going to win in 2016, IMO, unless the economy goes well into the dumps between now and then. The only real question is whether she can ge re-elected in 2020.
I agree that Hillary will be the D candidate. How do you square that with your view that the far left is in charge however? Do you view Hillary as a lefty? To me she seems almost republican like in her economic and foreign policy. She's pretty conservative on a lot of issues which is why the left is screaming for Warren. If Hillary gets in, you will get Bill Clinton's 3rd term as I see it.
Considering that Hillary Clinton is hardly a Democrat (or liberal). I guess there will be no Democratic candidate. No more than there will be a conservative Republican candidate. There is no choice in this country. Well, you get plenty of meaningless choice- 120 different kinds of potato chips, etc.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
I could probably back Dean again.

Start printing those "I Scream for Dean" T-shirts.

Gotta win this one, otherwise we lose the country completely to the right wing nut jobs. That makes HillsBills the only viable candidate.
Originally posted by jscott78:
Gotta win this one, otherwise we lose the country completely to the right wing nut jobs. That makes HillsBills the only viable candidate.
"HillsBills" I love it. It could be a New Democratic cuss word. "HillsBills, I got to go vote for Hillary."
Originally posted by theiacowtipper:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
I'm not sure the Manchin or Warner brings much to the electoral map that Hillary doesn't already bring. She will crush whatever sock puppet the Republicans choose to run in Virginia, and the Democrats aren't winning West Virginia in the race for the presidency.

I wouldn't mind seeing another run from Tom Vilsack, he won't, but I would like to see him run. I suppose he could be a VP nominee for Hillary. He supported her very early in 2008.
Manchin would probably win in WV were he to run. But its likely that he'll run for Governor in 2016.

Originally posted by dandh:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I expected Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Mark Warner from Virginia to both run. Both would seem to give the Ds a chance to eat into the R base and impact the electoral map in a way that O'Malley and Cuomo don't. Howard Dean has been proven right about everything, I'd like to vote for him.
I'd be open to voting for Manchin, depending on the Republican candidate.
Manchin would BE the Republican candidate. Wrong on way too many things to be considered a Dem.