I fully understand there is a possibility it was from the lab and don't remove it as a possiblity.
Nor do I
There's just very limited evidence that supports this, and there are quite a number of inconsistent facts that would debunk it entirely, UNLESS they can be shown to be incorrect or explained in light of a lab leak hypothesis.
These include:
- Data showing case clusters early on miles away from the lab at the wet market
- No scientists at the lab being sick from Covid
- Allegations that scientists WERE sick being debunked by assay evidence
- Allegations that scientists WERE sick being debunked by other international colleagues who spent time with several of them during this timeframe
- No evidence of scientists at the lab being "contagion vectors", which would have put their homes as other satellite infection zones
That doesn't mean it didn't come from the lab; it just means you need a rather convoluted explanation for the data we have.
Like, a janitor at the lab being exposed/infected, and being fired the same day for violating protocols or something, BEFORE he became contagious. And then he went to the wet markets looking for a job, and became infectious there. That would explain the wet markets being a source and why the janitor never went back to the lab to make them a 2nd satellite source.
Entirely plausible; very coincidental. No evidence that currently supports it.
and there WERE virus samples similar to original Covid found in cages at the wet market, so he'd have had to be hired to clean those out, or something.
Simpler explanation is that the lab had nothing to do with it, and an animal had a coronavirus that jumped to a person at the wet markets, and that person spent several days there being contagious and spreading it to others.
The conspiracy theorists here seem to want to convolute the "lab leak" with a "lab contrived" virus, which are entirely different things. And there is zero evidence this virus was artificially created. There are no markers that show this in the early virus samples. And if it WAS "engineered", then you have that issue AND sorting out how it ONLY got to the wet markets and similar variants ended up in animal cages, which is even more far-fetched.
We had no evidence where SARS or MERS came from, either. We just had animal reservoirs that had similar viruses, and had to make a best guess. That's exactly the case here.
For all we know, there may never have been an animal at the wet market with the virus - the person who caught those animals may have been infected, and selling animals at the markets. That person became infected hunting and trapping animals for the wet markets, and worked there. Which, again, that transmission chain ONLY occurs if you have people out in the areas these animal populations live getting exposed to them.
Shut down the wet-market trade for those at-risk animals and no one hunts them. No one gets exposed and brings the virus into the populated area. It'd be like Ebola in remote African villages....burn itself out in some tiny Chinese town.