Ah, the NIL deals...

It's racist and you know it.
No it isn’t. All I see is a bunch of white guys pissed because their self worth is tied to a sports team.

What's racists is the reaction of white people seeing minorities get paid. Frankly I think your reaction is gross.

You have to lay out why it’s racists and you can’t.
Its so easy to spew the Racism card and much harder to defend your not. I am tired of the weakening of actual racism.
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No it isn’t. All I see is a bunch of white guys pissed because their self worth is tied to a sports team.

What's racists is the reaction of white people seeing minorities get paid. Frankly I think your reaction is gross.

You have to lay out why it’s racists and you can’t.
I explained in detail why it's racist. The black schools get nothing and the rich white schools continue to reap the rewards.

You're poor Uncle Tom approach is frankly sickening.
Flip that around. Without the CEO running the company, the workers wouldn't have a job.

Yeah that's not true

I explained in detail why it's racist. The black schools get nothing and the rich white schools continue to reap the rewards.

You're poor Uncle Tom approach is frankly sickening.
Sarcasm, right?

It has nothing to do with the racial make-up of the schools and everything to do with how much money their athletic programs generate. If Grambling and Howard drew the TV ratings and filled the stands like Ohio State and Alabama or even Iowa...they'd get the money. They don't.
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Sarcasm, right?

It has nothing to do with the racial make-up of the schools and everything to do with how much money their athletic programs generate. If Grambling and Howard drew the TV ratings and filled the stands like Ohio State and Alabama or even Iowa...they'd get the money. They don't.
And they will never have the opportunity to grow based on the racist NIL process.
With that in mind, could an athlete be censored on tv until either the network or university agree to pay for their name/image/likeness in a broadcast? This is likely covered in some sort of ncaa bylaw but we all know how poorly run that organization is. (Example, I have to sign a waiver for school/daycare to use my children's image in any social media or promotional material)

Did you think before you posted?
Doubt it. Tailgating /Gameday is a huge part of why people love football you can’t do that for basketball.

You take away the alcohol, tailgating, and people watching football wouldn’t draw 1/2 the number it does.
One can still tailgate and enjoy the crowds, watch it on TV in parking lot or in their "area". Give the school the middle finger on seat and food costs.

And F wisconsin.
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Doesn’t help DIII that much and it gets no whiter.

It wasn’t racists when rich white boosters gave money to rich white athletic departments but it is when black kids get paid. lol.

To fight this racism we need to artificially limit how much money the black kids get. lol.

Athletic departments are rolling in money. Players are getting paid.
What about DEI then? If you are calling out racism in a football post, then DEI should be stepping in to make sure that the ratio of the players is equivalent to the population % in the US. They don't and the % is HEAVILY skewed towards a specific minority. We hear everyone scream racism yet there are crickets when it comes to how many players there are on a team based on race.

You reference D3 as the "whiter" well I counter you with HBCU...
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Its so easy to spew the Racism card and much harder to defend your not. I am tired of the weakening of actual racism.
THis, folks don't realize when they scream the sky is falling every time it rains, that people tune it out. Then when it IS actually falling, people get hurt.
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What about DEI then? If you are calling out racism in a football post, then DEI should be stepping in to make sure that the ratio of the players is equivalent to the population % in the US. They don't and the % is HEAVILY skewed towards a specific minority. We hear everyone scream racism yet there are crickets when it comes to how many players there are on a team based on race.

You reference D3 as the "whiter" well I counter you with HBCU...
Nil has zero racism the best and highest profile athletes get paid. Another poster brought it up. It’s laughable for somebody to think paying a black athlete is racism. If anything it’s racists to have a problem with it.

You want to compare numbers of DIII and HBCU? Why? Almost none get NIL. If purity and love of the game is what you seek and DII DIII or HBCU might be your calling.

NIL is here to stay “as is” IMO. It’s a losing issue in the courts if you try to restrict it or cap it. Only thing colleges can do is shrink the transfer windows. You are not going to limit a persons NIL money in court anymore than you are going to limit a college freshman’s salary at McDonald’s.

NIL has hurt nobody. No school is doing better or worse because of it if you look at rankings and the polls. All it does is give the kids the money instead of marble floors in the athletic departments.

Athletic Departments like Iowa are getting about $60 million in revenue just from TV. I think they will be fine.
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Yeah that's not true

A CEO is just the top of a Officer of a company, No worker has a job unless self employed without a Company to work for , it isn't hard , You are now just trying to quantify a type of Company to push Your narrative, it is simple no job for worker no money for worker , even the paid protestors have a Boss and an NGO that funds them Comrade .
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I'll be honest, I'd love to start seeing student sue universities on a regular basis.

