Will Kamala Harris be the President before 2028?

Will Kamala Harris be the President before 2028?

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Actually she was given the task as border czar after she fake cried at the border during Trump's presidency. Then it was pretty well documented that she wanted no part of it. That's who we need leading us. Someone who sees a problem and says "Eff that shit."
Because she couldn't do anything. There is no actual power to do anything with those positions. Without the border legislation, there just aren't very many tools in the shed to deal with the problem. I don't even like much of what that bill allowed because it would give far too much power to the President, but it is tiresome to constantly have the same people blaming Biden and Harris while not acknowledging that Republicans sabotaged the bill that would have given them the power to do what they wanted them to do. It's playing politics, you know you are playing politics, and in the words of more than one Republican on these boards, "That's why people hate you". Well, it's one of the reasons at least. it's Kamala's fault the Republicans sabotaged the bipartisan border legislation? She's VP. Beyond making a few speeches and saying "pretty, pretty please would you do this" she doesn't have power to do anything.

Come on, blame it on Trump and Johnson. If the bill would have been brought to the floor, it would have passed. Which is why the bill wasn't brought to the floor. Because Trump didn't want it to pass.
The bill you are referencing was pure garbage. It would have done nothing but give Biden more do nothing.
The bill you are referencing was pure garbage. It would have done nothing but give Biden more do nothing.
LOL. It gives the President too much power! But Biden wouldn't use that power! So the Bill is garbage!

That's not a serious argument.
Because she couldn't do anything. There is no actual power to do anything with those positions. Without the border legislation, there just aren't very many tools in the shed to deal with the problem. I don't even like much of what that bill allowed because it would give far too much power to the President, but it is tiresome to constantly have the same people blaming Biden and Harris while not acknowledging that Republicans sabotaged the bill that would have given them the power to do what they wanted them to do. It's playing politics, you know you are playing politics, and in the words of more than one Republican on these boards, "That's why people hate you". Well, it's one of the reasons at least.
But this isn't true.

Biden specifically rolled back Trump practices at the border. That is without legislation. So the argument that they have no control is not factually based. Their change of policy and enforcement is different compared to Trump and you are seeing the result of it the last four years. That is solely on the Biden admin.

From BBC article:

Under current law, any foreign national arriving to the US can claim asylum. But both the Biden and Trump administrations have sought to control the number of those making that claim through policies such as the Covid-era Title 42 and the "Remain in Mexico" programme.
During his successful White House bid, Mr Biden campaigned against Mr Trump's restrictive asylum policies, particularly the "transit ban" that forbade migrants from applying for asylum unless they first applied before they reached the US border.
Faced with mounting criticism, however, the Biden administration and Democratic allies have suggested asylum provisions similar to Mr Trump's.


When President Biden took office, there was a change of tone and of policy from Mr Trump's administration when it came to deportation, leading to a sharp decline in the number of people being removed from the US.
Additionally, the Biden administration swiftly moved to end the arrest and deportation of migrants in the US interior, a sharp departure from the Trump administration's practices.

Family Separations​

Thousands of migrant children were separated from their families as part of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" approach at the border.

Mr Trump has hinted that he would take the approach again if re-elected. In November, for example, he told Spanish-language news channel Univision that it had served as a deterrent and "stopped people from coming by the hundreds of thousands."
Soon after taking office, Mr Biden moved to end the separations, which he said were reflective of "the moral and national shame" of Mr Trump's administration.
The Biden administration announced a settlement last October in which family members separated under the previous administration will be given temporary legal and other benefits.
still don't understand the specific concern about Kamala Harris

most of it seems to come from people who severly dislike any they also dislike kamala

she seems like a "normal" politician that is generally unremarkable in most ways
But this isn't true.

Biden specifically rolled back Trump practices at the border. That is without legislation. So the argument that they have no control is not factually based. Their change of policy and enforcement is different compared to Trump and you are seeing the result of it the last four years. That is solely on the Biden admin.

From BBC article:

Under current law, any foreign national arriving to the US can claim asylum. But both the Biden and Trump administrations have sought to control the number of those making that claim through policies such as the Covid-era Title 42 and the "Remain in Mexico" programme.
During his successful White House bid, Mr Biden campaigned against Mr Trump's restrictive asylum policies, particularly the "transit ban" that forbade migrants from applying for asylum unless they first applied before they reached the US border.
Faced with mounting criticism, however, the Biden administration and Democratic allies have suggested asylum provisions similar to Mr Trump's.


When President Biden took office, there was a change of tone and of policy from Mr Trump's administration when it came to deportation, leading to a sharp decline in the number of people being removed from the US.
Additionally, the Biden administration swiftly moved to end the arrest and deportation of migrants in the US interior, a sharp departure from the Trump administration's practices.

