American sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson tests positive for cannabis, Olympic hopes in doubt

Why aren’t alcohol and tobacco banned? They would help performance as well, amirite? What a bunch of bull hockey.

Cannabis is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), but if athletes can prove that their ingestion of the substance was unrelated to sports performance then a suspension of three months rather than the usual four years is imposed.
Total BS. Who cares. Doesn't have a thing to do with training or performance. We need to cheat and lie to get her to Tokyo.
If you are training seriously hard for a spot on an Olympic team with a chance to earn a medal that will be a lifetime achievement, at some point don't you make a conscious choice to avoid things that could hamper your performance?

I'm not saying she has to be punished, but it seems like a decision an elite athlete would make on their own. To me it just seems obvious.
I feel bad for her. That’s a shame. Seriously. Work your whole life for this and poof. Gone.
If you are training seriously hard for a spot on an Olympic team with a chance to earn a medal that will be a lifetime achievement, at some point don't you make a conscious choice to avoid things that could hamper your performance?

I'm not saying she has to be punished, but it seems like a decision an elite athlete would make on their own. To me it just seems obvious.
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The twit is inferring she used pot to cope with her mother's passing. Otherwise why put it out there?

It is shameful to use a parent passing as an excuse for a failed drug test.

She is not making an excuse. She has owned her failed drug test and suspension.

Maybe she hasn't smoked in a long time and did to cope.
Maybe she has always smoked.
We don't know.
She was explaining this failed drug test.
This is a tough one-
I believe everyone would agree THC should either not be a disqualifier or just no longer tested for as it is legal in many states and NOT a performance enhancer.
On the other hand, for people that it matters to, such as an Olympic athlete who likes to smoke, get the rule changed before someone gets caught, force the issue, don't wait until you are fighting from behind.

Rules are rules, but I do hope she somehow gets to go to Tokyo as her story is really good
This runs parallel to the whole Reggie bush whine session for knowingly cheating and now wanting all of his awards back.
If you don’t like the rule get it changed but until then you follow the rule.
i think marijuana being a banned substance is dumb but not nearly as dumb as wasting an opportunity you worked years for. There are far too many people that think rules are optional and that there feelings trump all.
It's an incredibly stupid rule that weed is a banned substance.

With that said it was a rule, she knew it, and she broke it. I feel bad for her that she lost her mom at 21; that's when mine died as well. Still, it's a rule and if she was willing to risk going to the Olympics to smoke weed that's her decision.

If she is able to go to Tokyo, great. If not, I won't feel bad since it was all on her.
This article says:

After the London Olympics, international regulators relaxed the threshold for what constitutes a positive test for marijuana from 15 nanograms per milliliter to 150 ng/m. They explained the new threshold was an attempt to ensure that in-competition use is detected and not use during the days and weeks before competition.
Sha'Carri is welcome to dance at any of Eastern Iowa's wonderful strip clubs. You can smoke out back all you want.
Risky business smoking weed before the Olympics. She might fire up and decide to go grab a pork burrito off of a food truck.
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Whats dumb is she knew the tests were coming. These arent new regulations, and most everyone else seems to have no issues passing them. The most infuriating part is its for a recreational reason (assuming if there was a medical reason, even self diagnosed, she wouldve made that a part of her statement).
The rule is stupid.
She knew the rule.
It is what it is.
What’s wrong with several strong gin and tonics instead?
Calories. Sugar. Hangover.

In nearly every measurable way, alcohol is a much worse mind-altering substance for a top notch athlete.

Look at Michael Phelps - dude smokes copious amounts of ganga - is the best competitive swimmer of all time.
This is a tough one-
I believe everyone would agree THC should either not be a disqualifier or just no longer tested for as it is legal in many states and NOT a performance enhancer.
On the other hand, for people that it matters to, such as an Olympic athlete who likes to smoke, get the rule changed before someone gets caught, force the issue, don't wait until you are fighting from behind.

Rules are rules, but I do hope she somehow gets to go to Tokyo as her story is really good
Point of clarity, the rule is from the WADA, so the US position (and state positions) are irrelevant.
LOL at all the tough guy "rules are rules" posters.

Like they don't cry and bitch if they get speed camera tickets. If shit's stupid, it's stupid, period. Which includes testing Olympic athletes for pot, speed cameras and many other bullshit, pointless rules and laws. I don't have a huge upwelling of sympathy for her, but c'mon man - the only thing that garners less sympathy from me is narcs and hall pass monitors, which we seem to have way too many of around here.
Whats dumb is she knew the tests were coming. These arent new regulations, and most everyone else seems to have no issues passing them. The most infuriating part is its for a recreational reason (assuming if there was a medical reason, even self diagnosed, she wouldve made that a part of her statement).
She didn’t know her mom was dying - couldn’t plan for that.
Would be a lot more sympathy if she was some pretty white girl from Iowa.