Same. Universities have been increasing the costs of tuition for decades to the point that students are left in so much debt some never get out of it. Greed.
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A CEO is just the top of a Officer of a company, No worker has a job unless self employed without a Company to work for , it isn't hard , You are now just trying to quantify a type of Company to push Your narrative, it is simple no job for worker no money for worker , even the paid protestors have a Boss and an NGO that funds them Comrade .

I'm not talking about companies. I was talking about a CEO. A company can't run without workers but it can run without a CEO. That is literally all that I said.
When the university has revenue of 86 million from the football program, with 37 million of that being net profit. None of the NIL money comes from the university either, so I don't understand why you people are so butt hurt over this.
Why is the assumption always "workers should get paid" when they ALREADY ARE PAID?
It’s because the players are not workers, they are students. If they don’t want to be students then they should not be in college. And the schools need to get a handle on the ridiculous coaching and administrative staff salaries. Some schools are paying multiple fired coaches millions to not coach.

The NIL decision gives the athletes the right to sell their name, image and likeness. Not to shake down the schools for it.

The powerful conferences are raiding and destroying other conferences to keep feeding the money grab that they themselves have created. The whole thing makes me want to puke. They’re on a fast track to destroying college sports.
Very, very well said. Excellent post
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you should look at a student athletes schedule to tell me they aren't workers. I am all for this becoming a straight minor league system and moving away from the university. We are not forced to pay for NIL, so I will never understand why people act as though this is a big deal. Many of these athletes come from zero means, this is their PARENTS' one opportunity to exploit their talents.
An NIL cap would do a couple things.

One, a school can tell recruits, "All we have left in the bank is..." and avoid have multi-milion dollar deals that may or may not pan out.

Two, it would level the playing field at least a little. UNI basketball is an example of a small bank compared to others. That roster got absolutely decimated. Yeah, the OSUs, Bamas, and fill in the blank schools are still going to be great, but they would have to be choosier and a few of those guys would have to trickle into other programs.

Yes, people would still get around it with cash drops, etc., but if the NCAA had the balls to bust a school with a CFP 1-year ban, you better believe there would be a lot better NIL management.

I was all for athletes getting something, but this is ridiculous. When I feel for the coaches and not the athletes it's not fun anymore.
In a way, this really started with UNLV b-baller Greg Anthony. He and a friend had a t-shirt business. The NCAA stepped in and said, "Nope, not allowed". The hell of it was, it had nothing to do with his name, image, OR likeness. In effect, the NCAA said, "No, you may not have any ambition outside your x number of hours per week that are devoted to your sport."

You actually had players needing clarification on working summer jobs for small and/or family businesses. When they then dropped the ball, or made up excuses, on various investigations, the incompetence AND hypocrisy of the NCAA hit full bloom.
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To amplify my previous answer, how long before a butt-hurt staffer or booster rats out a kid to the IRS on "suspicious financial activity"?
My guess is NIL has less IRS problems than the days of the under the table money.

Any NIL will have supporting tax documents. You think State Farm isn’t sending IRS documents to Clark?

You think the Swarm isn’t sending tax documents?

The IRS will know if the athlete paid their taxes on NIL money. The booster or staffer will have no idea.
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The IRS will know if the athlete paid their taxes on NIL money. The booster or staffer will have no idea.
Do you think these athletes who come from zero and "parents" living off the government dole know much about filing taxes? I bet a majority won't file when they realize how much money they will be paying uncle Sam. Hope the universities have some helpful accountants.
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Do you think these athletes who come from zero and "parents" living off the government dole know much about filing taxes? I bet a majority won't file when they realize how much money they will be paying uncle Sam. Hope the universities have some helpful accountants.
And the IRS will know. Some booster or staffer isn’t going to know a damn thing.

NIL isn’t some dirty under the table money.
Yeah that's not true

The video mentions Credit Unions as co-ops without a CEO. That is not accurate at all in the USA. I worked at three credit unions and was a CEO at one my self. I new dozens of other CEOs at credit unions. USAA insurance is also a co-op yet has a CEO. Many other co-ops like utilities have CEOs.
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The video mentions Credit Unions as co-ops without a CEO. That is not accurate at all in the USA. I worked at three credit unions and was a CEO at one my self. I new dozens of other CEOs at credit unions. USAA insurance is also a co-op yet has a CEO. Many other co-ops like utilities have CEOs.

My point still stands. A company could run without a CEO, but couldn't run if there were no workers. If you can find anything proving the opposite feel free to share.