Active shooter at Garlic Festival in Ca

They should have made it a gun free zone... I heard that works great.

Some of you are going to eventually wise up to the fact that we don't have a gun problem we have a crazy people problem.

Agreed, million of them.

Amazingly, however, other nations have figured out how to restrict firearms access to the majority of their "crazy people".

One of the victims was 6 year old Steven Romero.


Not even kids getting killed moves the needle.

I’m a pretty big 2nd Amendment but I’ll agree that something needs to be done to keep guns out of the hands of insane people. What those steps are? I have no idea.

Personally I’d like to see it be much harder to own a weapon with background checks, hell, even a qualifying scenario. I’d be ok with bi-yearly mental health evaluations.... shit, idk, but we gotta start somewhere
Latest update - 3 dead, 15 injured, suspect dead.

Maybe we should start considering the effect of having such a big military has on the mindset of everyone in our country, especially young males.

I hope he was bleeding out slowly and it was an excruciatingly painful death.
Amazingly, however, other nations have figured out how to restrict firearms access to the majority of their "crazy people".

And some countries have lots of guns and don't have mass shootings. And some countries with severe gun control still have mass shootings, as well as bombings.
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And some countries have lots of guns and don't have mass shootings. And some countries with severe gun control still have mass shootings, as well as bombings.

I think we both know what the clear statistical trends are, though, don't we.
And some countries have lots of guns and don't have mass shootings. And some countries with severe gun control still have mass shootings, as well as bombings.
if they took all the guns right now we would have mass stabbings and people running over others with cars. stonings might even come back.
Not even kids getting killed moves the needle.

I’m a pretty big 2nd Amendment but I’ll agree that something needs to be done to keep guns out of the hands of insane people. What those steps are? I have no idea.

Personally I’d like to see it be much harder to own a weapon with background checks, hell, even a qualifying scenario. I’d be ok with bi-yearly mental health evaluations.... shit, idk, but we gotta start somewhere

This...the challenge is we probably have 400mm guns floating around so I don't even know how one begins to make this work in a way that will have any sort of meaningful impact for the next 25-40 years. Americans (can we use that term) love them some guns.

Hell I am in general a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and I don't even own any guns bc I understand the statistics of having kids and a gun in the home together. I also understand that we can't just magically make 400mm guns or even 100mm of the scary guns disappear (which ever one those are, I don't know bc not a gun nut). Remember when democrats laughed at the prospects of tracking down and deporting 11mm illegal immigrants, well try doing that with 100mm unlicensed is equally as laughable however you have a group that just wants to do something so they can say they did something however the violence will still continue on.

There are no good answers.
Shooter reportedly cut through a fence to get into the event, avoiding metal detectors.
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Every hoop you have to jump through to drive/own a car should be the same for guns.

Gun education, gun test, gun license and registration, gun insurance, etc.

How will those things prevent mass shootings? Please be specific.
How will those things prevent mass shootings? Please be specific.

If all guns were licensed (not realistic at this point) and a person had to carry insurance for owning said guns (call it malpractice insurance for lack of a better term) then insurers would be able to look into medical records and also require mental health evaluations for issuing said insurance. If they deem someone unfit they could notify the authorities that someone now has an uninsured firearm in their possession.

It isn't very likely to happen but it may be the most reasonable approach even though it seems compliance would be unatainable.
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Reporters are whores. Guy should a punched her in the face.

If it bleeds, it leads.

A second suspect was still on the run. The suspected shooter, Legan, killed by police. Several others were injured in the chaos after shots were fired, but were not shot, authorities said.

One witness who told reporters they’d come face to face with the gunman and asked why he was doing this was told, “Because I’m really angry.”




Clearly a racists..what kinda parenting did he have?
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IMO, if you suffer from mental illness, you should not be able to purchase certain guns.
that's your opinion but it has nothing to do with the second amendment . I don't think crazy people should publish newspapers and go on tv and drive around in cars either, but that's got nothing to do with the right to free travel and the first amendment
If all guns were licensed (not realistic at this point) and a person had to carry insurance for owning said guns (call it malpractice insurance for lack of a better term) then insurers would be able to look into medical records and also require mental health evaluations for issuing said insurance. If they deem someone unfit they could notify the authorities that someone now has an uninsured firearm in their possession.

It isn't very likely to happen but it may be the most reasonable approach even though it seems compliance would be unatainable.

Thank you. You've thought it through. I think requiring insurance would take a constitutional amendment. I'm not sure that mental evaluations are going to prevent anything either.
Because the Founders knew WTF mental illness was when they were drawing up the constitution..
you think they didn't? so they blindly said all people have the God-given right to defend themselves with guns, because they were too stupid and naïve to know there was mental illness out there in the world? no, basically they knew in fact there was mental illness out there, and that IS PRECISELY why they thought they better say god or the creator grants us the right to defend ourselves with arms.