Wouldn't be shocked to learn this isn't his first, second, or third trip to rehab. Humping roads is a terrible lifestyle.Unique situation with Moxley. Wrestlers going into rehab is anything but unique, but them being transparent about it as it is happening is. I hope he gets healthy, but wonder what his professional future holds, in that I think it would be rare for his career not being a significant element into his issues he is seeking treatment for.
That's over 60 wrestlers in just 2021 alone...that's more than you would need for an entire company...somewhere Jeff Jarrett, Jim Cornette, Vince Russo, and Dixie Carter are scrambling to find financial backers
That's over 60 wrestlers in just 2021 alone...that's more than you would need for an entire company...somewhere Jeff Jarrett, Jim Cornette, Vince Russo, and Dixie Carter are scrambling to find financial backers
and what is the WWE paying Ricochet, peanuts? How has he not been released yet? WWE forget he's still on the payroll? They must really not want him to go to AEW...
Ember Moon is someone AEW should grab quickly.
Is Cage still with AEW?
Yep- AEW lets their roster wrestle anywhere they want to along as the dates don't conflict with AEW TV shows...you see them popping up at indie shows all over the country...Is Cage still with AEW?
Hangman vs Omega. Think it's Hangman's time. Opens the door for heels to feud for title.
Miro vs Danielson. Miro is doing fantastic character work right now. Miro gets more out of a win than Danielson.
MJF vs Darby toss up . Great work by both guys. MJF hasn't gone over the top which is good
Luchra Bros vs FTR. Bros can't lose this quickly.
Super Cliq vs Cage, and company. Cage maybe some tension with Cole.
Baker vs Conti. Huge match for Conti to give her character more depth make her more than a pretty face.
Cody Rhodes nonsense just a waste of Black's , PAC's and anyone's time.
Inner Circle vs Top Team. Not my thing assume Lambert goes though a table on fire or something.
Punk vs Kingston. Punk. Hopefully Kingston knocks the piss out of him.
That's gold Jerry.
Heel Bryan disappointed it’s Hangman and not Kenny is going to be a great storyline.
Can't wait for The Budge vs The American Dragon.Heel Bryan disappointed it’s Hangman and not Kenny is going to be a great storyline.
I love that they're building up AmDrag as a heel by having him destroy the Dark Order in their home towns/states. Colt Cabana in Chicago, John Silver likely in Long Island. It makes me giddy.Can't wait for The Budge vs The American Dragon.
Hangman was good with the mission statement. I've earned it.
Punk shouldn't say anything to him for a month. Kinda roll his eyes at him.I love that they're building up AmDrag as a heel by having him destroy the Dark Order in their home towns/states. Colt Cabana in Chicago, John Silver likely in Long Island. It makes me giddy.
Also, Punk/MJF is a God damn gold mine.
I popped so hard at Dynamite when he laughed at MJF trying to shake his hand.Punk shouldn't say anything to him for a month. Kinda roll his eyes at him.
I popped so hard at Dynamite when he laughed at MJF trying to shake his hand.
I don't have an issue with them slowly building the Rock/Reigns match. Heyman said as much in that you don't give a match of that visibility a 3 month story, you drag it out. They did a similar thing with Cena, teased him a few times, but then announced his appearance to maximize the eyeballs.Spend all night hyping up The Rock and he doesn’t show to kickstart one of the most anticipated feuds in your company. Shouldn’t have had Big E lose clean, Hawkeye or not. Brock or The Rock should’ve interfered.
The WWE is the star bruh. They really don't want a bunch of guys breaking out. They want a few stars and then a bunch of interchangeable acts. Keeps costs down.I don't have an issue with them slowly building the Rock/Reigns match. Heyman said as much in that you don't give a match of that visibility a 3 month story, you drag it out. They did a similar thing with Cena, teased him a few times, but then announced his appearance to maximize the eyeballs.
I do think them teasing the Rock all night, took the crowd out of the Big E match in that everyone was just waiting for the Rock vs. enjoying the match, which I thought was likely E's best solo 20 minutes in the ring that i have seen. I don't think it hurt him, and it was refreshing to have the title matches end the way they did vs. the expected Usos/New Day ish that I didn't miss.
I'm enjoying Big E's run while I can, as I don't see him keeping it until Mania.
I think it was an average show book-ended by two great matches.
I really wish they would prioritze the IC , US and TAG titles. If they gave them a fraction of attention each got in the 80/90's they could elevate another 20 guys and make them compelling vs. having them wrestle for pizza or on the kick-off show.
At least they minimized the dumb red and blue tshirts to just the jobber royal. Speaking of the women, if I never see Nattie Neidhart suck the air out of an arena again once she is tagged, it will be too soon. I get it, she's the female version of Bret in the ring, a diva era performer that knew a few holds. But shes not even in the top 10 workers anymore. If I were to rate her on the fan's investment chart, she would come in slightly above Tamina Snuka and well behind a beach ball.Survivor Series is always a mediocre PPV. The brand vs brand is pointless and only hurts long term storytelling. Even the Becky vs Charlotte match came at the expense of trying to get Liv Morgan over. Becky had to sell her Charlotte match as a face and is so good on the Mic. She swallowed Morgan up in her wake.
Unfortunately, in the corporate sense it is working for them. I hoped AEW might force them to make some long term changes more significant than hot-shotting a Lesner return or Cena appearance, but I think AEW is actually emboldening Vince to maintain this path.The WWE is the star bruh. They really don't want a bunch of guys breaking out. They want a few stars and then a bunch of interchangeable acts. Keeps costs down.
The WWE is a beast. Why change? Fan satisfaction meh. They can go for Blood Money in Saudi Arabia and just ignore it like the NBA and China. Not an apples to apples comparison but strictly from a fiscal sense.Unfortunately, in the corporate sense it is working for them. I hoped AEW might force them to make some long term changes more significant than hot-shotting a Lesner return or Cena appearance, but I think AEW is actually emboldening Vince to maintain this path.