To be fair. The ladder match sucked. Totally forget ableI'm dumb. Forgot Andrade. They were trolling me.
To be fair. The ladder match sucked. Totally forget ableI'm dumb. Forgot Andrade. They were trolling me.
He went off on The Bucks and Page. Honestly when dealing with Punk it's best to just keep your mouth shut. Or talk directly with him. The passive aggressive route only leads to being shit on.CM Punk unloaded on Hangman Page in an interview session after the PPV....The look on Tony Kahn's face as Punk destroys the EVP's/Page is funny as hell...
Damn that was entertaining. The back stage and EVP's has to be dysfunctional as hell. Rather early to mid 90's WWE. And Vince Russo WCW. Tony would be smart to name Jericho as head of talent relations. Or give someone the job of hatchet man.![]()
Watch the All Out media scrum: CM Punk snaps, Storm, Jericho, more!
See it to believe
Neat. I love the Joker.
Does Tony have any control of his company? I don't see any upside in allowing Punk to go off on not only on Page and EVP's, but also indirectly at Tony himself.Damn that was entertaining. The back stage and EVP's has to be dysfunctional as hell. Rather early to mid 90's WWE. And Vince Russo WCW. Tony would be smart to name Jericho as head of talent relations. Or give someone the job of hatchet man.
Doesn't matter how much of it is a work/shoot. It can distract from business. Wardlow,/MJF would be a prime example. Wardlow was red hot going into that cage match then MJF crapped all over it. Throwing cold water on his act. Worried they're doing the same with Scott Perry .
Best line I saw online. Just imagine how miserable Punk would be with a bad muffin. Tony came off like a total flake money mark. The guys shitting all over the place back stage need to realize. This can all fold over night. And they can go back to 50 dollar weekend paydays. If they're lucky.Does Tony have any control of his company? I don't see any upside in allowing Punk to go off on not only on Page and EVP's, but also indirectly at Tony himself.
Even if a work, it basically took all the steam out of a returning MJF.
Punk just seems like a miserable human-being, but did him enjoy him taking Meltzer and Alvarez to
The equivalent of the bar owner that lets all his buddies drink for free and act like assholes and chase the paying customers away.Best line I saw online. Just imagine how miserable Punk would be with a bad muffin. Tony came off like a total flake money mark. The guys shitting all over the place back stage need to realize. This can all fold over night. And they can go back to 50 dollar weekend paydays. If they're lucky.
As I implied someone with balls. Probably Jericho needs to sit Tony down and make him realize this can't continue. Start firing some talent if they don't like it. First ones on my list Elite
and Punk. Where the hell else are they going to go?
If u try to make everyone happy. U end up making no one happy.
Jock sniffer,. Black is going to take time off. Probably because of where and how he's being booked. Miro spinning his wheels. Swerve and Starks are entertaining as hell and get buried on Rampage. The Acclaim have come into there own. Plenty of other acts can take the Elite and or Punk's time.The equivalent of the bar owner that lets all his buddies drink for free and act like assholes and chase the paying customers away.
Not giving him my view.
Loved how gable moved out of the way and Braun tripped lmao
True, but long term storytelling pays the bills. This might pop a few ratings if it's a work or not. But it damages what the rest of the roster is trying to do. The danger is making the story behind the scenes the star. Why go to a PPV or show when non of what is happening in the ring matters.Here's what I think, if you care for it. I'm choosing to believe it's a work at this point because I enjoy being entertained. I feel like if Punk/Ace Steel really did attack The VPs after the scrum or whatever, there'd be OTHER members of the roster involved or talking crap about Punk/Steel. Especially in this climate, it'd be the easiest way to get yourself over with the fans to poop on Punk/Steel because he went into business for himself.
Like Bischoff's book, Controversy Creates Ca$h.
Tony would be smart to name Jericho as head of talent relations. Or give someone the job of hatchet man.
No kidding Punk. Look in the mirror on that comment. He's basically doing what he accused Trips did. Grow up jerk off. Maybe have a cigarette or eat some meat every now and then.This is a good idea, I'd let him book the whole damn thing for a while. Jericho has been nothing but a pro (at least outwardly) since the inception of AEW.
Meanwhile, Punk jumps into something that other people have managed to build big enough to give him the platform, and does nothing but shit all over it from day one.
Which doesn't excuse the Elite by any means, they've got their faults for sure. But Punk doing this is totally unacceptable.
