WTT Senior Brackets out

Looked like a hyper extended knee. He's up but looks like Suriano at the end of the season. What an awful ending if he can't continue (or even if he can).
Impressive performance by Cox, but it sure seemed like he did a lot of running to not get called for anything. The problem with Freestyle, is I don't understand the rules.
Cox wins 5-3. It was incredible that Cox continued the match and somehow pulled out the victory, but the mat conditions were ridiculous. Taylor was the aggressor but was unable to gain any traction on the slippery mat.
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Any predictions on the final match. So far the guy who lost the first match and won the second won has won the third. I am going with JB in the 3rd one.
What in the fck was that match. Insane. Great effort by Jden Cox. Why do the refs not wipe up the mat though? Literally covered in sweat and both wrestlers slipping all over.

Respect to Jden Cox though. Great job finishing that match even with an injury.
Taylor and Sanderson were a little pissed at the end there. I'm sure we'll see some PSU fans condemning their actions, since we all know they'd be all over an Iowa guy if he did the same thing.
They had a legitimate beef, but I think Cox was given the benefit of the doubt as the reigning medalist as well as injury sympathy as he slipped and slid away from his opponent.
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Man, I may be off base here but I think Dake is better than Burroughs now. Nonetheless, nice wins by JB and hope he gets back on top in Paris.