Why is the christian conservative right so violent?


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Jul 11, 2007

Target Pulls Some Pride Items After MAGA Violence​

May 24, 2023 Business, Trump cultists

The Associated Press reports:
Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride month, after an intense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers. “Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work,” Target said in a statement Tuesday.
”Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.” Target confirmed that it has moved its Pride merchandise from the front of the stores to the back in some Southern stores after confrontations and backlash from shoppers in those areas.
Target’s Pride month collection has also been the subject of several misleading videos in recent weeks, with social media users falsely claiming the retailer is selling “tuck-friendly” bathing suits designed for kids or in kids’ sizes.
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Why? Terrorism works. Target can't win here...they leave the stuff out and an employee gets attacked...lawsuit at the very least. They pack it up and they get attacked from both sides just like Budweiser.

It is exactly the same tactic the GOP is using over the debt limit - give us what we want or we crash the world economy.
One of the expectations I have for myself when shopping is to not shout at or call the employees names.
I agree with that completely, but I've been yelled at and called names and I wouldn't consider those things violence.
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They prefer the murderously violent OT God, that version aligns much better with their overall dispositions. In reality it’s because their leaders say it’s just and good to do so against that villainous LGBTQ devil worshipping cabal. They’re less than human after all.
Do remember a children's book. Called Bye Bye Binary part of Target's pride displays. It caught my eye because of the baby on the cover. Read it and it didn't bother me at all. But the baby in it was very confrontational about being labelled non binary. Felt as if it the author was flipping off self appointed Evangelicals.
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Far leftists lie once again, shocking. No reports of violence or religion in the article. However I do have lots of examples of extreme violence from the left whether it be BLM, ANTIFA (both of which actually violently looted target for years now) or Trans terrorists shooting up children in schools.

All the left does is lie and project. Idiot cultists.
Many someone was called a name or yelled at, that's violence to the left haven't you heard?
Worked at Walmart in College. Some people feel it's their right to take out all their frustrations out on employees. And yes it can feel close to coming to fists.
I've seen some employees in the break room crying after a particular tough customer engagement.
What were the "violent" confrontations? There aren't any examples in the article...
All the far left does is lie and project
Violence has always been their go to. This is nothing new.
Summer of love says what?
Are most murders committed by republicans?
Abortion statistics say no. Most crime is committed by lefties in lefty cities too. Cope.
Is Target getting canceled now? Freaking cancel culture.
Target is canceling stores in leftist cities because democrats won't stop stealing from them.
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Far leftists lie once again, shocking. No reports of violence or religion in the article. However I do have lots of examples of extreme violence from the left whether it be BLM, ANTIFA (both of which actually violently looted target for years now) or Trans terrorists shooting up children in schools.

All the left does is lie and project. Idiot cultists.
Target has done the math. And would rather not have to deal with a new political hot button. They learned from the bathroom incidents from years ago. Let's just avoid confrontation.
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Target is canceling stores in leftist cities because democrats won't stop stealing from them.
Target, Walmart, Best Buy cancel stores that don't have enough shopping traffic to remain profitable. The Wal Mart that closed in Milwaukee was due to population shift. That area of town has been shrinking for years. A lot of the Milwaukee population has shifted. Thus it was no longer a viable store. It was the exact same reason Target closed their store in Ottumwa, Iowa. You're full of crap.
Target, Walmart, Best Buy cancel stores that don't have enough shopping traffic to remain profitable. The Wal Mart that closed in Milwaukee was due to population shift. That area of town has been shrinking for years. A lot of the Milwaukee population has shifted. Thus it was no longer a viable store. It was the exact same reason Target closed their store in Ottumwa, Iowa. You're full of crap.

Wrong. This has been going on for years in leftist utopias. Here's a hint, when they say they can't "improve performance" it's because they get looted all the time. Just look at those mostly peaceful "protests" in the link. Shattered doors with active looters. This is the current left. Violent thugs.
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Wrong. This has been going on for years in leftist utopias. Here's a hint, when they say they can't "improve performance" it's because they get looted all the time. Just look at those mostly peaceful "protests" in the link. Shattered doors with active looters. This is the current left. Violent thugs.
Temporary closed. Not permanently u implied permeant closer. Riots, floods, storms, etc are all temporary conditions.

Wrong. This has been going on for years in leftist utopias. Here's a hint, when they say they can't "improve performance" it's because they get looted all the time. Just look at those mostly peaceful "protests" in the link. Shattered doors with active looters. This is the current left. Violent thugs.

As opposed to a loser who changes his handle over and over again?

It's not just target. Walmart is also bailing on leftist cities. Liberal utopian like Portland, Minneapolis and DC just can't keep businesses in town anymore. What do these places have in common? They're surrounded by extreme democrat violence and theft non stop.
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As opposed to a loser who changes his handle over and over again?
Isn't it about time for one of your soy patties? Glad you can't argue my points at all and have to go to lying about me having multiple handles. Seriously, why is lying such a go to for you lefties.
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