WTT Senior Brackets out

Taylor found out playing to much dodge ball and having fun really don't win matches.
Sure the mat was wet with sweat was it just in his area. He had two good legs to one for Cox so what is the bitch Cael and Taylor. Cox did what he had to do and won not pretty but
Taylor can only blame himself.. Funny how some fans got after Gillman for some of his actions but Mr. Magic sure did not show much sportsman ship after did he...
Cox didn't look injured to me after the match resumed, pretty nimble running fromTaylor.
Only time he looked injured was when they weren't wrestling. Lol
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Sure the mat was wet with sweat was it just in his area.
The slippery mat definitely favors the leading/defensive wrestler...but that being said, it is DT's fault he wasn't leading. He was so upset because he assumed Cox would roll over and give up after the "injury", but instead he gutted it out. Taylor expected an easy finish
So wrestling's not so f*** after all, when it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Some true colors coming out, perhaps? Interesting.
They have always been that way. Penn State is as fake as it gets and their fans on here are the same way. Wait until they start losing again and all of their true colors will come out. As for David, I think his MMA connection forgot to give him the rage antidote. One of our fans should have asked him how much fun he was having.
Funny I've never seen Gilman act like that after a loss! And he's supposedly a punk:rolleyes:
Like when Terry Brands when he lost the Olympic team trials. You guys don't realize how hard it is to get to this spot in wrestling And its not college affiliation anymore. It's individual just like the sport.
Like when Terry Brands when he lost the Olympic team trials. You guys don't realize how hard it is to get to this spot in wrestling And its not college affiliation anymore. It's individual just like the sport.

Oh we sure do. And yes it sure is. The only difference? We have been following the sport for a long time. Not just the last 5-7 years.
Like when Terry Brands when he lost the Olympic team trials. You guys don't realize how hard it is to get to this spot in wrestling And its not college affiliation anymore. It's individual just like the sport.
Yeah but Terry Brands has never pretended to be anything other than Terry Brands. DT is the poster boy for "just have fun and score points" win or lose
Anyone know how many wins we had yesterday and today, so I can pay up?
Was just thinking the same thing. Lots of us owe a buck per win, correct? Time to step forward and be counted! And after what Gilman did (along with several teammates who had a very solid tournament), who DOESN'T want to jump on board and show some appreciation for the HWC?! These guys came in and fought like warriors this weekend!

How about some roll call for a buck per win? MATCH ME!!!

Better yet, let's start a new thread for that. . . . Please see the new thread.
Yeah but Terry Brands has never pretended to be anything other than Terry Brands. DT is the poster boy for "just have fun and score points" win or lose

Truth bomb right here. Folks can get on Iowa guys all they want but they are not fakes who use airtime to extoll all the f*** they are having at a certain university or wrestling club. I get Taylor was pissed about sucks, especially being good as he is. But he had a one legged guy on the ropes with a plenty of time left and couldn't finish him off.
Truth bomb right here. Folks can get on Iowa guys all they want but they are not fakes who use airtime to extoll all the f*** they are having at a certain university or wrestling club. I get Taylor was pissed about sucks, especially being good as he is. But he had a one legged guy on the ropes with a plenty of time left and couldn't finish him off.
I've always been partial to genuine people. And if I were a top-10 P4P recruit, I know darn well I'd want a genuine person mentoring me. The Iowa program and the HWC are stocked with lots of quality human beings who have plenty of f*** -- they just don't advertise it to the world whenever they're given a platform.
taylor was reacting out of frustration, i can almost understand that, but whoever threw the brick and then the towel that was really blatant and should be addressed.
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Cox didn't look injured to me after the match resumed, pretty nimble running fromTaylor.
Only time he looked injured was when they weren't wrestling. Lol

I noticed the same thing. He acted like he could barely put weight on his leg and they helped him walk a few steps, then he proceded to scramble and run away from Taylor for the last two minutes of the match. As an Iowa fan I don't cheer for PSU wrestlers too often unless its world or olympic competition, but I was pulling for Taylor to win this one. Both are tremendous wrestlers and seem to be very nice young men, but I hate seeing officials impact the outcome of a match with inconsistent or biased refereeing. Just because J'Den was injured doesn't elimiate the passivity rules. At a minimum he should have been put on the shot clock in the last two minutes of that match as he ran all over the slippery mat as Taylor tried to chase after him. The slippery mat was a legitimate gripe by Taylor and Cael - it was pretty ridiculous the way they were slipping and sliding all over the mat. Maybe Cael should have asked for the match to be interrupted that last couple minutes to towel off the mat and towel off the wrestlers. Feel good for Cox, but feel bad for Taylor.

