Anyone get any birds today?

As I know where you are going with this (and I can't disagree with the "purist" angle of pheasant hunting), I must also say:

1) I hunted with a Beretta over-under 12ga for many years and then the inertia spring/block started getting goofy, wouldn't switch to the second barrel automatically like it should.....I had it cleaned and looked at, worked fine for a bit, then started doing it again and I said f*ck it, had them put a new spring in it and haven't shot it again sense....i went and bought me a Benelli Montefeltro semi-automatic 12 ga......and love it. Got some extended choke tubes and really like it.

2) A buddy I hunt with quite often shot a triple with a Benelli Montefeltro (I was there to witness it), so that is another plus of having more than 2 shots.

3) The first gun I used for bird hunting and shot for 15 years was a 28" barrel, full choke 870 feel I have served my penance of shooting old school guns.

At the end of the day, shooting is a lot like golf.....its mostly between the ears and a guy just needs to shoot what he feels most confident with.
I thought long and hard about the Montefeltro but ended up with a SBE because I needed to be able to use 3.5” occasionally. Wish I had the Montefeltro and it’s lighter weight while walking though.

Great guns both of them
I shoot a 12 gauge citori because the 16gauge ammo got hard to find. Browning guys through and through. The citori just fits when you shoulder it, like it’s instinctive
I shoot a 12 gauge citori because the 16gauge ammo got hard to find. Browning guys through and through. The citori just fits when you shoulder it, like it’s instinctive
It's such a sweet gun. I kinda wish mine was in 12 but also kind of love the mystique of it being a 16.

How's the bird population down there?
We hunted last weekend, and success was marginal. Could have been the beers Friday night, or the nice weather, but we just couldn't find the damn things. Most of our CRP ground was relatively vacant, scratched a few birds here and there. We switched it up, walked two dredge ditches and scratched another 7 to end Saturday. We had two dogs, my wirehair who has been spectacular to start the year (she isn't a strong retriever, but did great opening weekend bringing birds back - decided this weekend she was going to take some time off from retrieving, I guess..) and a yellow lab. Both dogs are 3 years old, the lab is a great retriever, pheasant hunting is clicking for her.

Had 11 birds Saturday, and scratched 3 on Sunday morning. Strange, thought we'd find them in light grass, but hit a private piece with some gnarly public next to it. The birds just exploded 100 yards away, in giant, thick patches of thickets, that we might have been too lazy to go and explore....

It's certainly more about the dogs and comradery than filling limits any more. Man, that makes me sound old.
We hunted last weekend, and success was marginal. Could have been the beers Friday night, or the nice weather, but we just couldn't find the damn things. Most of our CRP ground was relatively vacant, scratched a few birds here and there. We switched it up, walked two dredge ditches and scratched another 7 to end Saturday. We had two dogs, my wirehair who has been spectacular to start the year (she isn't a strong retriever, but did great opening weekend bringing birds back - decided this weekend she was going to take some time off from retrieving, I guess..) and a yellow lab. Both dogs are 3 years old, the lab is a great retriever, pheasant hunting is clicking for her.

Had 11 birds Saturday, and scratched 3 on Sunday morning. Strange, thought we'd find them in light grass, but hit a private piece with some gnarly public next to it. The birds just exploded 100 yards away, in giant, thick patches of thickets, that we might have been too lazy to go and explore....

It's certainly more about the dogs and comradery than filling limits any more. Man, that makes me sound old.
Not old, wise. Nothing better than a day afford with great dogs and buddies. Shooting well and razzing your boys for their misses . Your dog looking back at you like wtf are you doing, after missing a few birds in a row. God I miss the glory days
Not old, wise. Nothing better than a day afford with great dogs and buddies. Shooting well and razzing your boys for their misses . Your dog looking back at you like wtf are you doing, after missing a few birds in a row. God I miss the glory days
We certainly had our fun. I can't wait until my kids get old enough to be able to walk just a bit behind the mutt and watch her actually work. She has had some awesome points this year, held still until I got there to kick them up. She has bumped a runner or two, but I don't believe too much of it was from her over excitement.

My 9 year old has asked, she's kind of a weenie, but I'll probably walk a dredge or two with her this fall yet and see what we can scrounge up. She also told me she wants to kill a deer, so that's on the docket for 2nd season shotgun. Deer blind, heater, .350 legend. I can't wait.

Side note, when they open up CRP for haying, it just KILLS our area. I bet there is 1,000+ acres of grass within a 5 miles radius of me that were hayed. It puts birds in strange locations...
She’s old and I want her to have more hunts before she crosses the rainbow bridge. Best dog I’ve had overall, second best hunter.

This hits too close to home for vizsla turned 13 this past July. Even up through last season she pretty much hunted about like normal (obviously a little slower here or there, took more time to recover during the week, etc), but this season she's finally entered the twilight era of her hunting career.

Has gone with me both days the first 2 weekends, and has probably just kind of walked along side of me about 60% of the time, just happy to be out there, but she has actually "hunted" the other 40% of the time in her own slow, old dog lope if you will.

She gave me a decade of great hunting so she can do whatever she wants these days as she's earned it.

Physically seems pretty decent still, but I think she is probably about 90% deaf if I had to guess.

Its going to hit me (and Mrs. OV) really hard when that day comes.....we got her when we were engaged, now 13+ years later and 2 kids she's still with us as she's always been.

I dread thinking about the day.....I'd pay good money to ensure she just goes in her sleep, but I realize that's probably not going to be the case.