Plus the fact that if you're not an old school CM Punk fan, which I'm not as I basically took decades off off pro wrestling between the Attitude ere and the launch of AEW...his character blows. He's approaching Hulk Hogan levels of pandering. I'm not saying he can't work (although nothing special compared to this roster) or isn't good on the mic, but his whole character is "everyone loves me" plus "Chicago." Screw CM Punk as far as I'm concerned. I like the part where he says about a program with MJF something like "Great you always make me work with jerks."
Good grief, if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you are the asshole.
Local cops weren't called, per their Twitter. Plot thickens.Will find out quickly if it's a work or not. If what details that have been reported are true from the confrontation. Steel, Punk, and Bucks should either be fired or suspended a significant amount of time. Just from AEW's legal lability.
I think this has all been to turn Punk heel. Literally all of his run since he debuted in AEW originally has been a slow burn heel turn. They knew he'd be loved by the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) and thus AEW fans (as the IWC makes up a large chunk of them), but Punk works best as a heel. It's just natural for him.This is a good idea, I'd let him book the whole damn thing for a while. Jericho has been nothing but a pro (at least outwardly) since the inception of AEW.
Meanwhile, Punk jumps into something that other people have managed to build big enough to give him the platform, and does nothing but shit all over it from day one.
Which doesn't excuse the Elite by any means, they've got their faults for sure. But Punk doing this is totally unacceptable.
Plus the fact that if you're not an old school CM Punk fan, which I'm not as I basically took decades off off pro wrestling between the Attitude ere and the launch of AEW...his character blows. He's approaching Hulk Hogan levels of pandering. I'm not saying he can't work (although nothing special compared to this roster) or isn't good on the mic, but his whole character is "everyone loves me" plus "Chicago." Screw CM Punk as far as I'm concerned. I like the part where he says about a program with MJF something like "Great you always make me work with jerks."
Good grief, if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you are the asshole.
I think this has all been to turn Punk heel. Literally all of his run since he debuted in AEW originally has been a slow burn heel turn. They knew he'd be loved by the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) and thus AEW fans (as the IWC makes up a large chunk of them), but Punk works best as a heel. It's just natural for him.
it sets up the hardest thing to do in pro wrestling: the double turn...I have a hard time believing this is a work, but his babyface gimmick now is really tired for someone without any residual affection for the guy.
If they are going to turn him heel, they should have done so onscreen, not with this nonsense.
Thought the build on the Mox angle wasn't particularly face. The hurt foot was fine. But give it a 13 mins. The 4 minute copout undermined Mox. Then the Pep talk and being fired up came off as lame. Kinda Brett Hart Canadian Super Hero. CM Punk Chicago Super Hero.I have a hard time believing this is a work, but his babyface gimmick now is really tired for someone without any residual affection for the guy.
If they are going to turn him heel, they should have done so onscreen, not with this nonsense.
it sets up the hardest thing to do in pro wrestling: the double turn...
MJF turns "face" as the "savior" of AEW, Punk turns heel...then once MJF has the belt he "turns" again and goes back to being the a-hole he always has been...
He come off as the company savior. MJF can sell that and totally fits his arrogant . I'm the only thing that matters brand.I was thinking the exact same thing. Even heels have a ton of pop coming off a return like that. That's 100% exactly how I would play it. It's a bit of a tough sell with how anti-management MJF has been, but I think he could pull it off. And then right back to heel afterward.
I'd can them all. Or 6 month suspensions. Strip the EVP off their name. Executives don't confront talent like that. The Acclaimed are already as over as the Bucks. Bring in Sabin and Alex Sheily I'd u need more guys to do no sell car wreck matches. Plenty of guys to elevate to the top. Adam Cole when healthy. Mox, Miro, Jungle Boy. Danielson, Garcia.Lots of rumors that some action is going to happen with AEW talent.
Honestly, if the Elite walk or are fired and Punk is retained, I'm out. I don't even love the Elite, I actually pretty much don't like the Bucks at all. But they built the brand and the promotion. The promotion still carries their stamp and their ethos.
I'm not interested in continuing to turn into the CM Punk Greivance show without Omega, Hangman, and even the Bucks.
Punk landed a punch. Obviously a work. Had to steal that.Y’all being worked.
These dudes just want to make money. That’s all they care about.Punk landed a punch. Obviously a work. Had to steal that.
Reigns act as good as it is. Will become stale in a hurry. Don't see any viable threats on the roster.
He's not losing to Seth. Love me some Rollins. But there needs to be some doubt on who will win every now and then.
He's not losing to Seth. Love me some Rollins. But there needs to be some doubt on who will win every now and then.