Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

What does anyone expect. A shithead Orange fcvk preaching violence to his mindless mob and you think the rhetoric is suddenly out of control!

It appears he is a victim of his own shit by a member of his cult who strayed for reasons to be determined. If so, it's fitting.

I've said it before. There are individuals in history the world has paid the price for their existence. The Orange Turd belongs in that group. He is vile and despicable, but more important, too dumb to know what game he's playing. He's a con man grifter who's masterfully manipulated the system. If elected to a second term the people supporting him will find themselves in the same predicament.
I know.

And your selective "disgust" is illuminating.
Again, show my posts where I wished someone to get their head blown off. If you can't do that then you have no standing in the point you are trying to make.