****Ok sorry to derail the thread, got me all stirred up on a Friday morning....

****So far, our group of about 4 guys has a total of 11 birds in 4 outings. Between some crops still being out, warm weather and lot of CRP being baled, has been a little tougher than normal.
We certainly had our fun. I can't wait until my kids get old enough to be able to walk just a bit behind the mutt and watch her actually work. She has had some awesome points this year, held still until I got there to kick them up. She has bumped a runner or two, but I don't believe too much of it was from her over excitement.

My 9 year old has asked, she's kind of a weenie, but I'll probably walk a dredge or two with her this fall yet and see what we can scrounge up. She also told me she wants to kill a deer, so that's on the docket for 2nd season shotgun. Deer blind, heater, .350 legend. I can't wait.

Side note, when they open up CRP for haying, it just KILLS our area. I bet there is 1,000+ acres of grass within a 5 miles radius of me that were hayed. It puts birds in strange locations...
I wish my son would have experienced the good days.
Got out a bit Monday with my youngest and my in-laws 18 month lab.
The boy shot his biggest buck ever with his bow on Friday, and got his first pheasant on Monday so I'm a pretty proud papa.
I pretty much just worked the dog.
He's young and inexperienced but you could literally see his instincts kicking in as he worked. Its amazing to see a dog go from not really being sure why hes there to figuring a lot of it out in just a few hours.
He ended up kicking up 3, and finding a recently shot and unrecovered bird.
Cool story bro time...and to circle back on the type of gun to use and sometimes needing/wanting more than 2 shots.

*ALMOST* had a triple yesterday morning. My FIL's shorthair was locked up tighter than a drum, walked up to her and 2 roosters flushed, 1 straight away and 1 to the left and I dropped the one straight away first, then swung and dropped the one to the left, then to my surprise a 3rd rooster came up back to the right of me, but he was headed 180 degrees back the other direction and so I tried to get turned around but he corkscrewed me pretty good and I never could catch up to him, fired off 2 shots but to no avail.

A double off of a pointed dog was pretty sweet though.....and damn near had a triple.

Our little group got 5 Saturday and then just the 2 I shot yesterday. Our group total (like 3-4 guys) for the year sits at 18.
Scratched one down off the public this morning.

A group of us heading out in the morning. Planning a couple yet untouched spots and 1 other that we hunted a couple weekends ago and easily kicked up 50 roosters. The old SX3 is loaded and ready.
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Had a Good Friday and Saturday in NWIA. Group of 13 shot 52 overall hunting mornings. Warm weather made afternoons tough. Proud of my 1 year old lab for having multiple points. Retrieving is still not a thing for him apparently. Loves to play fetch though. It’ll come
Me too. I used to go as a kid. It’s sad that I have never taken my sons out pheasant or quail hunting before. There wouldn’t be a point anymore.
How old are they and do they have hunters ed?

If anyone is in the DM area and wants to get a young person into hunting but hasn't done it because you don't have a dog I would be happy to run my dog for you to get youth hunters engaged. You guys can shoot all the birds, I just love running the dog. We need to get more young people into hunting.
How old are they and do they have hunters ed?

If anyone is in the DM area and wants to get a young person into hunting but hasn't done it because you don't have a dog I would be happy to run my dog for you to get youth hunters engaged. You guys can shoot all the birds, I just love running the dog. We need to get more young people into hunting.
We hunt for deer, rabbits and turkey. My sons are 15 and 11. We have an English Setter but it isn’t trained. We had them when I was a kid and they are great family pets.
A group of us heading out in the morning. Planning a couple yet untouched spots and 1 other that we hunted a couple weekends ago and easily kicked up 50 roosters. The old SX3 is loaded and ready.
The group of 5 of us wrapped up our limit around 11:30 yesterday, gorgeous day for hunting out there.
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Went this morning again. Shot two, flushed 30 birds. And hesitated and missed on a piebald rooster for my limit.

Just a great day to be out
Had to look up what a piebald rooster was. Never heard that term before. We always called them albino. I've only ever seen one, once, 30 years ago when I was 16. It got up on my left and I was the left guy on the line. I hesitated because I thought it was a hen. My dad was yelling, "Shoot it. Shoot it." I told him it looked weird and I thought it was a hen. He said he knew it was a rooster when it cackled.
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In my old age I just road hunt. I dropped five today, don’t know if I killed them. I don’t get out and look for them anymore. I’m just hunting for the sport of it nowadays.
In my old age I just road hunt. I dropped five today, don’t know if I killed them. I don’t get out and look for them anymore. I’m just hunting for the sport of it nowadays.
Are You Sure GIF by Monty Python

This upsets me. That's a shitty thing to do.

I hope you are just trolling.
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Had to look up what a piebald rooster was. Never heard that term before. We always called them albino. I've only ever seen one, once, 30 years ago when I was 16. It got up on my left and I was the left guy on the line. I hesitated because I thought it was a hen. My dad was yelling, "Shoot it. Shoot it." I told him it looked weird and I thought it was a hen. He said he knew it was a rooster when it cackled.
That’s pretty much what happened with me. About 5-6 birds flushed and dropped a rooster to my right, the piebald flew towards me between myself and my partner. I thought it was a hen too until it came screaming between us. At that point I had to turn completely around to the left in waist high grass to pull up on it and the bird had caught the wind and there was little chance that I was going to bring it down.

Only the second one I’ve ever seen in 50+ years of hunting pheasants. Feel fortunate for seeing it.