Winter weather

Aug. 12

Moved to our new home in Iowa. It is so beautiful here. The grasslands and hills are so serene and picturesque. Can hardly wait to see them with snow covering them. God's country .... I love it here.

Oct. 14.

Iowa is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves are turning all different colors. I love the shades of red, yellow, and orange, went for a ride through some beautiful river bottoms and spotted some deer. They are so graceful, certainly they are the most peaceful animals on earth. This must be paradise...I love it here.

Nov. 11.

Deer season will start soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such an elegant creature. The very symbol of peace and tranquillity hope it will snow soon...I love it here.

Dec. 2

It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed with white. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (i won), and when the snowplow came by we had to shovel the driveway again. What a beautiful place, mother nature in perfect harmony...I love Iowa.

Dec. 12.

More snow last night. I love it. The snow plow did his trick again (that rascal). a winter wonderland...I love it here.

Dec. 19.

More snow last night. Couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work this time. I'm exhausted from shoveling. f---ing snow plow!

Dec. 22.

More of that white s--- fell last night. I've got blisters on my hands from shoveling. I think the snow plow man hides around the curve and waits until I'm done shoveling the driveway. a--hole!!

Dec. 25.

"White Christmas" my busted ass! More friggin snow. If I ever get my hands on that son-of-a-bitch who drives the snow plow, I swear I'll castrate the dumb bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt the f---ing ice.

Dec. 28.

More white s--- last night. Been inside since Christmas day except for shoveling out the driveway after "snow plow Larry" comes every time. Can't go anywhere, car's buried in a mountain of white s---. The weatherman says expect another 10" of the s--- tonight. Do you know how many shovels-full of snow 10" it?

Jan. 1.

Happy f---ing new year!! The weatherman was wrong (again). We got 34" of the white s--- this time. At this rate it wont' melt before the 4th of July. The snow plow got stuck up the road and the s---head had the balls to come to the door and ask to borrow my shovel. After i told him I've broken 6 shovels already, shoveling all the s--- he pushed into the driveway, i broke my last one over his f---ing head.

Jan. 4.

Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get food and on the way back a goddamned deer ran in front of the car and i hit the bastard. Did about $3000 damage to the car. Those f---ing beasts should be killed. Wished the hunters had killed them all last November.

May 3

Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing is rotting out from all the f---ing salt they keep dumping all over the road? Car looks like s---!

May 10.

Moved to Arizona. I can't imagine why anyone in their right friggin mind would ever want to live in the Godforsaken state of IOWA!!!!
Pick of you sowing next to the fireplace?:D

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Yeah, this is my first foray into the world of snow removal, and it’s....something else. Somehow I avoided it during my years in golf, but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it.

It’s fun work, the bump in pay is freaking sweet, but the nonstop on-call...yeesh

It blows. It is a thankless job and people are so disrespectful it’s unreal. It causes so much stress for me that it’s really not worth it.
It blows. It is a thankless job and people are so disrespectful it’s unreal. It causes so much stress for me that it’s really not worth it.

What is wrong with people? Mine texted me a bit ago confirming we wanted our driveway done. He does a great job. I tell him every chance I get and pay on time. I appreciate that I'm not going to be shoveling snow in the cold tomorrow. I hate that so many people have forgotten to be thankful.
What is wrong with people? Mine texted me a bit ago confirming we wanted our driveway done. He does a great job. I tell him every chance I get and pay on time. I appreciate that I'm not going to be shoveling snow in the cold tomorrow. I hate that so many people have forgotten to be thankful.
Your able bodied husband allows you to pay someone to do man's work? ;)
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I've moved on to season 6 of GoT. Always nice to watch some dragons on a cold, Winter's day.
I live in a northern tier county. I work in healthcare, no such thing as a snow day, and I often have to drive >100 total miles a day. I mostly don't mind winter, and I often relish it. Ice I HATE, extended periods of subzero temps are also a drag and a challenge. Snow and reasonably cold temps are fine.

When I lived in IC, I loathed the endless freeze/thaw cycles though. Sloppy mess by day, slick sheet of glassy ice by night. I'd prefer if the temperatures were never in the 40s. Ugh.
I grew up in Buffalo, around a lot of people who liked it or didn't mind it. I always hated it (well, I guess I liked it somewhat when I was a little kid) and I was always walking around during the winter like "You know you can leave, right?"

I'd probably have moved back if it wasn't for the weather. I miss a lot about it.

But whenever it drops below 50 degrees here in Atlanta and I throw myself on the ground like a baby whining about how I'm just not going to survive. And then I don't think about living in Buffalo again for a while.
Buffalo gets snow on a completely different level than here. That lake effect snow gets measured in feet. A few inches here in Iowa is not as big of a deal as people make it out to be.
So, we've gotten about an inch of snow here on the east side of IC. Why didn't they have school in IC today? They've already pushed tomorrow's start back two hours. So, it snowed for an hour, and then nothing. Is this it? It seems anticlimactic.
So, we've gotten about an inch of snow here on the east side of IC. Why didn't they have school in IC today? They've already pushed tomorrow's start back two hours. So, it snowed for an hour, and then nothing. Is this it? It seems anticlimactic.

Teachers need to time to sext their students.

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It's why I now live in Florida, moved from Kentucky in '95...........winter sucks.
Pretty sweet day so far. I was stirred from my slumber at 10:44 by the sounds of a snow blower. I walked to the living room and looked out the old picture window to see my neighbor just finishing up my driveway. The youngest daughter was out there struggling away with a shovel. I think I’ll get him a six pack or a gift a gift card for some coffee.
I’ll remind the kid that she lives here for free.
Wife had knee replacement surgery a few months ago so naturally I had to pay someone to do the driveway.
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Wife had knee replacement surgery a few months ago so naturally I had to pay someone to do the driveway.
You should mention to your able bodied children that the will isn't set in stone, yet. ;)
Guys, it’s only fair, the noles invade our board, we invade their state. Come on down, the weather is fine!!!!