Family Separations​

Thousands of migrant children were separated from their families as part of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" approach at the border.

Mr Trump has hinted that he would take the approach again if re-elected. In November, for example, he told Spanish-language news channel Univision that it had served as a deterrent and "stopped people from coming by the hundreds of thousands."
Soon after taking office, Mr Biden moved to end the separations, which he said were reflective of "the moral and national shame" of Mr Trump's administration.
The Biden administration announced a settlement last October in which family members separated under the previous administration will be given temporary legal and other benefits.
So now you don't want laws at all. Just some dictator guy making orders as he pleases only to have them completely changed by the next guy so the problem never actually gets dealt with. This is why Republicans suck at this, but then that's by design. If you didn't have immigration to talk about then you might be forced to actually look at how horrible Republicans govern.
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So now you don't want laws at all. Just some dictator guy making orders as he pleases only to have them completely changed by the next guy so the problem never actually gets dealt with. This is why Republicans suck at this, but then that's by design. If you didn't have immigration to talk about then you might be forced to actually look at how horrible Republicans govern.
what do you mean?

republicans have always been firm in their support of exclusively relying on executive action (and bypassing congress) to solve the nation's issues
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So now you don't want laws at all. Just some dictator guy making orders as he pleases only to have them completely changed by the next guy so the problem never actually gets dealt with. This is why Republicans suck at this, but then that's by design. If you didn't have immigration to talk about then you might be forced to actually look at how horrible Republicans govern.
I would love some laws. Neither party want them for different reasons and I don't see it happening until there is a critical mass. The bill you suggested that was denied gave power to the president just like you mention you not wanting.

My point however is that this admin HAS done things to screw up the boarder and that isn't anyone "being political".
what do you mean?

republicans have always been firm in their support of exclusively relying on executive action (and bypassing congress) to solve the nation's issues
Well, they are ok with it when Republicans do it.
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It is the same tired leftist race baiters that continue to inject it into every aspect of our lives.

Holding a mirror up so you can see who they actually are is injecting it into every aspect of your lives? As usual, MAGA passes the buck and blames everyone else rather than growing up, accepting responsibility and evolving.
I would love some laws. Neither party want them for different reasons and I don't see it happening until there is a critical mass. The bill you suggested that was denied gave power to the president just like you mention you not wanting.

My point however is that this admin HAS done things to screw up the boarder and that isn't anyone "being political".
No, Trump doesn't want them. Sorry, I don't consider ripping children from their parents and throwing away the key to be "handling the border". Setting up concentration...I mean, "deportation camps" isn't handling the border either. We need to be incorporating these people into our economy, not kicking them out of it.
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Crazy, the dems could win in a landslide if they picked someone else and the repubes could win in a landslide if they picked someone else (more sane, not maga).
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Crazy, the dems could win in a landslide if they picked someone else and the repubes could win in a landslide if they picked someone else (more sane, not maga).

This sounds good but we'll never know if it's reality. Neither of the obvious Biden alternatives have been tested through the primary process. History provides multiple examples of candidates who looked like sure things and then immediately flamed out. Hello Jed Busch and Howard Dean.
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still don't understand the specific concern about Kamala Harris

most of it seems to come from people who severly dislike any they also dislike kamala

she seems like a "normal" politician that is generally unremarkable in most ways
D's don't even like her.

Her run for the 2020 nomination was a total face plant.
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D's don't even like her.

Her run for the 2016 nomination was a total face plant.
being able to get through a crowded primary and get elected is an entirely different skill set than being an effective administrator/political executive

non-specific concerns over public "likability" are very important in one...and not important at all in the other
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I've seen no evidence she's either.

Her campaign staff was a shit show and it's been a revolving door on her VP staff.'s horse race political media coverage

never seems to be a specific thing that makes people dislike her, just that people dislike her

personally, i've always been generally underwhelmed by her...nothing to make me think she's particularly good or particularly bad...
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never seems to be a specific thing that makes people dislike her, just that people dislike her

personally, i've always been generally underwhelmed by her...nothing to make me think she's particularly good or particularly bad...
fair enough
being able to get through a crowded primary and get elected is an entirely different skill set than being an effective administrator/political executive

non-specific concerns over public "likability" are very important in one...and not important at all in the other
Obviously I’m not privy to what she does behind closed doors. But my impression of her public image is that she’s way too aloof and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest skill seems to be Kamsplaining basic concepts that 99% of Americans already understand.

Any competent politician should have mopped the floor with Pence in the VP debate. Instead she muddled her way to a split decision and the most remarkable thing that happened that night was a fly landing on Pence’s head.

The thought of Harris at the helm in the Situation Room during a national emergency does not engender confidence.
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