First, please detail exactly how Trump screwed up covid (was it operation warp speed?) and where you got your 4000,000 number.
And, I guess YOU are ok with how the Biden/Harris administration and the Dems were sending COVID patients to nursing homes in blue states.....killing who knows how many of our elderly, or how they were against Trump cutting off travel to and from China (you know, where COVID came from) at the start of the pandemic by saying he was xenophobic. I guess it doesn't bother you that Biden showered inappropriately (his daughters words, not mine) with his own daughter. Or, that the Dems got caught trying to swing the 2016 election by lying about Trump colluding with Russia using the fake, Clinton funded, Steele dossier. Or how they got caught again lying about Hunter's laptop being real. Some of this might be why he has misgivings about some of the intelligence that has been put out there against him. Or, maybe you are proud of the fact that under the Biden/Harris administration, we have had more illegal's come accross our border then ANY other time in the last 50 years....or maybe EVER, while at the same time they have INSISTED over and over that the border is secure. LOL! Or, maybe you are proud of the fact that Biden actually called his Defense Secretary "That Black Man" recently. Or, maybe you are proud of his handling of the inflation mess where he and the Dems printed 2 TRILLION dollars out of thin air, cause the highest inflation in the last 50 years. Or maybe you were upset that Trump actually kept us out of funding any wars. Or, maybe you did not like how Trump put in place the biggest Middle east peace agreement in the last 50 know the peace that under this Administration went POOF!
And finally...I know of NO ONE who has ever said he was Trump was a great husband, but you and you fellow radical Dems would be the same people the would have give that piece of crap husband Bill Clinton a pass for all of his affairs...including the respect he showed for the Oval Office by diddling a young intern in the actual Oval Office. LOL
To folks who care about their family....YOU are on the wrong side.