Winder, GA - haven't had a school shooting thread in a while

Then I remembered, school just started back.

Looks like they are loosely indicating a school shooting in Winder, GA. About an hour north and east between Atlanta and Athens. More to follow....

Local hospital reporting students arriving with gun shot injuries.

Gun in hand makes the morans feel tough.

Candidly, I think you're wildly oversimplifying things. When it comes to mass shootings like this, you are generally talking about people who are legitimately "bad" or "crazy", and handling a weapon in ways that no one would assert are legal. While there are indeed many in the pro-gun camp who do like the 'tough' feel associated with a gun and shooting something, honestly, the marketing underlying that is really no different than the marketing associated with buying an SUV, and an infinitesimally small number of the people who respond to it actually raise said gun against other human being. (And while not nearly morally equivalent, I'd bet a substantially higher percentage of SUV owners handle their vehicles aggressively vis a vis other drivers.)

Freedum? Sure. For better or worse, it's in our society's founding documents. And for that reason, probably more worthwhile to focus on the hard work of generating the consensus to change those founding documents via the pathways provided. Because short of that, you're probably left with the comparatively easier path of dealing with the bad or crazy people. And of course, if you do take the hard path, you probably still have to deal with the bad/crazy people anyway.
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Gun in hand makes the morans feel tough.

Tina Fey Finger Guns GIF by Saturday Night Live
Hard to believe there are libs in this country who still own these weapons that were designed specifically to kill people. Guys like Joe Biden, Joe Scarborough, fsu1jreed, etc.

Time for those folks to lead by example and do the right thing. #TurnThemIn
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And since "too soon" really doesn't exist anymore for school shootings, here are some regional demographic details....

The state itself is 100% Republican run.
Barrow County population 83,xxx 70.6% Republican, 27.5% Democrat
Winder, GA is 20,xxx 60.6% white and 20.5% black

It's about 45-60 minutes out of Atlanta so it really is a stretch to blame the "liberal policies" of Atlanta.

Mostly a snarky preemptive for some of you who like to blame everything BUT the guns. But I give credit, blaming the school isn't a bad sarcastic red herring.

And is this post in bad taste? What is in bad taste is offering Ts&Ps and then doing nothing to prevent the next one. If folks really cared enough, more firearms regulations would be on the table as 1 of many avenues to go down to protect our children.
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Add up all the kids who die in the streets of our cities around the country from guns over the course of a year. Then add up all the kids who die in school shootings.

One number is much bigger than the other. Why is that dims like to focus on the much smaller number?
Add up all the kids who die in the streets of our cities around the country from guns over the course of a year. Then add up all the kids who die in school shootings.

One number is much bigger than the other. Why is that dims like to focus on the much smaller number?
So you admit there's a gun problem in America. That's a good first step!
And since "too soon" really doesn't exist anymore for school shootings, here are some regional demographic details....

The state itself is 100% Republican run.
Barrow County population 83,xxx 70.6% Republican, 27.5% Democrat
Winder, GA is 20,xxx 60.6% white and 20.5% black

It's about 45-60 minutes out of Atlanta so it really is a stretch to blame the "liberal policies" of Atlanta.

Mostly a snarky preemptive for some of you who like to blame everything BUT the guns. But I give credit, blaming the school isn't a bad sarcastic red herring.

And is this post in bad taste? What is in bad taste is offering Ts&Ps and then doing nothing to prevent the next one. If folks really cared enough, more firearms regulations would be on the table as 1 of many avenues to go down to protect our children.
i'm glad that you took the school comment for what it was, as will I as to state political leadership rather than saying something like "now do sandy hook".

Honestly, I blame the people wielding the guns. Simple as that. As far as firearms reg goes, while I have my doubts it'll do much as to the people wielding the guns in situations like this, the simple reality is that you have to do something that passes muster (no pun intended), and that's not easy. Otherwise it's really just political masturbation.

BTW, to be clear, I'm actually gun agnostic. I've never fired one in my 60 years of life, and don't have any particular desire to. And I definitely don't have any interest in shooting anything permanently dead, even if it's invading my home.

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