Thanks for posting that.

So after losing to the injured Cox, Taylor jaws and points at ref and people in crowd. Cael throws a brick at the ref, then a towel, and tosses a chair. Taylor kicks the brick and continues stomping around.

What a pathetic display of sportsmanship by "magic man" Taylor and coach St Cael.

This pretty much illustrates the hypocrisy of the whole "having fun" schtick these guys put on. Being a good guy is a whole lot easier when you win. This rare loss for Taylor and Cael reveals another side of their character.
taylor was reacting out of frustration, i can almost understand that, but whoever threw the brick and then the towel that was really blatant and should be addressed.

I expect a full explanation from the fan boys from Penn State here by tomorrow. Even though we don't want it. They will force it down our throats and spin it in their favor. Just a fair warning boys!!!
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Thanks for posting that.

So after losing to the injured Cox, Taylor jaws and points at ref and people in crowd. Cael throws a brick at the ref, then a towel, and tosses a chair. Taylor kicks the brick and continues stomping around.

What a pathetic display of sportsmanship by "magic man" Taylor and coach St Cael.

This pretty much illustrates the hypocrisy of the whole "having fun" schtick these guys put on. Being a good guy is a whole lot easier when you win. This rare loss for Taylor and Cael reveals another side of their character.
Talk is cheap. Actions speak volumes. Hey, recruits -- you paying attention?

Just for the record, there were a whole bunch of Iowa coaches and wrestlers having a whole lot of f*** all weekend. Lots of smiles, lots of high fives, and lots of tremendous effort. Oh -- and a lot of great sportsmanship, including from a former Hawk in defeat. Turns out it's f*** to be an Iowa/HWC wrestler and coach, after all. Who knew?
Cox didn't look injured to me after the match resumed, pretty nimble running fromTaylor.
Only time he looked injured was when they weren't wrestling. Lol

yeah.... he doesn't look injured in the team picture afterwards, if you ignore the crutches he's on. o_O

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Agreed. He may have just hyperextended and sprained his knee, but he also could've have torn a ligament. We'll probably know more next week. Hopefully Cox will wrestle in Paris.
Can the USA replace him if he is unable to wrestle?
The DT crew appeared to be upset at the official for not making Cox wrestle.
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The DT crew appeared to be upset at the official for not making Cox wrestle.

Sure, but any time an Iowa fan brings up our guys couldn't score because a guy stalled and backed up, it's always brought up the just pushing a guy will never cause scoring. PSU has no problem scoring no matter what the other guy is doing because if their superior technique.
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I like Taylor, but like Cox even more. Guy is an Olympic medalist. People forget about him. Glad Cox won. I hate Dake, and am glad he lost.
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Cox didn't look injured to me after the match resumed, pretty nimble running fromTaylor.
Only time he looked injured was when they weren't wrestling. Lol
There's this thing I read about somewhere, I can't seem to find it, but it's called SIA (stress-induced something.) When injured athletes compete, the stress of competition actually "distracts" their body from the pain. Then, after the competition, they feel the pain again because there is no stress anymore.
Bael is gone and Classless Cael is in the house. Throwing bricks, towels, and chairs at the official. Classless Cael will do anything to win. Cheat, steal, and put hits out on officials that don't kiss his ass. This explains why the NCAA officials seem scared to make any calls against classless Cael's fun club. The cheater will eventually go down in shame.
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Maybe I am biased bc I was rooting for Cox to hold on but I seem to recall he was in on several shots in the 2nd period. I would like to review the tape to see the differential in shot attempts. Taylor was far more passive than I thought he would be in light of Cox's predicament.
Careful guys, when Brands goes "O-fer" during the Spencer Lee era, David will be on most of your short lists to be the Hawks next coach....
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